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Non Force-User characters still Force Sensitive ?


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I didn't thought about it until I read lots of threads speaking about KOTFE and KOTET telling the story was created for Force User characters. Perhaps that's because I was already playing my Imperial Agent as an untrained Force-Sensitive character that the idea imposed itself into my mind ? Dunno.


Anyway... Let's see how this could be :

- Those chosen to be trained as Jedis must be young... it's not far fetched to imagine that the Smuggler or the Soldier weren't found at an early age and, thus, not trained.


- For the Empire, that's different, since any force-sensitive one was forced to go to Korriban to be trained. But... as much as I imagine the number of trained Sith being high, not all Force-Users are good enough to feel untamed Force within anyone. Plus, the perefered Agent choice seems to be a Chiss. This is interesting, because the Chiss Ascendancy haven't any Force related organisation and, while allied to the Sith, isn't part of the Empire. Thus, a trained Agent coming from the Ascendancy as part of a political exchange could be Force sensitive while not trained to use Force. Temple herself said she joined the Ascendancy to avoid the Korriban Academy. Even a non-Chiss Agent could have this kind of backstory, or simply got past the Sith radar.

The Bounty Hunter isn't an Empire subject per say, so there's no reason he should have been sent to Korriban.


- Another solution is that the non Force-User PC is Force-Sensitive, but not strong enough in the Force for anyone to take notice.



Now why would I want non Force-Users to be Force-Sensitive ? Because it make sense. In the Star Wars universe, fighting a Jedi or a Sith is extremely difficult, even for a Jedi/Sith. Yet, the PC slays them as if it was nothing... to the point of being able to beat really powerful Force-Users. Plus, the Heroic Moment skill allows any character to use Force Powers. I know those aspects are pure gameplay, but one can still think there is a reason for this in universe. In addition, Player Characters are all described as the best in their league... and in the Star Wars universe, most "superior" people are revealed to be somewhat Force-Sensitive. It is regularly stated that those with the best reflexes - bordering precognition - are this good because of the Force. The only exceptions to this trand are specifically stated to be "****** Normals" and, as such, exceptionnal people in their own right (the whole Mandalorian race revolve around this aspect). Lastly, it makes sense for a non Force-User PC to be Force Sensitive within the KOTFE and KOTET storyline.

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If it helps your suspension of disbelief to imagine the Tech classes are mildly Force sensitive (particularly if you're big on EU stuff that tries, unlike the movies or this game, to make the Force an insurmountable wall of aptitude), then I say more power to you.


There's nothing actually in the story that indicates it or even really implies it, though, and absolutely nothing about the KotFEET storyline necessitates Force sensitivity.

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The Jedi at that point seem to take in Force sensitives of different ages - Jaesa is an adult/older teenager when she's found and trained in the Sith Warrior story, and Guss Tuno is also an adult. There are also a bunch of quests on the Imperial side where you're stopping the Jedi from training new recruits who are adults. So being an adult wouldn't have been an impediment to being trained as a Jedi at that point in time.


With the Empire, they train elsewhere before going to Korriban. There are also a bunch of Force sensitives who find out as adults and go to the Academy, too - there's one in the Botched Interrogation heroic on Nar Shaddaa for instance.


I don't think every Force sensitive person in the Empire or Republic attained those titles, there always seem to be Force users around, working in other capacities, like vendors - but I do think it would be pretty hard for someone to reach the heights that the BH/Trooper/Agent/etc. reach without being detected as being Force sensitive.

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- For the Empire, that's different, since any force-sensitive one was forced to go to Korriban to be trained. But... as much as I imagine the number of trained Sith being high, not all Force-Users are good enough to feel untamed Force within anyone. Plus, the perefered Agent choice seems to be a Chiss. This is interesting, because the Chiss Ascendancy haven't any Force related organisation and, while allied to the Sith, isn't part of the Empire. Thus, a trained Agent coming from the Ascendancy as part of a political exchange could be Force sensitive while not trained to use Force. Temple herself said she joined the Ascendancy to avoid the Korriban Academy. Even a non-Chiss Agent could have this kind of backstory, or simply got past the Sith radar.


