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Still confused over the emperor / Valkorian (spoilers)


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I've recently replayed the JK story-line, and the emperor timeline has me confused. After reading Charles Boyd's recent posts on the matter I thought I had it right in my head, but now i don't.


In KOTET we learned the sith emperor found and took over the Zakuul leader Valkorian some 300 years ago. So this means he has been switching his time between the two entities (Valkorian/Vitiate) over that 300 year period.


But during that time as Vitiate he was trapped on Yavin 4. He was trapped and silenced on Voss. He was killed by the JK in Drommund Kaas. All the while he was building and ruling Zakuul as Valkorian. This doesn't make sense. Either he was trapped or not. And if not, what was the whole JK story line about? What was the point of Yavin 4 / Ziost if he was already free on Zakuul?


If anyone could clear up where I am confused and I've got it wrong i'd be very grateful.

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I've recently replayed the JK story-line, and the emperor timeline has me confused. After reading Charles Boyd's recent posts on the matter I thought I had it right in my head, but now i don't.


In KOTET we learned the sith emperor found and took over the Zakuul leader Valkorian some 300 years ago. So this means he has been switching his time between the two entities (Valkorian/Vitiate) over that 300 year period.


But during that time as Vitiate he was trapped on Yavin 4. He was trapped and silenced on Voss. He was killed by the JK in Drommund Kaas. All the while he was building and ruling Zakuul as Valkorian. This doesn't make sense. Either he was trapped or not. And if not, what was the whole JK story line about? What was the point of Yavin 4 / Ziost if he was already free on Zakuul?


If anyone could clear up where I am confused and I've got it wrong i'd be very grateful.


I can only guess he saw some benefit to letting people think he had been trapped when that was actually just a part of him and he was off mostly focusing on Zakuul. Didn't want anyone to think something like 'wait, then where has the rest of you been' and somehow find out about Zakuul before the Republic and Empire had exhausted each other and he could sweep them off the board with the Eternal Fleet, maybe.

Edited by dcaleb
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Also, the events of Yavin 4 and Ziost were to give him fuel. He apparently stayed immortal by feeding on death, so all the death during the SoR storyline helped really reboot him. In Ziost he possessed people so they'd kill each other, and when enough death had happened, he had enough energy to wipe out the whole planet and power up even more. He sends his sons out to conquer worlds and kill = more fuel.


It also explains why Valkorion never uses the Eternal Fleet to save the Empire, either - all that constant war and strife between the Empire and Republic probably gave him more power.

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I can only guess he saw some benefit to letting people think he had been trapped when that was actually just a part of him and he was off mostly focusing on Zakuul. Didn't want anyone to think something like 'wait, then where has the rest of you been' and somehow find out about Zakuul before the Republic and Empire had exhausted each other and he could sweep them off the board with the Eternal Fleet, maybe.


Plausible, but very unsatisfying if true. Especially when you look at the sith warrior story on Voss where he 'rescues' the emperor from the body he was trapped in. The fact is he was already 'free' and on Zakuul. That seems like a lot of trouble to go through just to blind people to the existence of Zakuul.

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Also, the events of Yavin 4 and Ziost were to give him fuel. He apparently stayed immortal by feeding on death, so all the death during the SoR storyline helped really reboot him. In Ziost he possessed people so they'd kill each other, and when enough death had happened, he had enough energy to wipe out the whole planet and power up even more. He sends his sons out to conquer worlds and kill = more fuel.


It also explains why Valkorion never uses the Eternal Fleet to save the Empire, either - all that constant war and strife between the Empire and Republic probably gave him more power.


Did he need the fuel? He was already the immortal emperor on Zakuul. Also, the taking of lives on Ziost was a direct result of the emperors power. Sending his sons to kill people wouldn't feed him, otherwise every death in the universe would fuel his immortality.

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Did he need the fuel? He was already the immortal emperor on Zakuul. Also, the taking of lives on Ziost was a direct result of the emperors power. Sending his sons to kill wouldn't feed him, otherwise every death in the universe would fuel his immortality.


When you talk to Lord Dramath, who is Valkorion's father, he says that Valkorion needs regular fuel from death to remain 'immortal.' He also mentions that V. brought many Sith to Nathema to kill them, before wiping out the whole planet's thriving civilization, just as he did with Ziost.


Events with mass death, like wars and wiping out planets, are what seem to be his food. And he seems to need smaller amounts of death (like the ones on Yavin, the Sith on Nathema and the 'zombies' on Ziost) to power up enough to blow out an entire planet.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I've recently replayed the JK story-line, and the emperor timeline has me confused. After reading Charles Boyd's recent posts on the matter I thought I had it right in my head, but now i don't.


In KOTET we learned the sith emperor found and took over the Zakuul leader Valkorian some 300 years ago. So this means he has been switching his time between the two entities (Valkorian/Vitiate) over that 300 year period.


But during that time as Vitiate he was trapped on Yavin 4. He was trapped and silenced on Voss. He was killed by the JK in Drommund Kaas. All the while he was building and ruling Zakuul as Valkorian. This doesn't make sense. Either he was trapped or not. And if not, what was the whole JK story line about? What was the point of Yavin 4 / Ziost if he was already free on Zakuul?


