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guys you need to relax in solo que


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Your futile attempts to prove each other wrong are boring and this topic has been derailed into the ground. Please revive pleas to the community to stop being toxic and calling you names when then they think you ruined their ELO. Please, it's way more entertaining to read.


No one cares what's entertaining for you to read. If you have an interest in reducing toxic behaviour, a good start would be to stop posting. You're nothing but a troll.

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No one cares what's entertaining for you to read. If you have an interest in reducing toxic behaviour, a good start would be to stop posting. You're nothing but a troll.


After somone calls you out for derailing a thread into irl political debates try calling them a troll, it works wonders.

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As an european i find the american notions of right vs left wing and the '''debates'' that follow, very entertaining and hilarious. How did you manage to drag swtor's PvP in such a discussion is also really fun to watch.

Please continue. :rak_grin:

Edited by Kaedusz
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Saying that you weren't really calling me (or others who disagree with you) a Trump supporter is disingenuous at best, and straight up dishonest at worst. If you're going to make broad accusations/defamatory comments, at least stick by them.



What the hell does being a Trump Supporter or not have to do with anything in this game? heh The guy's a friggen idiot, we all know that, but the elections over.


What's next, Darth Vader's sexual preferences?

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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What the hell does being a Trump Supporter or not have to do with anything in this game? heh The guy's a friggen idiot, we all know that, but the elections over.


What's next, Darth Vader's sexual preferences?


Agreed. Someone offered a different opinion re. toxic behaviour in the game and the thread was then tainted by toxic references to political leanings.


Also, I hear Darth Vader identifies as a vacuum cleaner. Not sure what "his" pronouns are though.

Edited by DsevenO
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You do realize that millenials get paid less, work more, and have a lower unemployment than babyboomers right? Seriously, **** with that nonsensical right wing crapaganda. Seriously, look where its gotten you guys.


Wow, what an idiot. You realize when you start in a career you are lower paid than someone who has been there for years right? I hire for a large company and what I see is millenials are the first generation that actually feel they should be compensated MORE than a company actually gets out of them in worth. So for some reason the "entitled" think they are "owed" a job just because they exist, and not that they will actually help the company make money to offset their wages. Now of course when I interview, I find some millenials are smart with a good work ethic and I hire them, but that's rare to find them. The older applicants typically get favored for that reason. Maybe if you dropped your entitlement mentality you'd be more sought after in the workplace. Until then, good luck living in your parents basement.



As far as solo queue: if we had a nice matchmaking system solo queue wouldn't be nearly as bad. Simple.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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After somone calls you out for derailing a thread into irl political debates try calling them a troll, it works wonders.


Are you still here? I didn't derail the thread, I called someone out for derailing it. Much like with your moronic blather in another thread, I spent too much time debunking their nonsense. Perennial trolls like you don't care much for facts though. Begone you absolute nothing.

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Are you still here? I didn't derail the thread, I called someone out for derailing it. Much like with your moronic blather in another thread, I spent too much time debunking their nonsense. Perennial trolls like you don't care much for facts though. Begone you absolute nothing.


Absolute nothing, lol top notch insult xD

I rate 9/10, needs more QQ

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These cancerous little ***** dont quite understand that they are the reason people don't que yolos. Can't blame millennials tho, it was their parents doing a ****tastic job of parenting that did it. Society says we cannot hold them accountable, we have to give them what they believe they are entitled to as we attempt to discuss when them how to act, same as we do a 2 year old.


This is the dumbest thing I've read today... Not gonna get into a political debate on the internet, but wow...




I think people forget that this is just a game. It's suppose to be fun. Instead of throwing insults at someone, why not give them advice on how to improve? Why not be supportive of the player so they will want to improve? I'm all down for being competitive. I'm pretty competitive when I play sports irl. However, it's just a game, I'm not gonna start throwing hands because my team isn't doing the best.


I notice in my personal experience that lots of pvp players that are toxic (this is in regs too) have a lack of situational awareness. They get mad about stuff they really shouldn't get mad at. I've seen Juggs force leap into a fight way ahead of their team, not realize that their healer was mezzed/stunned, then wonder why they weren't getting healed immediately. I've seen people in regs get pissed off that their team for not doing good, failing to realize that the enemy team has multiple healers & tanks, while their team doesn't have any healers.


There's lots of things that make ranked pvp bad. The rewards aren't the best. Class balanced isn't strong. It rewards the most amount of CXP for pvp, resulting in people only queuing for the CXP. There are more, but despite all these negatives, people still care too damn much about their ranking and take it way to seriously.


People constantly have to type "Que Ranked" into the fleet chat. So many ranked pvpers know each other and rate them. The ranked pvp community is small. And despite this, when someone new wants to try out ranked pvp, you're going to flame this person and tell them not to que?


TLDR: It's a game. People need to have fun.

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This is the dumbest thing I've read today... Not gonna get into a political debate on the internet, but wow...