Actually Temple was hidden within the Ascendancy by her Cipher Agent parents because she was force sensitive. As someone stated above me, nobody would get to the ranks they are (Cipher Nine) without being found out and sent to Korriban. The Sith don't want weak Force users. They want them dead. If they don't survive the academy then good.


I was under the impression that children within the Empire were tested for Force Sensitivity. Like it was an annual thing of "Bring out the children, we must see if we can sense the Force within them." Is that just my own head canon knocking around my brain so hard that I forgot I made it up? Or is that an actual thing in the Empire?


As a side note: For the love of God, WHY are Chiss considered to be the defacto race for Agents? C9's job entails being undercover and not being noticed. A friggin' blue space smurf (and said space smurfs are known to be both reclusive AND tied to the Empire) is going to be noticed as soon as they step foot on a planet like Balmorra where the only thing that's NOT the color brown or puke green is Agent Space Smurf. Both the Empire and the Republic are going to stop their fighting and look at the blue person, mouths hanging open, and they'll look at each other and go, "Did you just see that BRIGHT BLUE PERSON?! We have to see what's going on!!"


With how the Empire is, you'd think that the typical agent would be human/cybernetic human because the Empire preeeeety much hates everyone who isn't human.


Sorry, off topic question, I know. It's just bothered me that everyone and their mother seems to think that Chiss Agents are the only way to go.

Edited by AngFour
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The Jedi at that point seem to take in Force sensitives of different ages - Jaesa is an adult/older teenager when she's found and trained in the Sith Warrior story, and Guss Tuno is also an adult. There are also a bunch of quests on the Imperial side where you're stopping the Jedi from training new recruits who are adults. So being an adult wouldn't have been an impediment to being trained as a Jedi at that point in time.

Don't forget Padawan Fia on Tython(1)... Found by Master Till'in (?sp) while working on a garbage scow on Raxus Prime, if memory serves. Small children don't work on garbage scows in the Republic, and she's only just arrived, and is clearly an adult.


(1) Just after the bridge south of the Temple that leads to the Kaleth ruins.

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As a side note: For the love of God, WHY are Chiss considered to be the defacto race for Agents? C9's job entails being undercover and not being noticed. A friggin' blue space smurf (and said space smurfs are known to be both reclusive AND tied to the Empire) is going to be noticed as soon as they step foot on a planet like Balmorra where the only thing that's NOT the color brown or puke green is Agent Space Smurf. Both the Empire and the Republic are going to stop their fighting and look at the blue person, mouths hanging open, and they'll look at each other and go, "Did you just see that BRIGHT BLUE PERSON?! We have to see what's going on!!"


With how the Empire is, you'd think that the typical agent would be human/cybernetic human because the Empire preeeeety much hates everyone who isn't human.


Sorry, off topic question, I know. It's just bothered me that everyone and their mother seems to think that Chiss Agents are the only way to go.

Curiously, in the initial context of the agent story, as you'd expect for a Hutt-controlled area here are plenty of Twi'leks, humans, and cyborgs on Hutta, and there are even a few Rattataki lurking around. Cathar, Chiss, PBS, Mirialans, Miraluka, and Togruta, not so much. (My favourite IA is a Rattataki. He tends to be a bit grumpy around Imperials who fuss over him being not a human, but he hasn't killed anyone for it. That response is reserved for my Rattataki Sorceress, who objected to arriving in a Balmorran Resistance prison and being called "alien filth" by the ingrate she had come to rescue. The said ingrate's father wasn't happy about what happened, so she killed him, too.)

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Curiously, in the initial context of the agent story, as you'd expect for a Hutt-controlled area here are plenty of Twi'leks, humans, and cyborgs on Hutta, and there are even a few Rattataki lurking around. Cathar, Chiss, PBS, Mirialans, Miraluka, and Togruta, not so much. (My favourite IA is a Rattataki. He tends to be a bit grumpy around Imperials who fuss over him being not a human, but he hasn't killed anyone for it. That response is reserved for my Rattataki Sorceress, who objected to arriving in a Balmorran Resistance prison and being called "alien filth" by the ingrate she had come to rescue. The said ingrate's father wasn't happy about what happened, so she killed him, too.)

I'd have to agree as I have a Rattataki IA and he's pretty cold, except towards his companions. They also have a penchant for blending in better on places like Hutta and Nar Shadda, which serves them better than most, aside from humans and cyborgs of course.

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