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New Black And Yellow Dye?


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Normally, I'd agree - but as someone who purchased the collectors edition

Solely for that and the imperial trooper armor I say nay. Mostly due to the fact that, they promised to update that vendor every major patch with new and fun things - buuuuut, that was a total lie and the last update we got for that vendor was the Makeb decoration.

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There's only one vendor up there. And he sells the Dye packs. I've never noticed any other vendors up there. As far as I know. There is only the one.




Just logged on again to have a look. You were right, there is another vendor up there. Huh.... Never noticed him before, and he's a used car salesman...


Have you tried it, or are you going off of hearsay? You've talked to the CE vendor? Because BW sells all of the other "exclusive" CE stuff as a DLC...


I am a CE holder from release, but I know my son was unable to access that CE vendor until his account was upgraded to CE status.


While the digital deluxe upgrade does include may of the digital goodies that CE owner's get, it does not include access to the CE vendor.

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I am a CE holder from release, but I know my son was unable to access that CE vendor until his account was upgraded to CE status.


While the digital deluxe upgrade does include may of the digital goodies that CE owner's get, it does not include access to the CE vendor.


So, there's a way to get access to it? Then that's the answer!

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So, there's a way to get access to it? Then that's the answer!


Yes, there is a way to gain access to that vendor, as has been noted previously in this thread and in other similar threads.


That way is to purchase a CE and upgrade your account. That is the only way.


I got very lucky and was able to purchase a CE for my son at a cost far lower than I paid for my CE.


There are still some unopened CE's available on the second hand market, although they can be very pricey.


There is no "digital CE" upgrade, however, nor should there be, IMO.

Edited by Ratajack
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The rest of us paid that, you should to.

No CE items without paying FULL price for the CE same as those of us that have it.


Which I'd be fine with, except I already paid quite a bit for the digital deluxe edition. If I could pay the difference between it and the release CE price, i'd have no problem. As it stands now though, I'd have to pay for the whole game AGAIN.


And arguing we should pay full price for a limited subset of the options is illogical. You pay FULL price for ALL the options. If I don't want all the options, why can't there be something cheaper to get just digital?

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It's been years since the collector's edition came out and the fact that the only dye that's primarily black and secondarily yellow is a little unfair. I understand it's part of the Collector's Edition but it's time for a new dye of similar color or a release to the cartel market for a limited time.


you can always go and buy the CE your self like the rest of the dye owners did.

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Which I'd be fine with, except I already paid quite a bit for the digital deluxe edition. If I could pay the difference between it and the release CE price, i'd have no problem. As it stands now though, I'd have to pay for the whole game AGAIN.


And arguing we should pay full price for a limited subset of the options is illogical. You pay FULL price for ALL the options. If I don't want all the options, why can't there be something cheaper to get just digital?


"Why should I pay full price to join this gym? I only want to use this one piece of equipment. I don't want to use the rest of the equipment."

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Which I'd be fine with, except I already paid quite a bit for the digital deluxe edition. If I could pay the difference between it and the release CE price, i'd have no problem. As it stands now though, I'd have to pay for the whole game AGAIN.


And arguing we should pay full price for a limited subset of the options is illogical. You pay FULL price for ALL the options. If I don't want all the options, why can't there be something cheaper to get just digital?


So you're saying that you do not think that it's worth it for you to gain access to the CE vendor.


There you go.


You have a choice, just like everyone else has a choice, and you choose "no".


No one else that bought a CE was given an option to just buy the digital stuff, it was an all-or-nothing package.

At no time did Bioware promise "upgrade packs" where a player could buy a "lesser" edition and then get to upgrade to a more expensive edition while paying only the difference.


And so while I understand the impracticality of continuing to produce the physical items, I do not see how it would be "fair" to people that bought the CE to suddenly make a "junior collector's edition" containing just the digital items at a big discount in order to be "fair" to the people that chose not to buy the CE.


So I will disagree with the poster that said that there should be no way to gain access to the CE short of buying the box, but I will say that any late-comers should have top pay full MSRP for access to only the digital items.


But this would include a month of play time, of course, just like any other edition of the game would have.

Edited by Mithros
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I feel it necessary to defend the Collectors Edition in this.


I still remember the promise that this vendor would get frequent updates. Which it didn't. But this vendor, along with the awesome Malgus statue, is one of the great reasons to owning the Collectors Edition. Taking this away from those that once paid roughly €150, would feel like an insult, even after all these years.


Now don't get me wrong, there are times I would find it awesome if some of the stuff could be given to others, but overall access to the vendor should remain as it is.


Collectors Edition Information

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