I think people forget that this is just a game. It's suppose to be fun. Instead of throwing insults at someone, why not give them advice on how to improve? Why not be supportive of the player so they will want to improve? I'm all down for being competitive. I'm pretty competitive when I play sports irl. However, it's just a game, I'm not gonna start throwing hands because my team isn't doing the best.



But ranked players do give advice. Some of the tried and true advice that seems to work is:

1. Git gud

2. l2p

3. kys

4. play merc

5. sorc heal only pl0x

6. don't PT

7. l2kite

8. don't be bad

9. & My personal favorite "don't get globalled"


With such wisdom, anyone can be master ranker!

Edited by DenariusJay
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tbh i get and see more trash talk in regs than in ranked. I've even done ~30 matches on ap pt in sr, and had only one person complaining. And at one point i decided to sit through double hard stun on sniper -> globaled. Received nothing but something along the lines "4 burst classes can and will destroy you in double hard stun".


Overall my experience has been pretty positive in ranked, if not counting leavers/afkers/throwers.


In regs i tend to get trash talked a lot more, by enemies and/or teammates. Usually by enemies if capping their nodes/delaying their caps. And by teammates when i carry huttball 1v6 and make one miss pass, or when holding node vs 4 and getting no help. FeelsBadMan

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Overall my experience has been pretty positive in ranked, if not counting leavers/afkers/throwers.


What class do you play?


Edit: nvm, you mentioned ap pt. It's good to hear you're not getting griefed by reroll mercs for playing a dps pt. I play a dps jugg and the qq/hate is incessant.

Edited by DsevenO
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What class do you play?


Edit: nvm, you mentioned ap pt. It's good to hear you're not getting griefed by reroll mercs for playing a dps pt. I play a dps jugg and the qq/hate is incessant.


Just mentioned the 30 matches on ap pt bcos im myself surprised i haven't got much trash talk/complaining about it :p Other than that, i mostly play conc oper and anni/fury mara.With occasional mm sniper. And little bit decep sin too

Edited by Kirpputori
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I enjoy ranked. Not many care about elo anymore. If you do, get over it. The rewards are crap. If you aren't top 3 for your class, your elo REALLY means nothing. So yea, I do my daily's on my merc, sorc, and pt. When i'm really bored, I'll queue up on my mara or sniper just to try to get better at them. Regs don't teach you anything. Edited by VaceDemon
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Hah, they dig their own grave when Im in the group. Granted, I dont consider myself the best player out there, and I have bad matches like anyone, but I usually give my teammates 1 match to show their true colors, and if they are rude, mean, derogatory, or otherwise overly critical, then the additional matches i focus solely on getting medals and finishing the match as quickly as possible, win or lose. These players do themselves a dis-service by showing their attitudes, and since they are typically the ones that have something "precious" on thr line, they are the ones who have something to lose.
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But ranked players do give advice. Some of the tried and true advice that seems to work is:

1. Git gud

2. l2p

3. kys

4. play merc

5. sorc heal only pl0x

6. don't PT

7. l2kite

8. don't be bad

9. & My personal favorite "don't get globalled"


With such wisdom, anyone can be master ranker!


How could I forget this value information they share!?! Praise to these players! These tips are very descriptive and not vague at all. The best part of these tips they give us is that they come straight from the heart. They care!


I'm gonna take some pictures of my favorite ranked players, then hang it on my refrigerator.


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What class do you play?


Edit: nvm, you mentioned ap pt. It's good to hear you're not getting griefed by reroll mercs for playing a dps pt. I play a dps jugg and the qq/hate is incessant.


I can't remember the last time I have logged in to play. I lost interest and found other outlets, games, or went back to other ones for pvp. I too have always played a jugg/guardian and, because of the current state, just gave up. I have been a swtor pvp supporter since the beginning but, since I have not played in over 6 - 8 months and I am now questioning why I still subscribe. The new rewards do not excite me....gave me no reason to get all pumped up to come back. Maybe one day.

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What the hell does being a Trump Supporter or not have to do with anything in this game? heh The guy's a friggen idiot, we all know that, but the elections over.


What's next, Darth Vader's sexual preferences?


These cancerous little ***** dont quite understand that they are the reason people don't que yolos. Can't blame millennials tho, it was their parents doing a ****tastic job of parenting that did it. Society says we cannot hold them accountable, we have to give them what they believe they are entitled to as we attempt to discuss when them how to act, same as we do a 2 year old.



When someone posts something like that, do not be surprised if suddenly a flame war breaks out.


As for Darth Vaders preference....can he even....you know, do it anymore? :confused:

Edited by mmmbuddah
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Wow, what an idiot. You realize when you start in a career you are lower paid than someone who has been there for years right? I hire for a large company and what I see is millenials are the first generation that actually feel they should be compensated MORE than a company actually gets out of them in worth. So for some reason the "entitled" think they are "owed" a job just because they exist, and not that they will actually help the company make money to offset their wages. Now of course when I interview, I find some millenials are smart with a good work ethic and I hire them, but that's rare to find them. The older applicants typically get favored for that reason. Maybe if you dropped your entitlement mentality you'd be more sought after in the workplace. Until then, good luck living in your parents basement.