If anyone could clear up where I am confused and I've got it wrong i'd be very grateful.


Rather than explain it here you go. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Vitiate

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As we see on Ziost Vitiate can inhabit more than one body at once. When we face vitiate in the JK-storyline first and second time it's actually the emperor's voice. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Vitiate


Hmm, that's actually a good point. The fact that he can possess multiple bodies at the same time is rather interesting. That means that one part of him could very well have been trapped by Sel-Makor on Voss while another part of him was ruling Zakuul. Perhaps the Valkorian version of the Emperor actually hasn't left Zakuul for 300 years while the Vitiate part of him was "leading" the Sith Empire. That might actually somewhat explain how their personalities (and voices) seem so different. Fundamentally they're the same malevolent being but they've been spending the past 300 years doing different things and behaving in different ways ruling different societies.


Of course this raises the question of which version of Tenebrae was the SOR and Ziost one. I would assume that was the Vitiate half due to Valkorian still being way out there on Zakuul. But as to what happened to the Vitiate half after Ziost I'm not entirely sure. Did Vitiate return to and merge with Valkorian before we got there with Marr? Did he simply vanish into the cosmos? Or is there something else going on there?

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What I find puzzling is the Emperor's claim to have worn *multiple* faces, when lorewise he just wore two, Tenebrae and Valkorion. He could be talking about voices of the emperor, but that would make Valkorion just another voice. If so, he doesn't seem aware of that fact, or that there were at least two voices out there. That would mean the Ziost voice is most likely still out there, well hidden since no one can sense it.


How this all ties to Tulak Horde, the original body-switcher (according to Zash in the inquisitor's storyline), is also a mystery. Since Khem Val mentions the battles of Yn and Chabost (non-sith space, mid-rim worlds) where they killed many Jedi (therefore during the great hyperspace war), Tulak (buried on Korriban, capital of the Sith empire during the great hyperspace war) and Kallig (buried on Dromund Kas, only rediscovered at the end of the great hyperspace war) had to have been contemporaries with Tenebrae (born on Medriss/Nathema around the time of the great hyperspace war).


Could be that Tulak Hord was just another name Tenebrae took when he became a Lord or a Darth (sith apparently swap names like hats according to the inquisitor story). Maybe Tenebrae killed Tulak and took his research. Maybe Tulak tried to possess Tenebrae and failed. Maybe Tulak is actually the emperor, and Tenebrae was just another of his victims, which would explain why Dramath's holocron didn't seem to work in the last chapter. Khem Val would probably be able to tell us much about the emperor's past, but sadly he never actually physically meets either Vitiate or Valkorion.

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How this all ties to Tulak Horde, the original body-switcher (according to Zash in the inquisitor's storyline), is also a mystery. Since Khem Val mentions the battles of Yn and Chabost (non-sith space, mid-rim worlds) where they killed many Jedi (therefore during the great hyperspace war), Tulak (buried on Korriban, capital of the Sith empire during the great hyperspace war) and Kallig (buried on Dromund Kas, only rediscovered at the end of the great hyperspace war) had to have been contemporaries with Tenebrae (born on Medriss/Nathema around the time of the great hyperspace war).

I believe things line up best if we assume Tulak Hord and Aloysius Kallig were part of the original Exiles - contemporaries of Ajunta Pall, XoXann, etc. The battles on Yn and Chabost against the Jedi could have been part of the Second Great Schism / Hundred-Year Darkness, rather than the Great Hyperspace War.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I believe things line up best if we assume Tulak Hord and Aloysius Kallig were part of the original Exiles - contemporaries of Ajunta Pall, XoXann, etc. The battles on Yn and Chabost against the Jedi could have been part of the Second Great Schism / Hundred-Year Darkness, rather than the Great Hyperspace War.


Would fit, if not for the fact that Kallig's tomb is located on Dromund Kas, not Korriban, inside a secret temple built by Lord Pharsol presumably during the sith expansion years, meaning well after the Hundred-Year Darkness. Unless Kallig's tomb was relocated there thousands of years after his death or Khem Val is lying about fighting Jedi, it's reasonable to assume that Kallig died during or after the Great Hyperspace War.

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Would fit, if not for the fact that Kallig's tomb is located on Dromund Kas, not Korriban, inside a secret temple built by Lord Pharsol presumably during the sith expansion years, meaning well after the Hundred-Year Darkness. Unless Kallig's tomb was relocated there thousands of years after his death or Khem Val is lying about fighting Jedi, it's reasonable to assume that Kallig died during or after the Great Hyperspace War.

Dromund Kaas was already part of the Sith Empire during the time of the Exiles. The Book of the Sith establishes that Sorzus Syn, one of the Exiles, visited the planet when it was still part of the Sith Empire. Kalllig could have been buried on DK before it was "lost", and since it was an established part of the Empire at that time, Pharsol could have built the Temple during that same timeframe.

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Dromund Kaas was already part of the Sith Empire during the time of the Exiles. The Book of the Sith establishes that Sorzus Syn, one of the Exiles, visited the planet when it was still part of the Sith Empire. Kalllig could have been buried on DK before it was "lost", and since it was an established part of the Empire at that time, Pharsol could have built the Temple during that same timeframe.


That sounds plausible. Thank you.

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