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KOTFE CHapter XII: Visions in the Dark


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Just ran threw this chapter again and the tone satele takes with your character reminds me of the vision quest you go on voss. I guess this due to her neutral stance with the force but I just thought it was interesting.
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Yeah, she's changed a lot since Arcann invaded with the fleet. She didn't even deny it when one of my characters mentioned it was amusing that Marr had gone to the Light while Satele had fallen to the Dark. I found that chapter interesting , and enjoyed it even on my non-force users.
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Satele never fell to the dark side, she went into voluntary exile in the hopes of finding the outlander, it turns out Marr found her in the force and the two of them have been on Odessen ever since waiting for the outlander. it's not surprising a woman in her late 60's is starting to get a little odd, especially being so far from home and any medical facility.


but then again she was trying to find a balance between her actions of ignorance and a resolution that she couldn't do anything else and must help the outlander as a form of redemption. Marr was in exactly the same position, his lack of foresight and his death left the empire without strong leadership and his only way to save the empire was through the outlander.

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That chapter has to be one of my favorite things in SWTOR in general. And it does remind me a little of the vision quest on Voss, too.


As someone else said it's not about either of them going Dark or Light - it's about then finding balance and common ground instead of going to extremes, and realizing there's merit in both sides. I wished there had been more of the Marr & Satele team in KOTFE because they were fun to listen to.

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This was without 1 of my absolute favourite chapters when i just ran it for the first time, a few days ago with my Jedi Knight. Just me all alone in the Odessan wilderness, at night, and the whole quest you go through, something about that i just honestly really loved so much.


I felt bad for Satele after all that.


It makes me think back to when i first started with my Jedi characters so long ago, she was there, leading the Jedi in the war against the Sith Empire, then the Eternal Empire came along, countless Jedi massacred, she seemed so broken...it was sad to see.


On a side note, are those robes she was wearing exist in the game atm? I really want them for my Consular...?

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Satele never fell to the dark side, she went into voluntary exile in the hopes of finding the outlander, it turns out Marr found her in the force and the two of them have been on Odessen ever since waiting for the outlander. it's not surprising a woman in her late 60's is starting to get a little odd, especially being so far from home and any medical facility.


but then again she was trying to find a balance between her actions of ignorance and a resolution that she couldn't do anything else and must help the outlander as a form of redemption. Marr was in exactly the same position, his lack of foresight and his death left the empire without strong leadership and his only way to save the empire was through the outlander.


I don't think she necessarily fell to the darkside but as you see the book of sith training from korriban she has studied it. I think he stance is more neutral as you play the chapter even darth marr and valkorion tell you light and dark isn't enough. Anyway, I think she will reveal herself as the traitor on iokath and that she is still following the Will of the force. It has been said that all the women in the shan lineage skirt close to the darkside, not saying she fell but it would be interesting... I would assume satele had gotten even more powerful with her studying the sith teachings and the teachings of the eternal knights.

Edited by Mzuta
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