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Why Isn't GSF Any Fun?


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I can tell you why my boyfriend will not do GSF (and he was a Master Pilot in SWG) is because it is only pvp oriented. Even though he is a pvp player, he would like GSF to be pve. I know several people that would do GSF if it had pve playstyle as well.
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I can tell you why my boyfriend will not do GSF (and he was a Master Pilot in SWG) is because it is only pvp oriented. Even though he is a pvp player, he would like GSF to be pve. I know several people that would do GSF if it had pve playstyle as well.

GSF was designed as PvP content though...there was never an intention or even an attempt to make it PvE. That's like saying "I'd RP if it was PvP, but it's not, so I won't". GSF is what it is. A PvE version of space missions already exists, and it's likely the least played part of the game, other than Uprisings.

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GSF was designed as PvP content though...there was never an intention or even an attempt to make it PvE. That's like saying "I'd RP if it was PvP, but it's not, so I won't". GSF is what it is. A PvE version of space missions already exists, and it's likely the least played part of the game, other than Uprisings.


Because the PvE "thing" is stupid. I'd enjoy the hell out of it if I could control my gorram ship...

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Having a "stat gearing" system attached.

Having no ability to learn outside of PVP.

Ping seemed to be an issue more than I'm used to for "shooty games".

Balance is pretty crap.

Match making is pretty crap.


Maybe if they just did away with the concept of people having more powerful ships than me I'd be more tolerant of learning purely in PVP but as it stands you are stuck wondering if you are doing something wrong or if you just haven't grinded enough.


People will of course defend PVP gearing concepts as they always do in games like this and that's cool ... just don't whine when many people like me don't bother with your favorite game type and it thus gets neglected.

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The idea isn't to force joysticks on anyone, merely to provide support for joysticks.



No, that would ultimately just add more joystick related QQ to the forums.


Here's my thoughts on this:



Most of the points in OP have been addressed. PvE would be amazing, but the cost immense: that's basically "make a new game that is 5-10x the scope of GSF, to interact with GSF ships and game mode". That would be amazing, but it is a request for an entire new game mode.

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6) Matchmaking is terrible. The only difference I see since the last change is now instead of going "Ok that guy has 4 good ships and those other 5 only have 2/3 so avoid the one guy" I have to guess who actually knows what they are doing. You still have potential to be matched against a team of guys with maxed out ships (or nearing it anyway) and on your team have a bunch of minimal at best upgrades and thanks to the lack of training ability people who don't understand the different ship abilities and even how big an impact crew selection can have.


Matchmaking is a total fail for BW (and in many cases for EA in general.) The way they do it is they match up a faction's players with close to the same criteria (whatever that might be, ship strength, PVP rating or what have you) to make teams. Then they match those teams against an opposing team. What that tends to end up with is a team that is really high against a medium or lower team because those are the teams they could actually match.


The better way to make the teams would be to match opposing players by whatever criteria, than use those matched pairs to make up the teams. That would give you relatively even teams a lot more often than how they do it now.


IMO, GSF and ground PvP are both a wreck due to bad design decisions, but that's another discussion.

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I know some people like it, so this isn't a troll post.


You didn't put it in our forum on purpose though, so there's that.


1) the ship designs. They don't really seem all that exotic for SW fighters. I never get excited about calling myself a pilot of any of the ships available.


I mean, that's fair. I love almost all the GSF ships, and I like almost all the rest. The only ones I merely like are the imperial strikes, which are shaped funny and don't look that great. The only one I don't like is the Ocula/Skybolt, which is a model that wasn't created for GSF at all, but a shuttle that they decided was a scout. I deeply love the Republic scouts, gunships, and bombers and the Imperial scouts and bombers, the Republic strikes are perfection, the Imperial gunships are very nice and the Imperial strikes are meh.


But personal taste is a huge part of this.



2) the hypersensitive mouse controls. I haven't looked to hard so maybe I missed it but breathing on my mouse oversteers in any directions to the point of frustration every time.


Reduce your mouse sensitivity. Many GSF players do this. Alternatively, adjust to making very minor adjustments for steering and only swinging the mouse when you need the cursor to move for aiming or very sharp turns. This is entirely in your power. If they reduced the mouse sensitivity by a lot in the game, I would have to increase it to compensate, and could easily lose resolution as a result. Meanwhile, you can just tell the mouse to slow down and be happy.



3) lack of joystick support. This isnt such a big issue but it does take away from immersion.


If you added joysticks it would be terribly, poorly, or properly. Terrible joystick support you can use a joy2mouse program right now. No need to bother the devs, the joystick will steer the cursor. Bad joystick support would be something like the joystick steering the ship directly, but losing the ability to gimbal your guns. Joystick players would complain that they lack the same targeting abilities of mouse users, and the small benefit they gained in terms of flight would have odd balance effects that would hurt some weapons much less than others. Proper joystick support would support another set of axes for gimbaling guns (the cursor) separate from the flight of the ship. This would result in joysticks being massively better at flight than mice, which is because joysticks are massively better at flight than mice. This would hurt participation in a game where players already complain about the skill gap. If I can use my hotas on top of everything else, lol.


Like many I am a huge fan of the older starfighter styled games like , Freespace and Wing Commander. GSF doesnt have that intense feel.


Fair because subjective. Joysticks do deliver a better experience and, if done properly, better controls than a mouse and keyboard. But there's a reason that all the recent games bend over backwards to hurt joystick users and give them an objectively worse experience: it's because most players don't have a good joystick, and a mouse can't ever be as good as a joystick if you don't tie a heavy sack around a joystick user, which things like controlling a cursor already do.


4) no pve. This is the biggest reason for me. PVE is a goid way to learn the ropes before jumping into pvp content especially since GSF has a bit of a learning curve if you want to be skilled at playing.


PvE is basically asking for a new game mode. It would do the most to generate new interest in the game, and players who don't PvP would basically be getting a game mode using GSF ships, and other players would use it as practice for the PvP portion, which currently dumps you directly into a field with whomever is queued, gogogo.


The big issue here is the scope of this. It's massive. It's a larger scope than developing GSF from scratch multiple times. Sure would be nice though.


5) lack of connection to story based missions. This is true of both gsf and the class ship components of the game. It seems quite odd that none of it is connected.


This has never bothered me. It you were adding PvE, you'd add this. Without that, no real reason.


What don't you enjoy gsf?


Have you stopped beating your dog yet?

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