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Question for Story Devs: Will The Dark Council Ever Return?


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Story Team, if I may ask one thing about the story? Why did the Dark Council have to be removed post-KotFE? I get that Acina had to make such a move if she wanted to become Empress of the Sith, but the Dark Council was such an iconic part of the SWTOR lore setting. I don't think we had something this unique in Star Wars before, where twelve Dark Lords of the Sith considered themselves among equals when together but secretly thought and acted differently, undermining one another and seeking to consolidate their power amongst themselves. The Sith politics played out amongst the Dark Council members was some of my absolute favourite content in both the game but also in the novels. It was such an iconic part of SWTOR that I really am sad that they had to be removed permanently (seemingly).


Please, please consider reinstating the Dark Council as the new Head of State of the Sith Empire in the future. Either have them assume the spot of Sith Emperor, or have it so that the strongest of Council members becomes Emperor/Empress (perhaps it could be a feature for PvP'ers like in ESO) for as long as they are considered to be such and can hold onto their power. It would be so cool and interesting to have different Sith Emperors and Empresses, perhaps our character the Commander being able to support one in their bid for the Sith Throne. With Vitiate there was one all powerful Emperor for so long, so having several with some short and some longer reigns would be a very interesting and intriguing feature.

The same would go for no Sith Emperor/Empress and the Dark Council seizing that power. They already oversaw the day-to-day government of the Sith Empire in the absence of the Sith Emperor. Perhaps an interesting thing could be to have Imperials sit on the Dark Council as well, a Grand Admiral, General or Moff who represents the non-Force Users in the Empire. Unlikely that it would happen as the Imperials are subservient to the Sith but it is an interesting idea I think to play with. But having the twelve Dark Council members be the head of the Sith Empire again would be really great and enhance the lore of the game. There would be so much potential for intriguing storylines regarding Sith politics there.

Edited by Ylliarus
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I don't think it will return, I believe Charles once mentioned that she isn't the kind of Sith to have a council. Despite The Dark Council being a vital part of SWTOR lore, its also a nest of snakes waiting to be disturbed "Empress" Acina would most likely want to hold her power and The Dark Council could've been a threat, thus she dissolved it and centralized every bit of political/economical and religious power of The Sith Empire on her.
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I don't think it will return, I believe Charles once mentioned that she isn't the kind of Sith to have a council. Despite The Dark Council being a vital part of SWTOR lore, its also a nest of snakes waiting to be disturbed "Empress" Acina would most likely want to hold her power and The Dark Council could've been a threat, thus she dissolved it and centralized every bit of political/economical and religious power of The Sith Empire on her.


Acina might be dead, and if she isn't, she will be soon, so that they can restore balance to the For- I mean, continue the story in such a way that they don't have to dance around the faction leaders.


There are a few Councilors who are probably alive (Darth Vowrawn comes to mind), and if they ever do any more class-specific content (Yes, it's unlikely, but I can dream) they might have the Inquisitor work to restore the Council, most likely under the leadership of one Darth Imperius/Occlus/Nox, of course.


I'd just also like to note that Acina's throne room has a lot more than just one chair. We don't know for a fact that the Council is gone. Acina could've at least kept a figurehead council for administrative purposes.

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I'd just also like to note that Acina's throne room has a lot more than just one chair. We don't know for a fact that the Council is gone. Acina could've at least kept a figurehead council for administrative purposes.


Exactly, I was thinking the same. While it does seems as if there is no Dark Council anymore, there were multiple big and fancy chairs in Acina's throne room. It wouldn't surprise me if she had a sort of puppet council indeed, with Sith Lords that were clearly weaker than her on it. But that wouldn't explain why Darth Vowrawn allowed himself to be just the Minister of Production and Logistics. Maybe she had a sort of Ministerial Council instead?


Nonetheless, I would want to see the Dark Council return to full power and number in the near future. With the lore limbo that was introduced with Iokath, we don't know who survives and who dies "canon"-wise so it wouldn't surprise me if both leaders die eventually. Which is a pity, I liked having an Empress of the Sith for once.

