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What do you all think of Pie's idea?:



As I said in that thread, I'd love it. But I wonder, is it a good idea to drive conquest monkeys to GSF once again just to grind up the Fleet Req to buy the stronghold, and maybe to open the extra rooms, in order to get the conquest bonus? It might increase the GSF player base, especially if some of the other pilot community suggestions in the Dev-opened threads actually get implemented (looking at you, improved in-game tutorial). Is that worth the dev time?

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When I activated a 7 day sub the first thing I purchased was the manaan sh and all the expansions - talk about disappointed! For nearly 8 mil I haven't bothered to throw a single deco in it yet.


As someone who has completed a lot of conquest across multiple alts (note there are a bit more than listed in sig) it wouldn't be worth the dev time. Manaan should have been the coolest sh but the underwater observatory is a joke.


Given they cannot dedicate the resources to fix a 3.0 bug that's still very irritating (and very detrimental if you aren't aware of it) I just don't see the development willing to do so unless its a guaranteed money maker - given that GSF proved so unpopular they took it out of the cartel market, hopes of implementing new GSF based features are likely to never come to fruition. For example, probably well over a year ago they asked how they could improve strikefighters. Plenty of feedback was given, but nothing about strike fighters was ever changed.

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I really like Manaan. I wasn't expecting it to top Yavin though, but I think it is pretty great.


There's three dev threads right here man. Do you think that because something lame happened last time, it will for sure happen this time? That seems pretty depressing.

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No need to come in here and Reiyn on the parade here pal,


Sounds like a great idea. Any way to utilize excess fleet requisition or transfer it back into the rest of the game in some fashion gets a big thumbs up from me.

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No need to come in here and Reiyn on the parade here pal,


Sounds like a great idea. Any way to utilize excess fleet requisition or transfer it back into the rest of the game in some fashion gets a big thumbs up from me.


Just because its more negative doesn't negate the fact that its still feedback. Sometimes you need to hear an opposing view to help weigh negatives and positives. For example some players don't like pvp in any shape or form and don't want anything to do with it (ala earning 4x/pierce through pvp). Having an SH directly linked to GSF participation would fall into that category.


I didn't even think it was a bad idea, just something the lines of wishful thinking. Right now my Nar Shadaa bottom floor is a showroom of GSF ship types. Would I pay for a GSF oriented SH - pretty likely. But I also accept the fact that the small size of the GSF community means it has no real clout in the dev cycle. Part of me was hoping to come back to legacy hangars, but at least it was mentioned. (And I also remember buffing strikes mentioned and we know how that turned out).

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My idea wasn't exclusively about GSF, althought it plays the major part of course. Point is - the game like this will succeed most when various systems and gameplay elements are interconnected, there's a constant reward feedback loop and each elements promotes and encourages to try another one.


Strongholds are popular, people want personal Strongholds with Fleet Chat access so why not use the opportunity to also involve GSF in it (cause you know, the FLEET and space and stuff) and promote both things at once.


Influx of 'conquest farmers' doesn't matter. Those are par of the course, what's far more important would be new players coming and participating that wouldn't necessarily try/bother with GSF otherwise. Carrot on a stick is a must in any MMO, otherwise players wouldn't do literally anything other than sitting in hubs and arguing in chats.


Conquests and Galactic Command gave noticeable boost to GSF and everyone noticed it, devs too. So obviously it is possible to increase participation in GSF, just has to be better connected with the rest of the game, including its economy.

Edited by Pietrastor
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The sad thing is they cant do the stuff that people suggested years ago. You are on fleet, go to hanger, take your fighter and fly (freely) to other capital ships, guild ship, planets, etc.


That would have been awesome. Sure somewhere along there your own base built into an asteroid :D

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