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The Scions


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Hi, i just reached the chapter "Anarchy in Paradise" on a jedi consular. When looking back, i really don't see why i need the Scions, they acted pretty looney tunes if you ask me. First, i got the impression Heskal really really hates me, what's not to hate about a powerful force sensitive from another Order? Then why the :mad: did he called Arcann on Asylum? Then the destiny thing, i don't believe in it, Jedi don't rely on prophecies,visions and mumbo-jumbo stuff. Why can't i just kill them and get over with it at once?
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I think the implication was that he wanted to cause the Battle of Asylum so the galaxy would see that Arcann could be defied and so the Alliance would be born.


You might be right, but i still don't like the Scions and don't really understand their purpose.

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I am not a fan of the Scions either. They do whatever they feel is "predestined" no matter how much it might harm others. They pretty much ended up destroying Asylum with their actions, and that was fine with them because it was "destiny." I had no interest in allying with them.


My respect and trust for Senya completely dried up the moment she hoodwinked my character into that 'trial' and harmed HK, too.

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I am not a fan of the Scions either. They do whatever they feel is "predestined" no matter how much it might harm others. They pretty much ended up destroying Asylum with their actions, and that was fine with them because it was "destiny." I had no interest in allying with them.


My respect and trust for Senya completely dried up the moment she hoodwinked my character into that 'trial' and harmed HK, too.


Nothing was "predestined" for my character, she had a choice since the beginning, for example to shield or kill Yuon Parr and the other Masters.

About HK-55.. because of the Scions he was destroyed and i'll never see him again, with such "allies" as them why do i even need enemies :(

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Nothing was "predestined" for my character, she had a choice since the beginning, for example to shield or kill Yuon Parr and the other Masters.

About HK-55.. because of the Scions he was destroyed and i'll never see him again, with such "allies" as them why do i even need enemies :(


Oh yes, the destruction of HK-55 is enough reason for my character to loathe the Scions forever, even without the rest of it.

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Jedi can see possible future events as small glimpses but not know when they will happen. so it's entirely possible there are force users out there that spent their entire lives training that part of their connection to the force to jam a door wedge in the small crack to widen it and learn more about a possible future after taking the wedge out and dealing with a constant flow of future events.


A force user can not know for certain but the scions make a big deal about knowing a persons fate by testing them, but not even they can know for certain and even in their certainty they are certainly unwilling to be specific about it or elaborate further but only that they know it will happen.


The trouble with Heskal is that be believed the idea so much he willing allowed himself to be killed because he "knew" he was going to die. at what point is he certain he knows he is going to die or is he so eagar to jump on that sword just to make it so and prove his vision and thus proving it's also false because that is what he stated rather than being the truth?


in any event, take what the scions say with buckets of salt over the shoulder, heck even diggers pouring it over the shoulder!

Edited by Celise
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I never trusted them even after what Haskal did. To me they are like a fanatical group that uses the force for their own reasons.


That's exactly my opinion too. They give vague answers like " a lot of people are going to suffer or die" and "victory will come at a great cost". Boo-hoo, Captain Obvious, this is a war, of course there will be casualties and sacrifices to be made! And about Arcann.. Jedi say "whatever lives dies eventually". Arcann is not immortal, not invincible, he is a very powerful force user that can die like Malgus & Marr did. Therefore, i don't need a bunch of looney tunes to tell me i can defeat him.

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Therefore, i don't need a bunch of looney tunes to tell me i can defeat him.

No, but you do, perhaps, benefit from them telling you that *you* can defeat him. (Rather than a rock falling from space when he's in the throne room and smashing it into smithereens.)


Or, to put it another way: "He can die." and "You will defeat him." are different things. The fulfilment of The Exalted's Zildrog prophecy would probably end in (or include) Arcann's death, but it wouldn't be you defeating him.

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Well here's my thoughts on The Scions, might contain spoilers

Really The Scions make Voss society look normal, Heskal was so willingly to die and destroy Asylum just so that his vision would become reality it begs the questions whether or not he can be considered an ally or not. They're walking catastrophes waiting to happen,

and I wouldn't be surprised if Oramis and the surviving scions, who might I add are only alive because Bioware didn't let me kill them, are involved somehow in the conspiracy against the commander and the eternal alliance.


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Well here's my thoughts on The Scions, might contain spoilers

Really The Scions make Voss society look normal, Heskal was so willingly to die and destroy Asylum just so that his vision would become reality it begs the questions whether or not he can be considered an ally or not. They're walking catastrophes waiting to happen,

and I wouldn't be surprised if Oramis and the surviving scions, who might I add are only alive because Bioware didn't let me kill them, are involved somehow in the conspiracy against the commander and the eternal alliance.


Agreed. They're up to their own game while the rest of us kill each other.

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Jedi can see possible future events as small glimpses but not know when they will happen. so it's entirely possible there are force users out there that spent their entire lives training that part of their connection to the force to jam a door wedge in the small crack to widen it and learn more about a possible future after taking the wedge out and dealing with a constant flow of future events.


A force user can not know for certain but the scions make a big deal about knowing a persons fate by testing them, but not even they can know for certain and even in their certainty they are certainly unwilling to be specific about it or elaborate further but only that they know it will happen.


The trouble with Heskal is that be believed the idea so much he willing allowed himself to be killed because he "knew" he was going to die. at what point is he certain he knows he is going to die or is he so eagar to jump on that sword just to make it so and prove his vision and thus proving it's also false because that is what he stated rather than being the truth?


in any event, take what the scions say with buckets of salt over the shoulder, heck even diggers pouring it over the shoulder!


One more thing: The Scions focused on Arcann, even if he wasn't the main enemy, but Vaylin. They never mentioned her, why?

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They didn't see her as a threat perhaps. She wasn't a big deal untill much later in the story.



Or they could be sexist and think a female wouldn't be capable.


Or they have no clue what they are talking about and making it up as they go along.

Edited by LeelaSeventen
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They didn't see her as a threat perhaps. She wasn't a big deal untill much later in the story.



Or they could be sexist and think a female wouldn't be capable.


Or they have no clue what they are talking about and making it up as they go along.


it's more likely that Vaylin being on Nathema, they didn't have contact with her during her time growing up and after her return they probably didn't have any contact with her before Arcann mercilessly went after them. it's probably the only thing that would make sense. As a result of not knowing anything about her they couldn't even guess what type of threat she posed.

Edited by Celise
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No way my Outlanders an non-Outlanders ever trust them( especislly not the one formerly was one of them, the precise reason he left is because he realised they were insane). In my book, if one causes a catastrophy just because they saw a vision and believed visions should always come true( which is exactly what Heskal did), they are clearly a fanatical nutjob.


I do have a feeling they might become the writers' darlings later on, with them justifying whatever **** the Scions are going to do with the "they did what was necessary" mantra, because the writers currently seem to be fond of the whole "it's destiny" thing to justify whatever stupid moments or railroading there is in the story. Which both upsets me and looks sorry. The destiny vs free will conflict could have been made interesting if they kept it more ambigous, with the supporters of both sides having valid points of view. Instead they just seem to favour the "destiny" side all the time, with all the good characters talking about it, and everyone who sought to defy destiny being villains. Why not try to play it the other way a bit to make it less simplistic?

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