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Can't see any reason why not, it was stated in chapter 4 of FE when gathering water samples with Lana that some of the dark council went on the run, were killed or were left tothe mercy of Acina on her way to becoming empress. obviously one that didn't run off or get himself killed was Darth Vowrawn. the fact that there is a dark council arrangement at all on DK is already enough to show that these positions are infact occupied by other sith, likely Vowrawn included.


With Acina now out of the picture on Iokath regardless, there will be a struggle for power on the council that already exists and it won't be long before they are up to their usual tricks, killing each other off because they are rivals.

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What I'd like to see instead of a new Dark Council being formed by whoever becomes Emperor in case you killed Acina is essentially a Sith civil war, with potential members of the dark council trying to become Emperor and creating their own Sith states fighting each other for the throne.
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What I'd like to see instead of a new Dark Council being formed by whoever becomes Emperor in case you killed Acina is essentially a Sith civil war, with potential members of the dark council trying to become Emperor and creating their own Sith states fighting each other for the throne.


A very interested perspective, especially to RP in. I know a lot of Sith guilds who would gladly take part of such a setting. It would be however also a tad sad as the Sith Empire itself is a very cool concept and my favourite faction out of the Star Wars universe. Yet I think a Sith Civil War would be cool nonetheless, it would also grant the Outlander opportunity to intervene and try to mend the situation.


But, if not a Civil War then I'd definitely love to see the Dark Council return and initiate all kinds of plots against one another to try and gain more power than the others.

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What I'd like to see instead of a new Dark Council being formed by whoever becomes Emperor in case you killed Acina is essentially a Sith civil war, with potential members of the dark council trying to become Emperor and creating their own Sith states fighting each other for the throne.


Alexander is killed in Egypt far from Macedonia and suddenly all the united hellenistic forces split into smaller factions and begin fighting for control over which one is stronger... trouble is that another power (the Roman republic) swept in and took out all these warring hellenistic factions.


so who in the star wars galaxy is going to rise up and attack the sith empire while it's in civil war? Darth Jadus and his own new empire?

Edited by Celise
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Alexander is killed in Egypt far from Macedonia and suddenly all the united hellenistic forces split into smaller factions and begin fighting for control over which one is stronger... trouble is that another power (the Roman republic) swept in and took out all these warring hellenistic factions.


so who in the star wars galaxy is going to rise up and attack the sith empire while it's in civil war? Darth Jadus and his own new empire?


I doubt Jadus would have a new Empire, besides, I think we have had plenty of secret Empires hiding in the galaxy for now :p like the Sith Empire hiding in the Unknown Regions was epic, then we got Zakuul as well and it was cool but like... how many hidden Empires are there, you know? :p

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I doubt Jadus would have a new Empire, besides, I think we have had plenty of secret Empires hiding in the galaxy for now :p like the Sith Empire hiding in the Unknown Regions was epic, then we got Zakuul as well and it was cool but like... how many hidden Empires are there, you know? :p


Trouble is that Romulus and Remus came from Turkey in the city of Troy, (not far from modern day Anatolia) and settled in Italy and from there formed the Roman Republic, in effect the original founding fathers of the Romans are hellenistic in origin but chose to make a new empire which eventually wiped out those same empires a few hundred years later on, the Roman Republic could never get rid of that Greek influence :D.


So there will have to be someone who fled from the Sith empire who created their own kingdom and is ready to flatten the sith empire during a civil war. I voted Jadus because he has the ability and power to create his own empire from nothing and considering that the SI's fleet commanded by Moff Valion Pyron has not be seen or heard of since Makeb and further were on the run during the eternal fleet's invasion, it's a bit ominous that they likely found each other and it was only a matter of time until Jadus did something with it.

Edited by Celise
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So there will have to be someone who fled from the Sith empire who created their own kingdom and is ready to flatten the sith empire during a civil war. I voted Jadus because he has the ability and power to create his own empire from nothing and considering that the SI's fleet commanded by Moff Valion Pyron has not be seen or heard of since Makeb and further were on the run during the eternal fleet's invasion, it's a bit ominous that they likely found each other and it was only a matter of time until Jadus did something with it.


