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Longest Queue Ever


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What queue? The game is not released for another week.


Also from what I remember WoW has never offered us a chance to play early. We have always had to wait until the release date which in swtors case is the 20th. Also, enjoy your stupid pandas. :p


Queue as in we are waiting longer than we would be if they just sent everyone in at the same time. And the co-founders of BW called today the Launch. Which considering people are in game and get to keep the toons they create, today is a launch regardless if they say official game release is the 20th.

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I was lead to believe the servers were all empty by the other complainy threads.




*brain explody*


honestly do people even use their brains or do they just read it without actually thinking? you're like the 5th person in this thread with the same dough-head comment

Edited by Esaru
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I was lead to believe the servers were all empty by the other complainy threads.




*brain explody*


Look up the definition of "Troll" then look up "1st world problems". Put those two together and you see why people are letting you believe the wrong.

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So many people today being "Debby Downers". I for one appreciate the heads up. I'm stuck at work for a couple more hours and the forums are my source of info.



Thanks for the update.


Whoo, complaining is hip.

Edited by Felghast
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For all the people that don't have the brain power to understand my original post... you may want to re-read it and put on your thinking cap, then try really hard to understand... then be prepared to get your mind blown cause it is *********** clever as ****.
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There is no way the servers are empty, if they divided pre-orders (roughly 2million) by 7 days it would be 14% (also roughly) equally saying that they launched 300,000 game keys today. (14% of 2mil) How can servers be empty with "1st day launch" of 300,000?


I know this. I was part of wave #1 and logged in right after the servers opened...and the servers weren't empty then.



So I'm curious what has happened that all the players who are not ingame know the servers are empty, when the servers weren't earlier today. I've been at work, so I thought maybe.....possibly....something happened and the servers went down.


But I know better.

Edited by Skoobie
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For all the people that don't have the brain power to understand my original post... you may want to re-read it and put on your thinking cap, then try really hard to understand... then be prepared to get your mind blown cause it is *********** clever as ****.


You're right, a thinking cap really is recommended for trying to read your posts. How else would we decipher it?

Edited by Felghast
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Ok so this morning people were crying because they thought SWTOR was letting people in too slowly.


This would be the group of people w/o access while access was given to people not playing.



Now they are crying because some servers are filling up and they have to wait to get in.


This would be the group of people with 9-5 jobs and all getting home at the same time.



Seriously you will be crying no matter what happens. It really does say more about you than whatever it is you're crying about.:mad:


Seriously, I still have issues telling the difference between ignorance and trolls looking to be fed.

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Wow servers at launch could support around 20000 people each and yes 75% of them were full but if you logged in, you knew how long it would take before you could play.


I dont know exactly how many servers there are available however i do know that tech has advanced to the point that roughly 40k-50k people are able to play at any given time. Now i doubt that EA or bioware would invest in anything less then the best for this launch. That being said, if and its a big IF 300k people were sent invites, thats still nothing compared to what the servers can handle given theres more then 6 servers (im guessing theres around 20, if anyone would like to give me an exact that would be awesome.)


I understand that the staggered launch is intended to avoid the day 1 server crash of the first starwars mmo however this is a BIG PR problem. I was completely unaware of a staggered launch until last Thursday when i got my pre-load email. They now have the majority of their paying customer base not playing a game that has been officially launched in their books solely because they didn't send out the invites. This will hurt the player base.

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And what's worse... is not only is this the longest time I've had to sit in queue for the launch of an MMO, I don't have anything telling me when I am going to be let in.


Whoever thought of this killed this mmo. Oh well back to WoW.


You get what you paid for!


Since you chose NOT to read about what you bought, you probably should go back to WoW.


You need little intelligence to play! :)


Have fun with the pandas bro!

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You get what you paid for!


Since you chose NOT to read about what you bought, you probably should go back to WoW.


You need little intelligence to play! :)


Have fun with the pandas bro!


Way to read all of the posts... you need a little intelligence to not seem like you're about 4 pages behind everyone else... congrats you look like an idiot.

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Wow servers at launch could support around 20000 people each and yes 75% of them were full but if you logged in, you knew how long it would take before you could play.


I dont know exactly how many servers there are available however i do know that tech has advanced to the point that roughly 40k-50k people are able to play at any given time. Now i doubt that EA or bioware would invest in anything less then the best for this launch. That being said, if and its a big IF 300k people were sent invites, thats still nothing compared to what the servers can handle given theres more then 6 servers (im guessing theres around 20, if anyone would like to give me an exact that would be awesome.)


I understand that the staggered launch is intended to avoid the day 1 server crash of the first starwars mmo however this is a BIG PR problem. I was completely unaware of a staggered launch until last Thursday when i got my pre-load email. They now have the majority of their paying customer base not playing a game that has been officially launched in their books solely because they didn't send out the invites. This will hurt the player base.


OMG, this is the biggest bunch of bullcrap I have ever read.


At launch WoW servers were at 3-5k EACH.


Eve online is the only game so far that has managed numbers at any given time like you just mentioned (capable of up to 100k at one time, WITH CLUSTERED SERVERS.).


You have got to be kidding me. Provide the references to back up your statements bro, a person would have to be a complete moron to believe anything you just said.

Edited by XOrionX
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OMG, this is the biggest bunch of bullcrap I have ever read.


At launch WoW servers were at 3-5k EACH.


Eve online is the only game so far that has managed numbers at any given time like you just mentioned.


You have got to be kidding me. Provide the references to back up your statements bro, a person would have to be a complete moron to believe anything you just said.


Hey atleast we got to play.

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Hey atleast we got to play.


Please explain to me exactly what it was that you paid for when you pre-ordered?


If you can copy-paste the email you received when you per-ordered that would be great!


Then we can squash all these ill-conceived notions you WoW tards have in your minds.

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Please explain to me exactly what it was that you paid for when you pre-ordered?


If you can copy-paste the email you received when you per-ordered that would be great!


Then we can squash all these ill-conceived notions you WoW tards have in your minds.


I paid for the same exact game at the same exact price as everyone else playing currently in the EGA. What did you pay for?

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