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Manaan SH Megathread


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650 hooks for a SH of this size is just plain clutterf***. To that end, we were discussing this last night and came up with a possible two fold solution.


  • First, reduce the number of hooks to "complete" a SH for conquest bonus. Consider this the "soft cap".
  • Second, the "hard cap", would be the total number of decos allowed to be hung overall.


As it is, with the new SH, I am just over 50% (347/650) done, but more importantly, it is nearly complete. Anything further after my polishing touches are just unnecessary clutter.


A quick & dirty solution would be to adjust the starship layout options to have the 4x large to include the 9x small (green) hooks that are normal with a regular large hook for stack placement in a location that is out of the way and does not degrade the aesthetics of the SH.


*(I will also add that the idea to have only one long arse row of hooks on the inside of the walkway fountains was B.A.D. There needs to be the same thing on the Outer side by the steps to maintain balance.)


They should just remove the concept of "hooks used" from conquest entirely. It was always a stupid idea.

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While I agree with you on this... this is a no win situation for the studio. Different players have different wants and needs, and different motivators. Besides... it's impossible to quell the "Goldilocks effect" in MMOs.


It used to be... "we need more hooks!!"


>>> Studio embraces the feedback and factors that in to future Stronghold design


Now.... "we need less hooks!!"


I would suggest caution this. Why? Because they may very well embrace the new feedback and put fewer hooks into the stronghold at a default level AND THEN sell hook unlocks though the expansion UI for the stronghold like they do room expansions.


I just wonder if conquest is that much of a big deal to people that they would ruin ap erfectly good stronghold by throwing in decorations they otherwise may not bother with.


Wish conquest would get a major overhaul in this game, it could be so much more for one thing and not impede on other parts of the game as another.

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I just wonder if conquest is that much of a big deal to people that they would ruin ap erfectly good stronghold by throwing in decorations they otherwise may not bother with.


Wish conquest would get a major overhaul in this game, it could be so much more for one thing and not impede on other parts of the game as another.


20K weeks it isn't as big an issue as the 50K ones.

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Disappointed with Manaan Stronghold, go to the rooftop terrace looks like you walked into some back alleyway. At least with Yavin 4 you could got to the high point of your stronghold and get a great 360 degree view. And why are all the windows above the water so hard to see through? Nar Shadda Stronghold you can see out the windows without a problem. And the windows below the waterline have limited views.
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Has anyone else been finding more and more errors with the deco map as they decorate? It's honestly jarring to see just simple things off.


One row of fountains the hook is slightly leaning by 1 unit one way. The left raised circular large hook in the main area is off center by a couple units. One side of the green hooks lining the courtyard is 1 unit ahead of the other. Leaving aside all of the visual gaffes, the hooks are just not symmetrical even when there is zero reason they shouldn't be. It's really annoying and making me have to individual recheck every single deco I have placed. And that's almost inexcusable since hooks are the easiest features of an SH to alter!


Did no one test the manaan stronghold? Did someone in the deco community come in and truly play with this?


Apparently it wasn't even on PTS according to some. In case anyone wants to voice reason for the return of a public pts with more open discussion and the end of this Area 51-esque secrecy with PTS, this stronghold is exhibit A.



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Impressive input!!! :eek:


thank you! :)

I was taught with art criticism its easier to explain what parts you like, don't like, and how to improve. I figure by giving the devs as much actual visual feedback as possible it may be helpful for them, if they decide to listen to it.



someone further down

Also its not the issue of them giving us a ton of hooks, its the positioning of the hooks and how some of the decor has been created to fit certain hooks only.



Dev team, I really hope you please consider what I and others have posted. This has been a long desired stronghold for many people and its like being given Alderaan but then no gardens, multi weather areas, or any of the actual architecture that make it so loved. It's very much fixable, and you'd have a lot more really happy people if you guys actually worked on it more.

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Yes they do.


I mean what is the deal with that hook on ceilings where Lights should go - what "genius" let that one slip through Quality Control (do they even have Quality Control anymore)?


All The Best



Try using the lights you would normally put on small hooks. For example: Underworld Light Node, Octagonal Light Node, Gree Light (blue), Gree Light(orange), Basic Junker's Light, Huttese Wall Sconce...even Basic Junker's Light works.


It depends what luminosity you want but there are a number of things that provide light and look nice on that small hook in the ceiling.


Play with your decos that provide luminosity till you find one that suits the room. Don't just look under "Lights" though. You can find interesting things to do if you just look at anything that would fit in that hook.

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