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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The problem with Sorcs/Sages.


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Just had a match with a BH doing almost 400k damage, while I, as a Sorc, was zerged down several times within 2-3 seconds or because of 10 second stuns. So nerf plx.


Ya, as said against equal level equally geared players the sorc isn't so scary. They just rule the lowbie stomping grounds BADLY. I really don't want them to get weakened in any way at 50 UNLESS some other classes are brought down as well.


Also, resolve is so so so broken and very easily gamed when applying CC's to people.


Force leap is amazing in huttball


I really think all movement enhancing abilities greater than 10-30% should not work while your carrying the huttball. Yes I know grapples/knock backs/etc. But the focus of huttball is supposed to be teamwork and passing. Not pass to X class and they score.


Grapples and etc can be overcome with more aggressive passing and people adjusting to the new situation. Movement abilities while carrying the huttball combined with passing just do not give people time to react and even the simple act of spawning can give the enemy a score. It's ridiculous. I mean how do you react to a 20 yard pass followed by an immediate force leap to someone spawning coordinated via VOIP or force speed to goal line? You just can't and they can be in the pit or on the platforms to do this.


Sorc's/sages force speed can allow them to leave any enemies not possessing instant reactions in the dust after a similar pass for a score. But I'll readily admit it's not as good as force leap for *** scores. Just more consistently useful and makes the passing game between multiple sorcs/sages a freakin cakewalk.


A coordinated team would win either way over a disorganized one. I just think they should have to work a little harder at it though.

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I feel obligated to repeat this one more time for those of us who've never PvP'd in any MMO before or read the numerous posts by the people who worked on class balance in pvp for swtor...





They arent going to be able to balance it at every single level of the game, so they balance pvp for max level. Now stop whining about low lvl pvp.

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I feel obligated to repeat this one more time for those of us who've never PvP'd in any MMO before or read the numerous posts by the people who worked on class balance in pvp for swtor...





They arent going to be able to balance it at every single level of the game, so they balance pvp for max level. Now stop whining about low lvl pvp.


Two things wrong with that.


1. That's not balanced either.


2. If you don't make the early PVP reasonably balanced you WILL drive off customers before they ever reach the late game.

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Two things wrong with that.


1. That's not balanced either.


2. If you don't make the early PVP reasonably balanced you WILL drive off customers before they ever reach the late game.


You eliminate the bugs, and its all pretty well balanced, with one exception... 50 isn't balanced against the lower levels. And why should it be?


They just need a 50 only bracket.

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You eliminate the bugs, and its all pretty well balanced, with one exception... 50 isn't balanced against the lower levels. And why should it be?


They just need a 50 only bracket.


Suppose we'll just have to wait till the 50 bracket to test that theory of ours then :). Till then 50 vs 50 balance is going to be difficult to judge. The gear itself does far more than it should so people in full BM gear vs fresh 50's will add more problems with judging.

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Ironically I'm seeing alot less sorc's and alot more operatives and a few more assassins now. Republic side doesn't seem to have as many *****'s on it so I haven't seen a big reflection in republic forces...yet.


Guess word is getting around that Stealth classes destroy low levels ridiculously and still keep alot of that power at 50, unlike sorcs/sages. We had just started to get 50's on our side too :/.

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Yeah most people would think that after being called out on the fact that they INSIST on posting as if they can comment on needed balance changes when they don't understand the basics of the game.


Who have you successfully "called out" here? I have yet to receive a rational response from you, just a lot of hot air.



Are you playing this same game? Have you ever actually played a warzone?


I've played quite a few, and been chain-whirlwinded in quite a few. Care to tell me what's wrong with my statement so we can discuss it, rather than questioning my experience?

Edited by Ezrya
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Suppose we'll just have to wait till the 50 bracket to test that theory of ours then :). Till then 50 vs 50 balance is going to be difficult to judge. The gear itself does far more than it should so people in full BM gear vs fresh 50's will add more problems with judging.


Thats the challenge, but it unavoidable. Every warzone/bg system has that as an issue, but it does fade as time goes on and more 50s get geared.


After all, its not all that hard to get the gear, you can have 4/5 level 50 pvp blues before you get to 50.

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That's funny. A single Force Pull from me seems to be more than enough to vaporize them. It's weird because I'm just a tank, and don't really do all that much damage!


Oh right, we actually work together to kill people instead of pretending that its a 1v1 game with 14 other people in the room.


Force Pull is amazing. The End.

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Actualy issue with grapling is that its suffering from a lot of physic engine bugs, combined with input lag makes unreliable in any situation when target is not in straight line at equal elevation. Its common that ppl get rooted but not grapled, land in some odd place, or graple does completly nothing on cleases that dont have cc imunity skills. (ofc they dont have resolve runing also)


There is a way to avoid geting knocked but its unreliable. If you are jumping over a sorc/sage when he does kb you will be knocked up and land in back on him or in very close prox. Quite offen close enough to not get knocked off.

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Thats the challenge, but it unavoidable. Every warzone/bg system has that as an issue, but it does fade as time goes on and more 50s get geared.


After all, its not all that hard to get the gear, you can have 4/5 level 50 pvp blues before you get to 50.


That's a long run to make currently for those of us without alot of disposable time, being beaten to crap the entire way feeling kinda helpless half the time OR playing huttball 24/7 if your the overpopulated empire haha.

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I play a Sage, I can melt the faces off most people. Here is where it gets interesting, good players get through my tactics and actually make it a fight, and I enjoy that. I won't chuck out the random "L2P" but you should level a Sage to about 30, you'll know exactly how to beat it then.
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Who have you successfully "called out" here? I have yet to receive a rational response from you, just a lot of hot air.