Hmm, true, the Silencer (I believe the ships was called) was not heard from again. Well it could be cool to have Darth Jadus return in that manner and perhaps the traitor in our Alliance is someone following/loyal to Jadus. Maybe we will get him to take over the Sith Empire and start a new Dark Council that he leads, which he said he wanted to do in the IA storyline, right? He kept saying like "I will return and lead the Dark Council" over and over. Maybe that is how we will get both Jadus and the Dark Council back into the story.

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i have long suspected lana or theron or both are working for Jadus and he is just there in the shadows waiting to strike.


also that little bit about the romans not being able to shake off the greek influence? Just remember that Jadus and any potential traitors like Pyron and any spies working within the ranks of the alliance, republic and empire, these people have the taint of the old empire running through them due to where they were raised and taught. so there is likely some of that involved in Jadus' new empire, his paradise and his democratization of fear.

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i have long suspected lana or theron or both are working for Jadus and he is just there in the shadows waiting to strike.


When playing through Rise of the Emperor I was convinced Lana was a secret Emperor's Voice and Vitiate was pursuing his own agenda through her body xD but I still wouldn't be surprised if Lana or Theron or both worked for some mysterious master who had his or her own plans with the Commander but they got changed and now the Outlander is an obstacle.


If this was Jadus then it would be a proper way for him to return in my opinion. He is a character that deserves a proper arc if he is to play the antagonist of a storyline.


But still, his reforms could make way for a new Dark Council to be installed if he indeed will fight the Empire or plan to return to lead it into an epoch of terror.

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I don't think it will return, I believe Charles once mentioned that she isn't the kind of Sith to have a council. Despite The Dark Council being a vital part of SWTOR lore, its also a nest of snakes waiting to be disturbed "Empress" Acina would most likely want to hold her power and The Dark Council could've been a threat, thus she dissolved it and centralized every bit of political/economical and religious power of The Sith Empire on her.


Acina will likely be written out of the story.


Since she dies if you side with the Republic, her fate is sealed. Characters with determinant fates can't play large roles going forward. That means if there if there is ever any large story focus on the Sith Empire, it likely will not be with Empress Acina. She will most likely be replaced by another Sith who doesn't have a determinant fate.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Acina will likely be written out of the story.


Since she dies if you side with the Republic, her fate is sealed. Characters with determinant fates can't play large roles going forward. That means if there if there is ever any large story focus on the Sith Empire, it likely will not be with Empress Acina. She will most likely be replaced by another Sith who doesn't have a determinant fate.


A perfect opportunity to have the Dark Council be reformed. You can have a few key members be visible like you had before but otherwise keep it slightly vague who exactly is on the Council. It will allow for Bioware to have more flexibility when using Imperial leadership, for example one time we deal with Dark Council member X in name of the Empire and another time Dark Council member Y is the representative we interact with. A perfect solution in my opinion.

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I really Hope so. The idea of the Sith in this era without the council just doesn't seem right. They are a Power Hungry and back stabbing lot but the Sith is bigger then any one person too. I can understand Acina's Grab for Power and pushing back any potential rivals but for some of us she's already Dead and I would Imagine as others have said with her being already out of the picture for some probably will be for the others too shortly or *At best, a minimal hollow figure in the back ground. It'll smooth out like it has so many times before, more competent minds will recognize the benefits of a Council over 1 person.
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I really Hope so. The idea of the Sith in this era without the council just doesn't seem right. They are a Power Hungry and back stabbing lot but the Sith is bigger then any one person too. I can understand Acina's Grab for Power and pushing back any potential rivals but for some of us she's already Dead and I would Imagine as others have said with her being already out of the picture for some probably will be for the others too shortly or *At best, a minimal hollow figure in the back ground. It'll smooth out like it has so many times before, more competent minds will recognize the benefits of a Council over 1 person.


I definitely agree with this, the Dark Council was an iconic part of the Sith in this era that definitely should return ASAP now that Acina is kind of/sort of out of the picture.

