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IO mercs thought they were safe.


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06.30.2017 , 05:24 PM | #1 This is the last staff post in this thread.


Hey folks,


Below you will find the currently planned Class changes for Innovative Ordnance and Assault Specialist coming in Game Update 5.3.



Note: All changes below are currently in development and are subject to change before being released.



Innovative Ordnance

Reduced the critical damage bonus given by Ordnance Expert from 30% to 15%

Reduced the burn damage of Incendiary Missile by 10%

Reduced the bleed damage of Serrated Shot by 12%



Assault Specialist

Reduced the critical damage bonus given by Assault Trooper from 30% to 15%

Reduced the burn damage of Incendiary Round by 10%

Reduced the bleed damage of Serrated Bolt by 12%


DevNotes: We adjusted Ordnance Expert / Assault Trooper to reduce the burst damage potential of the discipline, which also lowered its overall DPS. However, that change alone was not enough to bring the discipline down to its target DPS, so we reduced the periodic damage of two key abilities as well. The cumulative effect of these changes is that both the burst damage potential and sustained damage potential for Innovative Ordnance Mercenaries / Assault Specialist Commandos have been reduced by a fair amount to bring them down to their target DPS.

Theres this ranked player on harb who's really impressed with himself, he's an IO merc an was giving me a hard time on my sorc cause I couldnt beat him 1v1 in ranked.


This post is primarily to put this nerf here on the forum and for PvP discussion.



the mercs name who was so impressed with his class was "Winter****" cant say the whole name,

forum rules.


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Wait, he was giving you a hard time because you, as a sorc, couldn't 1v1 him? There's no reason for a merc to ever lose to a sorc in 1v1. IO does(did..) have some pretty good burst for a sustained class, just the heat management sucks compared to Arsenal, where you rarely if ever have to use your basic attack nor vent heat and thermal sensor override.

Also I'm positive either DPS spec of Mercs in 5.3 will still be able to 1v1 dps sorcs without much issue.

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lulz. I told him a fotm should never talk trash. he said


"Im IO, im not getting a nerf. do you any idea who I am!"


"I dont care, I dont watch streams"


"you should, maybe then youd get better. Let me 1v1 the **** sorc"


I was like... really? your so bad at merc that you think your going to prove your good by beating a sorc dps in 5.x?

Edited by Seterade
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Sorc is terrible against ranged who know what they're doing unless the sorc has a ton of LOS. It is mathematically impossible for a sorc to beat a merc of equal skill/gear unless the sorc uses LOS. Nobody should be talking smack to sorcs lol. A sorc has to work hard and pick the right utilities to beat anyone decent. It's finesse work and a lot of fun, but also a grind.


A pillar humping sorc can fare pretty well.


I appreciate you giving sorc a shot; we need more people playing harder classes in this meta (sorc, pt, sin), not fotm.

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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I ran assault a while in wzs. It actually put out more dps than gunnery and you still had a strong burst if you needed it. Resource management on io/assault is ridiculously easy in a PvP setting actually as that one utility that gives you back heat if you got stunned etc almost always triggered in a wz fight. Well whatever, it will still be very strong in WZ until the ridiculous three lives DcDs are reduced.
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Theres this ranked player on harb who's really impressed with himself, he's an IO merc an was giving me a hard time on my sorc cause I couldnt beat him 1v1 in ranked.


This post is primarily to put this nerf here on the forum and for PvP discussion.



the mercs name who was so impressed with his class was "Winter****" cant say the whole name,

forum rules.


How about you stop feeding trolls in ranked and mind your own business ? It's better for you, trust me. You play a class that isn't in a very good position right now. What did you expect to happen ?

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How about you stop feeding trolls in ranked and mind your own business ? It's better for you, trust me. You play a class that isn't in a very good position right now. What did you expect to happen ?


He wasnt a troll, appearently hes a super skilled stream extraordinaire, I was minding my own business. this topic is to discuss IO nerfs. and... I was playing my alt for giggles. I dont play sorc in ranked, I play sin an sniper.


why exactly are you defending him? unless your his fanboi.

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make it out to be whatever you want.


I generally don't post without reason, and my reason for posting the IO nerf was because of my experience.


I don't see how me having an unpleasant experience and sharing said experience makes me butthurt. After all, I'm still playing the game, I play ranked ranked on my sorc once in a blue moon (indicating this was a isolated story). Though I can hardly blame you thinking that, since 90% of people I meet only speak of negatives in life when they want it to change and are asking for help.


Life is full of negative experiences, you can't get bent out of shape over everything. However this topic was to point out to my favorite IO merc that he was being nerfed. It was hardly directed at you, despite that you are welcome to add your 2 cents.


As for his name? No one forced you to click spoiler. It's there for a reason.

Edited by Seterade
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You should of reminded that merc that the reasons they're so overpowered right now is the defensive utilities that all mercs have. A small golf clap may be warrented for him not playing braindead-arsenal spec, but arsenal spec is not why mercs win duels.
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He wasnt a troll, appearently hes a super skilled stream extraordinaire, I was minding my own business. this topic is to discuss IO nerfs. and... I was playing my alt for giggles. I dont play sorc in ranked, I play sin an sniper.


why exactly are you defending him? unless your his fanboi.


never heard of the streamer but i did have a sniper want to duel me on mine the other day he then proceeded to try and taunt/stalk me while i was doing gtn stuff funny how that works expecting duels to a under sub par class like they good. God pvp is bad now compared to the days when i got battlemaster at launch ya this games pvp nose dived and has never been able to recover.

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The real takeaway from this thread is if you are playing the OP class and feel the need to talk smack to a lesser class, then you darn-well-better be able to switch rolls and be able to beat the OP class yourself while playing the weaker class. Other wise, shut-yer-yap because you are a no skill hack that gravitates to situations where you have extreme advantage just to bully others. In short: You suck at PvP.


Now, if the bully would roll up a power tech or something bottom of the OPness scale and wants to talk trash against a skilled Merc/Sniper and actually have the skills to back it up - well then there's someone worth listening to.

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Yeah, rules for talking trash, sounds realistic.


If someone stomps all over you and talks trash and there's nothing you can do about it, welcome to the internet.


Going to the forums to say you got helplessly embarrassed isn't a great plan.

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