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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will you stay or will you go?


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It's sad but if mass effect would have gotten support or a dlc...i wouldn't be here. 5.0 finally ended it for me...i just don't have another game I currently want to play until Anthem or that Dice star wars game comes out in 30 years. I do like that after 5 years the devs are talking a bit. That's been nice. The thing that really got me was before 5.0 released we already knew which classes would be Op and how bad the grind would be but here we are anyway.



honestly anthem is biowares attempt at competition to destiny which we have seen with swtor for wow and it failed here so im sure anthem will do well lol..... Now that joking- sarcasm is behind us as for battlefront 2 the ps2 version will always be better then anything dice puts out since dice also can't balance and haven't made a good shooter since battlefield bad company and maybe 3 so steam sale ends the 5th battlefront the amazing ps2 one is like 5$ yw.

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Gearing is big issue for me. Especially since it translates in PVP. But PVP. right now, is terrible. Besides having 6+ mercs/mandos on almost every team, many players just wander around waiting for the match to end.


But I think gearing is the issue. It's why these ****s are PVPing in the first place. They just join, and pick their toenails and collect their coin. Pisses me off.


And you know, it's easy to spot the players who want to be there. But usually, on a team of 10, there are maybe 4/5 of us who want to be there. Yeah, I joined a premade team. But frankly, that's even boring. Logging and steamrolling every game is just damn boring.


I think it boils down too, I don't PVP for gear. I PVP because I like it.


So I don't know. I need to see improvement. Dealing with DPS is fine (though I didn't know there was an issue with any classes' DPS). But any class balance the dev's do won't matter. Because, due to how you grind gear, most of the players in a match don't want to be there. And that ruins the game for those of us who do want to be there.

Edited by cagthehack
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So it turns out preferred is not so bad. Very reasonable restrictions, nice state to leave the game in for taking subs breaks and playing here and there. Their screen about the restrictions has not been updated in a long time so the restrictions it lists are much more stringent than the actual ones for many of them. It let me activate 10 characters and all my quickbars that I had been using, and I am still in full 248. Bioware did a nice job with the preferred status.


OFC I won't be able to post here, but all I've been feeling like doing lately is *****posting anyway, so that's probably a win for everyone.

Edited by stoopicus
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So it turns out preferred is not so bad. Very reasonable restrictions, nice state to leave the game in for taking subs breaks and playing here and there. Their screen about the restrictions has not been updated in a long time so the restrictions it lists are much more stringent than the actual ones for many of them. It let me activate 10 characters and all my quickbars that I had been using, and I am still in full 248. Bioware did a nice job with the preferred status.


OFC I won't be able to post here, but all I've been feeling like doing lately is *****posting anyway, so that's probably a win for everyone.


I've seen a few sites with checklists before going preferred to make the transition less restrictive or painful... but most are old...

I've my parachute packed for next week if 5.3 doesn't address any of the issues that have been making me want to leave...

If you have an updated checklist of things to do before leaving, can you post it so I can get ready

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Oh, and I forgot to add...


Remember how Bio made that big fuss about making new alts only months before 5.0 and lots of us paid real money to open new slots... then they go and make them worthless...

They knew Alts would be worthless in 5.0 when they did that event... that was the most underhanded thing I've seen them do yet... they basically took our money and said screw you... it was one big troll lulz.. I can imagine them laughing the whole time people were paying for alts.

Honestly, they should have given everyone a refund for those alt slots we opened or a tonne of CM coins to spend.

But most of us were so distracted by how bad CXP was and then FOTM Mercs that we let it slide... this seems to be Biowares MO... distraction and sleight of hand... "don't look" at this bad thing we did over here... "look here" instead... I see them do it all the time and I can't believe people fall for it


I'm sure you guys are like me and went through years of seeing them tweak gearing and Bolster.

We kept asking for things like transferring Comms to alts and no Comms caps... small to no gear gaps... faster gearing...

Then 10-12 months before 5.0 they give us all those things we'd been wanting for years... pvp gearing was basically perfect, Bolster was perfect and gearing alts was perfect.

Then they destroy 5 years worth of work and progression to a perfect system in one foul swoop.

You cant tell me they didn't know they were going to destroy it all and so they decided they would give us a taste of the promise land only to rip it away from us.. if that's not a troll... then nothing is.


Sorry for this negativity, but Eric's latest post about balance and the fact that they haven't bothered to respond yet to their Bolster thread and have let it turn extremely toxic and it's had no moderation ... has put me in a bad mood... I even had my finger on the proverbial unsub button... faith is gone...

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My checklist:


1. purchase Legion and reactivate WoW sub

2. click SWTOR sub off


that's it. Everything is still there for me, the biggest visible difference was toggling 10 active characters and noticing that I was capped at 350k creds with 35M in escrow. Oh, and the CXP bar is disabled, which is a nice feelsgood QoL upgrade from sub, lol.

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I too was hoping MEA would take my attention for a few months. Until Shadows of Mordor ws released. But MEA collapsed and here I am.


I might reinstall FO4, mod it up and play it again. Been while and I've never played the DLC's. Was thinking about Skyrim too. There are a ton of new and highly rated quests mods I might play. Ugg... to load Skyrim and all the mods and memory patches takes like a *********** day,


I am pissed at BW because of the bait and switch (the DvL event). I have no loyalty left for the company. They ruined this game and Mass Effect. The latter being my favorite series.


If just half of this trailer of Star Wars Battlefront 2 represents game play I know my next destination game



I hope they release a better and longer solo game. TitanFall 2 had a kick *** single player game. But it only lasted 20 mins.

Edited by cagthehack
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i want to see this 5.3. a tide of melee? mara OP? sin hatred everywhere? full OPs heal? return of dot specs (hatred madness pyro)?


i have my idea, but.. ;)


this will be fun, in the beginning.

Edited by Thaladan
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I haven't played any of my characters in over 2 weeks and I'm not missing it as much as I thought I might.


The most recent Dev Tracker thread saying - effectively - "we got your feedback but we're ignoring it and sticking to a made-up 'Target DPS'" settled it for me.


The account is paid up for several more weeks as I got carried away by the change in personnel and increased communication. Fortunately, it was through a game card so the subscription will lapse automatically. This is a chance to spend time on real life, possibly play some single-player game(s), and slowly reduce my activity on these and my guilds' forums.


I'm curious to see the revised standings of various Disciplines in Bant's simulation, the early reports from PvP, and the first few Starparse logs of Ops. But one doesn't have to be a suscriber to read the forums, so it should be ok except the Search functionality won't be available.


One can always add game time through instant digital download from Amazon if developer attitude and performance improves or they complete adding a whole bunch of story (in an year's time?). I have a character in all 248s who should be able to do any new story for one more year at least on story mode, even if they introduce two more gear levels by then. *** Should be able to ***


All in all, not a bad prospect.

Edited by mike_carton
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I just recently came back after being away for the whole of 4.0 and 5.0 -> 5.2. I will stay. I currently enjoy the game very much. The gearing system absolutely sucks for someone that was used to and liked the old system, but the game itself is very appealing for me. Most of you complaining about quitting are most likely burned out and a break is VERY MUCH needed.


Haaaaaa jk I'm off back to ESO until they fix this gearing mess, cba with this

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