I've played quite a few, and been chain-whirlwinded in quite a few. Care to tell me what's wrong with my statement so we can discuss it, rather than questioning my experience?


I mean that you don't even look at how long your spells last for just goes to show that you're either:


1) Incredibly unobservant and not a good judge of anything balance related


2) Have not pvped at all and are not a good judge of anything balance related

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1: be bounty hunter

2: stand on edge of huttball fire

3: pull someone to you

4: win


Works for voidstar too. When bridges go down stand in the middle area right at the edge facing the first bridge to go down and pull the first runner to you. They fall and go boom.

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Nearly every WZ i have been in today the other team was either ALL BH's and Sorc's or the large majority of them were. Sages for my server are much less popular. Sorc's are not mirror images of Sages and Sages are no where near as deadly as a sorc. Edited by CorbennDallas
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Nearly every WZ i have been in today the other team was either ALL BH's and Sorc's or the large majority of them were. Sages for my server are much less popular. Sorc's are not mirror images of Sages and Sages are no where near as deadly as a sorc.


lol all classes are mirrored bro.

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Funny my 50 combat medic's only thing it seems to have better than a Sorc is a 25% damage reduction for 20 seconds. Which I'm pretty sure is negated by an absurd absorb shield, and the DPS of a Sorc spec'd heals easily outdoes the Medic.


There's a reason Sorcerers and Sages are flavors of the month, and there's a reason only Sorcerers and Sages are defending the class majorly. I just saw a 50 Sorcerer hold off 4, FOUR! higher people in a Warzone because he had a channeled heal that even when interupted, was just started again, whenever we'd get him low he'd absorb shield and run. We had his resolve gone every second we could, we were casting interrupts left and right.


It would be one thing if this was one game, but if you seriously look at Warzone leaderboards. You'll notice a disturbing trend of "team with more Sorcs/Sages wins" and how they are always top in every score. (except deaths)


your heavily miss informed...


1: shield only lasts 2-3 hits by a same level character

2: channel heal has a cooldown of about 10 seconds...

3: every heal a sage/sorc casts can be interupted regardless if shield is up...stop pew pewing and start spamming interupts


Face facts commando/mercs are more powerful in right hands then a sage/sorc do to better dps, and same basic CCs ONLY thing sorc has better is a talented root via our knock back, and our absorb shield which can easily be dropped and cant be applied for 20 seconds. If 4 people are wailing on a sage and he's not dieing then your facing a lvl 50 at level 30 and below, and he's fully pvp armored, and your gear sucks, and he's being healed by someone else.


Hate to say this but all this QQ for nerfs is ridiculas... can not balance pvp untill are premades and rated warzones to see competitive scene... pugs will never show proper balance ever! can tell you right now a good sentinel or jugg rips my sorc apart in seconds! assassins/ops hardly have to try... same for snipers...


i just dont get all QQ... as a sorc healer... i feel disadvantaged alot of the time simply because any melee gets close kills me in seconds. Is something not getting... because i'd love to know how these sorcs/sages are dealing 6k crits, 20k heals, are invunrable, and cant be interupted =P because i sure as heck dont see any of that when i play!

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You want a counter to a Sorc/Sage? Get yourself a Bounty Hunter with a decent amount of crit and expertise. Its not even a match.


SWTOR falls under the same rock paper scissors format that so many other mmos do. Id suggest figuring out how to give yourself an edge while fighting sorcs. And when all else fails, (AKA what you should have been doing the entire time) use LoS while fighting; every cast time over 2 seconds you have a free interrupt that has no GCD or CD. Yeah, its called that pillar in ald. or those sandbags in hutt ball.

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Meh, I find my Sage the most tactically useful character I have in WZ's. I can screw over any melee with proper play, I'm an objective achieving monster, I have significant ability to take someone down if I play right, and I can shield allies/heal them.


No I won't be doing as much damage as X class, no I'm not spec'd to heal as much as Y class and they get healing on the run, no I'm not as tough as Z class. But when it comes to screwing up people's positioning, achieving objectives, and babying healers? Man, sage got game there.


Throw in a friendly actually using guard and that healer simply isn't going to die without them rolling at me en masse. While someone else gets the objective :).




You'd be surprised how much damage you can do just by making the enemy move out of position to kill YOU and making them take a bloody long time of it. Wins matches that.

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Meh, I find my Sage the most tactically useful character I have in WZ's. I can screw over any melee with proper play, I'm an objective achieving monster, I have significant ability to take someone down if I play right, and I can shield allies/heal them.


No I won't be doing as much damage as X class, no I'm not spec'd to heal as much as Y class and they get healing on the run, no I'm not as tough as Z class. But when it comes to screwing up people's positioning, achieving objectives, and babying healers? Man, sage got game there.


Throw in a friendly actually using guard and that healer simply isn't going to die without them rolling at me en masse. While someone else gets the objective :).




You'd be surprised how much damage you can do just by making the enemy move out of position to kill YOU and making them take a bloody long time of it. Wins matches that.


This. Its a utility, CC oriented class. You can disrupt your enemy, and make him break away from objectives to deal with you. Then you run the heck away, and hope they follow so your team can ninja in behind them and take the objective. A group of them can hold for a LONG time, but once you get a melee or 2 in the middle of them they are done(because you have started getting them so they can't help each other out).


Ever try and take down a group of 2-3 tanks? Its equally frustrating because they just won't die. I'm convinced someone has started doing taunts then hiding so no one else can die on my server.

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