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Isn't it time to balance PvP as a whole @Bioware


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I've played this game since open beta, Dec 2010 is here. And I have seen this game go from then to now, and I would think its about time we look from a perception of reasons why we need to be least heard and answered.


PvP imbalances we have delt with;


A. Illum Faction Imbalances.

B. Valor Grind

C. Ripping away Illum

D. Smash Monkey

E. Ripping away 8 man ranked

F. RNG gearing

G. Bubble stun

H. Hybrid tanks and DPS before skill trees

I. Stun locking ops lol..

J. Tracer missile spamming

K. Leap bugs that still exist

L. Heal to full sorcs @ musco

M. Hacking

N. Ddosing

O. Scripts


(If I am missing any from past post something)



A. Arena acid

B. DPS with guard and DPS tanks

C. Tanks can't be tank with no mitigation for PvP.

D. Dps with too many offheals

E. Healers are overtuned

F. No new arena content or diversity, meaning no new endgame PvP in long time.

G. Hacking in PvP still

H. Ddos still exist

I. Win trading

J. Class balance takes a year to be heard.

K. Scripts

L. RNG gearing again w t f..


(If you have any present comment and add please)


Summary: This is coming just from a fan of this game and from someone who has been through the ringer when it comes to PvP in this game. I truly love this game and have left countless times to play Warcraft because this community, us, don't get listened too.


But I still have some hope, not a lot but enough to always come back.


Bottom line @Bioware, come on get your act together.



Edited by Caeliuxrules
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Honestly, those lists dont look far off from all of the MMO's that I have played, for many reasons, not the least of which include advertising as a dynamic game, the constant over-exaggeration of the playerbase, the outrageous need for unnecessarily large changes that affect balance negatively, and the fluctuating, contradictory feedback that these companies receive hourly, including threats to leave the game followed up by a 2 year consistent subscription.
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I've played this game since open beta, Dec 2010 is here. And I have seen this game go from then to now, and I would think its about time we look from a perception of reasons why we need to be least heard and answered.


PvP imbalances we have delt with;


A. Illum Faction Imbalances.

B. Valor Grind

C. Ripping away Illum

D. Smash Monkey

E. Ripping away 8 man ranked

F. RNG gearing

G. Bubble stun

H. Hybrid tanks and DPS before skill trees

I. Stun locking ops lol..

J. Tracer missile spamming

K. Leap bugs that still exist

L. Heal to full sorcs @ musco

M. Hacking

N. Ddosing

O. Scripts


(If I am missing any from past post something)



A. Arena acid

B. DPS with guard and DPS tanks

C. Tanks can't be tank with no mitigation for PvP.

D. Dps with too many offheals

E. Healers are overtuned

F. No new arena content or diversity, meaning no new endgame PvP in long time.

G. Hacking in PvP still

H. Ddos still exist

I. Win trading

J. Class balance takes a year to be heard.

K. Scripts

L. RNG gearing again w t f..


(If you have any present comment and add please)


Summary: This is coming just from a fan of this game and from someone who has been through the ringer when it comes to PvP in this game. I truly love this game and have left countless times to play Warcraft because this community, us, don't get listened too.


But I still have some hope, not a lot but enough to always come back.


Bottom line @Bioware, come on get your act together.





Original broken Bolster expertise system... that took 2-3 years to fix... but eventually perfected... only to be ripped away



Bolster issues causing gear gap

Edited by Icykill_
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Original broken Bolster expertise system... that took 2-3 years to fix... but eventually perfected... only to be ripped away



Bolster issues causing gear gap


I'd say bolster was still broken when they ditched expertise. You still had to have 2 sets of gear to play one character in OPs and PVP. PVP gear was useless in OPs and OPs gear was useless in PVP (It just plain bolstered badly). PVP was also impossible to play casually. Even if you had the starter PVP set you got blown away. Getting rid of expertise at least gave the casual PVP player a chance not to get steamrolled.

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