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Keeping Double CXP as Default or How I Now Enjoy "The Thrill of the Hunt"


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The double cxp "event" has brought back many returning players. Addicts who have never left (such as myself) are now looking forward to opening command crates. Soon I will have my first CXP Level 300 Character. (I have multple alts spread across Shadowlands, Harbinger, Ebon Hawk.)


Consider keeping Double CXP until next expansion or greatly increase the previous rate.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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The double cxp "event" has brought back many returning players. Addicts who have never left (such as myself) are now looking forward to opening command crates. Soon I will have my first CXP Level 300 Character. (I have multple alts spread across Shadowlands, Harbinger, Ebon Hawk.)


Consider keeping Double CXP until next expansion or greatly increase the previous rate.


You will only be disappointed with the Tier 4 crate drops. Enjoy your time towards the end of Tier 3 while you can. Once you hit Tier 4, earning disinticrates is such a let down towards their "Feeling Rewarded" stance they claim :)

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I'd like this as well, it's not like it's insanely fast.:rak_03: (imo) But yeah, wishful thinking!:D

But I, like you, feel the thrill of the hunt too. Ben Irving wasn't entirely wrong.:rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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Agreed this is what CXP levels should have been all along and not the stingy piddle-n-little amount they dole out to us now.


Please leave it at it's current level and DO NOT return it to that tease you call CXP.


Just look at all the players online as your PROOF that the CXP you usually give us is NOT what we want or were promised. But at its current amount with the double CXP it is now close, and makes it much more enjoyable to play.



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I agree. They should keep it or make it a monthly thing like the bounty contract event. It feels... kinda fun now.


I think this would be probably best solution. I love the way its going right now becasue I managed to pug more things in the last few days that I have in the last few years. not exaggerating. queues are actualy, amazingly popping and popping quickly. but... if this is made permanent, I think.. because it would be baseline, the rush of activity will just go away again. so if its a recurring event, I think it would create a better balance.

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Yes they should.


Also they should stop reducing CXP gain from good CXP sources. Like the so uncalled for Black Talon/Esseles nerf! Its already difficult to keep gain CXP levels, and they keep nerfing ****.


You want to keep people, Bioware? Stop reducing CXP gains!

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Correct keep CXP FLOWING only then can we try and get 4 usefull toons per side, tank, healz, dps melee, dps ranged to be the most useful more of the time in groups.




We have time to do the 29 chapters too and not JUST grind grind grind 70's on CXP.

Edited by IntegrationArch
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Since Thursday, when my main Shadowlands Juggernaut reached CXP Level 280, I have gotten gold (legendary) 242 gear in almost each command crate. Upon reaching CXP Level 290, I have received:


2 Earpieces

2 Mainhands

2 Relic

1 Chest

1 Belt


All 242

All Gold (Legendary)

Edited by jimmorrisson
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I've recently returned and I just had my first character hit 180+ so I am not receiving tier 3 boxes. After 12 levels or so still nothing useful but at least I'm getting drops from bosses again.


GC is still a matter of just gaining a level, getting a box, destroying the content, gain the next level. Occasionally you get lucky. To be honest, I'd much prefer to just have the command tokens added automatically upon leveling and just get a gear item in my inventory that I can either use or vendor.


To me it's just too much trouble for what it's worth. I guess they wanted to make a big deal out of it but both with cartel packs and with command boxes, it's just a nuisance to me.


They have been clever though adding this gold tier to the loot so that ripping out mods and repair costs are a lot higher these days. I mean 48k per mod is a bit pricy but oh well.

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I'm waiting with opening my T2 boxes until I hit 180, and not opening tier 3 until I hit 300.:rak_03: I had to learn it the hard way.:rak_03:

Opening boxes in the early levels is such a waste.

Edited by Eshvara
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I'm waiting with opening my T2 boxes until I hit 180, and not opening tier 3 until I hit 300.:rak_03: I had to learn it the hard way.:rak_03:

Opening boxes in the early levels is such a waste.


I wish I'd been that smart! Not that I have space to store the boxes in...

Oh well. Next character will be smarter...


Also, YES, keep CXP rates like this. I feel like I will actually finally make rank 300 so I don't feel as if I'm wasting my time if/when I play my alts. Hopefully I still have time to enjoy some double-CXP on one of the alts after I get to buy the Legacy boost.

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I wish I'd been that smart! Not that I have space to store the boxes in...

Oh well. Next character will be smarter...


Also, YES, keep CXP rates like this. I feel like I will actually finally make rank 300 so I don't feel as if I'm wasting my time if/when I play my alts. Hopefully I still have time to enjoy some double-CXP on one of the alts after I get to buy the Legacy boost.


They just go to your mail if you dont have space, and you can open them later!

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I agree that this cxp rate is more like what it should be by default. You actually feel like you're making some progress and it actually encourages dusting off some alts and playing them.


As nice as this double cxp event is, though, I can't help but feeling it's being done to distract us from the real problems. CXP is the symptom, not the problem.


Let's not lose sight of the real problems that still lurk behind all this:

  • RNG as a gearing system (how about unassembled components for PVE, too!)
  • Horrible drop rates on anything useful in the crates.

Edited by Kalabakk
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I'm waiting with opening my T2 boxes until I hit 180, and not opening tier 3 until I hit 300.:rak_03: I had to learn it the hard way.:rak_03:

Opening boxes in the early levels is such a waste.




I thought this was incorrect as of 5.2. Or did something change? I am quoting from Vulkk now (March 6), who is presumably quoting Eric.


"After 5.2, is the drop rate determined when you get the Crate or when you open it?


The drop rate is determined when you acquire the Crate, what is in the Crate is determined when you open it. The Crate you got at Rank 30, will always have Rank 30 drop rates, but you can still change Discipline before opening it to adjust the contents appropriately.


In short, the system is built in a way that we want you to open the crates as you get them, there is no gameplay benefit to holding them."

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I thought this was incorrect as of 5.2. Or did something change? I am quoting from Vulkk now (March 6), who is presumably quoting Eric.


"After 5.2, is the drop rate determined when you get the Crate or when you open it?


The drop rate is determined when you acquire the Crate, what is in the Crate is determined when you open it. The Crate you got at Rank 30, will always have Rank 30 drop rates, but you can still change Discipline before opening it to adjust the contents appropriately.


In short, the system is built in a way that we want you to open the crates as you get them, there is no gameplay benefit to holding them."


Nooooooo really? I thought it depended on your rank. Do you have the post you're talking about?:mad::(

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Nooooooo really? I thought it depended on your rank. Do you have the post you're talking about?:mad::(


Here is one with Eric:




Here is the Vulkk one:




If you are right and it has changed, though, I've been a dum-dum. At worst, by hoarding, you got to have Christmas in July! :D

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Here is one with Eric:




Here is the Vulkk one:




If you are right and it has changed, though, I've been a dum-dum. At worst, by hoarding, you got to have Christmas in July! :D


Q,q well thanks for the info anyway! I'll be swallowing my sadness for the rest of the evening.:rak_03:

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