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Stealth Rez broken?


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when did they fixed and why did they do it?


its basicly impossible to stelth rez after 2 sec of casting it stops/breaks cast and we get into combat..kinda suxx tbh

Edited by Threjyan
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I have noticed it on both classes that once simple SRs on fights are nigh impossible. And it's happening in parts where I know SR is possible. The thing is looking through the logs it doesn't even tell me what put me back in Combat or that I even re-entered Combat itself.
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I noticed the same the other day @Brontes. However, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I definetely brought a rez through some days ago @Grob'thok while he hanged under the magnet.


Usually, the following will put you back in combat:

- Guard on a target, that is in combat

- wandering ment

- damage incoming (even, when restisted)

- someone else, who is out of combat enters combat

- adds spawning

- hots on an allied target

- dots on an enemy target (not sure about that, because dots in pvp don't put you back in combat, when you stealth out)


If someone else heals you, except of wandering ment, it is no problem at all. That's a popular misunderstanding.


For me, usually as a shadow/sin-tank, I thought, the guard was the problem, everytime the cast aborted. But if you also noticed it, they possibly really have done something.

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