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Does IA work well for KOFE/EE content?


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I'm currently leveling my SI before doing a rerun of IA and although I am enjoying the SI storyline I do not find the SI voice actress to be anywhere near as compelling as my IA. But does IA work well with KOFE/EE? I mean purely from a story/lore perspective. I'd heard that it might not be as good/make as much sense if I'm not playing through it with a force user. Edited by NoxNoctum
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There are the usual issues of Force User vs non-Force User, but they are mitigated somewhat by the presence of Valkorion/Vitiate in your head. Chapter XII is a bit of a stretch, but the earlier and later chapters of KotFE are just fine for NFUs, if you *want* them to be fine. (Even Chapter XII can be, if you look at its core message: you must find a new way to fight them, since the old ways won't suffice. That's as true for NFUs as it is for Jedi and Sith.)


But you'll get a few people saying (in effect) that I'm wrong and stupid and ignorant and also ignorant and stupid and wrong because "obviously" the KotFE story only makes sense for JKs and possibly SWs.

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In my experience, most of the people claiming KotFEET only works for Force users kinda have their heads up their darker places, so if that's your big concern I, well, wouldn't let it concern you. Agent isn't personally my favorite choice for Outlander, but it's definitely workable, especially if you like the class.
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My agent is halfway through the storyline and I don't have a problem with it but I am sure someone will come and tell me I am doing it all wrong (again).


You're doing it wrong.


lol but in all seriousness, I *personally* can't seem to make it work for a non-force user. There are just too many frustrations I have with the story to enjoy it. I have to have a force user to make Valkorion's obsession with the Outlander seem justified. And then there's the ending ....


But really, just play it and find out for yourself. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

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I've put off doing it with my agent after playing through it with my smuggler. Some parts just didn't seem to fit for a non force user, even if you keep in mind that a lot of the most successful nfu's had a stronger than normal raw connection to the force
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Well, this is a Bioware game, the protagonist is usually meant to be an existing NPC who got his role stolen by the player. Think Imoen, Aribeth, Carth Onasi, Dawn Star, Alistair, Kaiden Alenko, all characters who could and should have starred in their respective games, "Except for you, commander." Even in SWTOR's main story, this is teased. Just watch the Bounty Hunter's intro, concerning Mako:

"Is there anything that little girl can't do?"

"She can't handle a gun like you can, or we wouldn't need you, now would we?"


IMO, the story is written around Theron Shan being the Outlander (the guy frozen for 5 years), force sensitive but barely trained. Player characters were probably adapted from this, with slightly diverging lines, some of which barely made sense for a force user (the Satelle-Marr training chapter). Again, IMO, lacking an SIS class, a cyborg-male imperial agent is probably the closest fit to the story Bioware's intended to tell.

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Well, this is a Bioware game, the protagonist is usually meant to be an existing NPC who got his role stolen by the player. Think Imoen, Aribeth, Carth Onasi, Dawn Star, Alistair, Kaiden Alenko, all characters who could and should have starred in their respective games, "Except for you, commander." Even in SWTOR's main story, this is teased. Just watch the Bounty Hunter's intro, concerning Mako:

"Is there anything that little girl can't do?"

"She can't handle a gun like you can, or we wouldn't need you, now would we?"


IMO, the story is written around Theron Shan being the Outlander (the guy frozen for 5 years), force sensitive but barely trained. Player characters were probably adapted from this, with slightly diverging lines, some of which barely made sense for a force user (the Satelle-Marr training chapter). Again, IMO, lacking an SIS class, a cyborg-male imperial agent is probably the closest fit to the story Bioware's intended to tell.

That's a really neat take on it. Some of it feels like a bit of a stretch (and I'm not sure it works for all the vanilla SWTOR classes), but there are some interesting parallels going on there, yeah.

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I have played through KOTFE on several characters force-using and non.


While I tend to agree that the story was probably designed with a force user in mind - specifically the Jedi Knight (maybe the Sith Warrior) - tech users work just fine. The major sticking point is the chapter 12 (Visions in the Dark). That was when all the "man this story is meant for force users" threads started.

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Don't see how someone who has completed the IA class story, feels that the IA does not or could not fit into the kotfe stories. IA has connections to Jadus, the man the Emperor personally chose to rule the empire in his stead, the dread masters, and the IA is no stranger to his/her mind being ****ed with. You also have the fact that the IA has a companion that is at the center of the story.


I'll tell you what the classes that do not fit at all are: Bounty Hunter and Smuggler.

Edited by cool-dude
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I've played a few through both and honestly IA is one of my favorites. The conspiracies with the Alliance and manipulation that goes on between the agent and Valkorian works really well. The most awkward run through so far has been with the trooper. The dialogue and explanation about why the Trooper is extraordinary enough to be the Outlander isn't handled well. Edited by Venn_Dras
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Really the biggest issue with trying to bring an IA through KOTFE/KOTET is all the damn scripted adds and fights. They give precisely zero ****s if you're stealthed or not and you will be shot at immediately.


My sith assassin has the same issue. That's kind of the point, being an assassin, the stealth is a big deal for the class. Torques me off when the mobs ignore that I'm stealthed and head straight for me.

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As everyone else mentioned, Chapter 12 was kind of the weird chapter. But everything else worked pretty well for the Agent, especially once you got to KotET and find out about



Vaylin's conditioning and keyword.



The Agent can personally relate to that.


All in all, the Agent, out of the non-Force Sensitives, felt like the best fit.


P.S. My Agent is a sniper, so the scripted adds were merely annoying as opposed to negating all the mechanics that the Operatives use.

Edited by AngFour
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As everyone else mentioned, Chapter 12 was kind of the weird chapter. But everything else worked pretty well for the Agent, especially once you got to KotET and find out about

I feel like even Chapter 12 works well for Tech types. Even if the Smunagooper doesn't use the force, their enemies do, so getting tips an tactics on how to handle that makes sense. It's no different from the Force-using classes acknowledging Jorgan's expertise in battle planning in the previous chapter.

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The only problems I have with the FE/EE story is a guy with a blaster fighting down someone as strong as that family, just because it's a "magic blaster".


It would of been more believable if the non force using classes got a force blade for those fights with Valkorion's family.


I mean fighting arcann with that magic blaster, and then in the last chapter you don't even really need it, was poorly written.


To me, makes way more sense with Force classes. What they should of done, had 2 different stories. 1 is for the force classes and it goes as is. Another is the non-force sensitive, and you get a generic place holder jedi/sith(depending on your side, republic/empire) and you are stuck in an internment camp for X amount of years, until Lana breaks you out with Koth's help. Then you help break out the "Outlander". Then you go around and while the Outlander does some of the force stuff for chapter 12 and 16 and such, you end up the right hand man.


You get sent out to recruit people while the Outlander "leads". In chapter 12, outlander go get's his magic weapon, you actually do the infiltration with either Kaliyo or Havoc squad. Chapter 16, you do all the sabotage missions and cripple Arcann's ship. You'd actually get some different aspects of the story and do something different from the Outlander while it making more sense. Could of been a TON of fun.


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The only problems I have with the FE/EE story is a guy with a blaster fighting down someone as strong as that family, just because it's a "magic blaster".

But what is a Lightsaber, really, but a really fancy plasma torch? Having a "magic" blaster, or a "magic" lightsaber...they're essentially no different. Both are purely pieces of technology. It's the essence imbued within them that makes them special.


That said, I snipped you're "spoiler" stuff, but I don't dislike it. It would've been a neat idea, and if class stories were still a thing, I'd have loved to see all 8 worked into the story in a similar way. Still, though, I think even those changes are ultimately unnecessary for the story as we got it.

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