As far as solo queue: if we had a nice matchmaking system solo queue wouldn't be nearly as bad. Simple.


See link.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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This is the dumbest thing I've read today... Not gonna get into a political debate on the internet, but wow...




I think people forget that this is just a game. It's suppose to be fun. Instead of throwing insults at someone, why not give them advice on how to improve? Why not be supportive of the player so they will want to improve? I'm all down for being competitive. I'm pretty competitive when I play sports irl. However, it's just a game, I'm not gonna start throwing hands because my team isn't doing the best.


I notice in my personal experience that lots of pvp players that are toxic (this is in regs too) have a lack of situational awareness. They get mad about stuff they really shouldn't get mad at. I've seen Juggs force leap into a fight way ahead of their team, not realize that their healer was mezzed/stunned, then wonder why they weren't getting healed immediately. I've seen people in regs get pissed off that their team for not doing good, failing to realize that the enemy team has multiple healers & tanks, while their team doesn't have any healers.


There's lots of things that make ranked pvp bad. The rewards aren't the best. Class balanced isn't strong. It rewards the most amount of CXP for pvp, resulting in people only queuing for the CXP. There are more, but despite all these negatives, people still care too damn much about their ranking and take it way to seriously.


People constantly have to type "Que Ranked" into the fleet chat. So many ranked pvpers know each other and rate them. The ranked pvp community is small. And despite this, when someone new wants to try out ranked pvp, you're going to flame this person and tell them not to que?


TLDR: It's a game. People need to have fun.




The two things ruining ranked.


Gear disparity

Antisocial behavior.


But clearly it is because of political reasons. :D

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But ranked players do give advice. Some of the tried and true advice that seems to work is:

1. Git gud

2. l2p

3. kys

4. play merc

5. sorc heal only pl0x

6. don't PT

7. l2kite

8. don't be bad

9. & My personal favorite "don't get globalled"


With such wisdom, anyone can be master ranker!


What the hell is "Git gud"? Git's a repo (well it's more than that. but ok)


And to add.. in PVP I run as a DPS Jugg. Man, do I get yelled at for not guarding. Usually from sins. Had one last night yelling at me in chat to guard. I was like, "Guard what? We have no healer and even if we did the chances of one healing me is 0".


He wanted me to guard him. Please...


I used to run my Jugg Immortal in PVP. Back when a good friend was a sorc healer. We'd park ourselves guarding a node or door. And that was that. Great fun. But he left the game in disgust a couple of months ago.

Edited by cagthehack
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But ranked players do give advice. Some of the tried and true advice that seems to work is:

1. Git gud

2. l2p

3. kys

4. play merc

5. sorc heal only pl0x

6. don't PT

7. l2kite

8. don't be bad

9. & My personal favorite "don't get globalled"


With such wisdom, anyone can be master ranker!



Totally wrong. The best advice a ranked player will give is: STOP QUE.


The rest are very rare. Stop que is the most common advice which helps every newcomer to get an instant 50% boost in performance in every aspect.

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I never quite understood why some people get so bent over a PVP match, whether ranked or unranked. It's just a game and has exactly zero importance. Win or lose, it's nothing more than mindless entertainment. Why are some taking it so seriously?


What did these people do as children when playing monopoly or similar games? Did they upend the boards and scatter the game pieces the moment they lost? If they were playing football, baseball, or soccer in the sandlot as a kid, did they take their ball and go home the minute their opponents took the lead in a game?


A perfect example of some of the ridiculousness of SWTOR's PVPers is that the other day while doing Bounty Week content on a toon I never PVP with, I get angry trash-talking tells from a random character I crossed paths with, over something that happened in a previous ranked PVP match. My toon (an alt) just happened to be in a guild that apparently beat his, but I wasn't in that ranked match and did not have a clue what he was even going on about. Since that character was an alt I only barely even participate in that guild's activities. It's mostly just a place to park an alt. He just got triggered over the guild tag and unloaded on a random stranger.



But ranked players do give advice. Some of the tried and true advice that seems to work is:

1. Git gud

2. l2p

3. kys

4. play merc

5. sorc heal only pl0x

6. don't PT

7. l2kite

8. don't be bad

9. & My personal favorite "don't get globalled"


With such wisdom, anyone can be master ranker!


I have nothing to add in reply, I just wanted to quote it because it is hilarious.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Pub side Harbinger is way more chill. Just sayin'. :cool:


Don't expect to win much, but if you're just looking to grind some tokens, pub side is where it's at.

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I would like to address the angry people in solo que...


If a person is focused by 3 arsenal mercs and a sin, he can't survive and put out tons of dps, just not possible...

So take it lightly and pls stop the angry talk! :) Insulting other people's relatives and wishing a deadly disease upon them, could be bad for karma!


This makes me dread server merge.

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