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I agree with the op. The Dark Council must definitely return. They are amazing, and I really like the power structure of this old Empire, that power is split cleverly. The Council keeps the Lords, the lesser Sith, as well as each other on a leash, preventing chaos. Even if there is no Emperor, they are perfectly capable to lead the Empire, as they proved this before. They were also much more symphatetic than the Jedi Council, they felt more human and realistic.
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Aside from the fact that the Sith Council was a part of the sith during this era I can imagine that would arguably be the most dangerous seat in the Galaxy. Considering this is the sith that one seat and who ever held it would generate an incredible amount of Envy. Envy in this group almost always turns out badly. Literally everybody wants it. Having a Council over just one would remove that completely and ensure that much better decisions are made.
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I agree with the op. The Dark Council must definitely return. They are amazing, and I really like the power structure of this old Empire, that power is split cleverly. The Council keeps the Lords, the lesser Sith, as well as each other on a leash, preventing chaos. Even if there is no Emperor, they are perfectly capable to lead the Empire, as they proved this before. They were also much more symphatetic than the Jedi Council, they felt more human and realistic.


Which is why I think that, spoiler alert, with Acina's presumed death after Iokath it would be the perfect opportunity to reinstate the Dark Council as the top governing body of the Sith Empire as the 12 Dark Lord can together fullfill the role of the Sith Emperor. Plus it could create tons of new narratives as to rivalry and plots among the Dark Council members. It would also allow the Devs to put some new iconic characters into the Sith Empire, as recently they have been thinning them out pretty much... Perhaps Cytherat could be on the new Dark Council? Eldon Ax perhaps from the Fatal Alliance novel or Darth Atroxa, the Twi'lek Sith Lord from the "Sacrifice" trailer, who would turn out to have survived the Korriban attack by Zakuul. I could think of ton of characters who could be seated on the new Dark Council and be counted among the most iconic of Sith Lords in this era.

Edited by Ylliarus
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There is absolutely no reason for the Dark Council to be reformed. Why would anyone do that? Vitiate wanted to end all life in the known Galaxy. He couldn't do that and rule of the Sith Empire, at the same time. This is why he formed the Dark Council. The Council Members' ambitions would prevent any one of them from rising up and over-throwing Vitiate. SO they were pretty much policing themselves, for Vitiate.


Now that Vitiate is dead, a new Emperor would not need a Dark Council, since, this Emperor would be directly involved in the stewardship of the Empire, unlike Vitiate.




Many of the Dark Council Members were killed during the Zakuulan invasion. The only sitting council member, we know to be alive, is Darth Vowrawn. The Wrath was not a Council member and Darth Imperious is no longer a council member. Even Acina was not a council member, she was the only Sith ( of note) left so she just assumed the Empresshood.

Edited by Yezzan
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There is absolutely no reason for the Dark Council to be reformed. Why would anyone do that? Vitiate wanted to end all life in the known Galaxy. He couldn't do that and rule of the Sith Empire, at the same time. This is why he formed the Dark Council. The Council Members' ambitions would prevent any one of them from rising up and over-throwing Vitiate. SO they were pretty much policing themselves, for Vitiate.


Now that Vitiate is dead, a new Emperor would not need a Dark Council, since, this Emperor would be directly involved in the stewardship of the Empire, unlike Vitiate.




Many of the Dark Council Members were killed during the Zakuulan invasion. The only sitting council member, we know to be alive, is Darth Vowrawn. The Wrath was not a Council member and Darth Imperious is no longer a council member. Even Acina was not a council member, she was the only Sith ( of note) left so she just assumed the Empresshood.


Because the Dark Council served the make up of the Sith Empire as it was in this era very well. Even with the Sith Emperor at the head of the Empire prior to his Voice's demise in the Jedi Knight story the Dark Council was the one that truly held the power. In the Ziost storyarc you can even state, when playing as Darth Nox/Occlus/Imperius, that the Dark Council has subverted the Emperor's authority and that they are the true power within the Sith Empire. That shows that there could have been no Sith Emperor and the power structure would remain the same as it were the Dark Council members who ran the Empire anyway.


And not all were killed, they were either killed or fled into unknown space. But a Dark Council could be reformed with new members sitting in it, like Cytherat, Eldon Ax, Darth Atroxa (if she survived), Darth Charnus, Darth Tormen, maybe some new faces to rose to prominence during the five year timeskip. Some old ones could return as well, Mortis, Ravage, for all we know they're alive and well.

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