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Why Do Female Characters Have Such Revealing Clothes?


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I'm all for female empowerment but that doesn't stop me from enjoying revealing armor as much as non-revealing. In my eyes, empowerment or feminism, etc, is about having the choice to do/wear as you like. Have options. A female SW running around in her underwear, because she enjoys it or wants to (or whatever reason that's within her right) is no less empowered than one who chooses to bulk up in armor. And vice versa.



Pretty much all of this!

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Okay, I'm going to chime in. If a member of the Dark Council walks around in a slave girl outfit, who's going to say otherwise and expect to keep breathing? You also need to remember that sexuality is a weapon in it's own right: would you prefer your opponent staring at your cleavage or trying to cut you in half?
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Okay, I'm going to chime in. If a member of the Dark Council walks around in a slave girl outfit, who's going to say otherwise and expect to keep breathing? You also need to remember that sexuality is a weapon in it's own right: would you prefer your opponent staring at your cleavage or trying to cut you in half?

If that's the case, then why don't we see an equal number of men in revealing clothes trying to exploit their sexuality as a weapon to achieve power? ;) (I'm not saying I would actually want to see that, but in my view swapping things around shows that this reason doesn't make a lot of sense.)

Edited by Estelindis
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As for the subject at hand, I sympathize but I'm personally rather grateful there's differences at times. We all have our own preference and I do feel the collection of armor offers a wide range of different flavors and styles in general.


I agree and there seems to be a misunderstanding: I don't want the revealing armor sets to be gone, I merely ask for non-revealing armor sets to be added as well, specifically targetting the big shoulder pad ones because in all honesty I adore those in the game. Female toons have no diversity amongst those armor sets, they do in others yes, but a lot of the armor sets are still revealing for females and unrevealing for males. What I want is for all four possibilities to be there, revealing and unrevealing for females, revealing and unrevealing for males.

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If that's the case, then why don't we see an equal number of men in revealing clothes trying to exploit their sexuality as a weapon to achieve power? ;) (I'm not saying I would actually want to see that, but in my view swapping things around shows that this reason doesn't make a lot of sense.)


Because men and women are wired a bit differently. Men tend to be visual (which is why most ... erotic art...is marketed to them) while women tend to be tactile.

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Because men and women are wired a bit differently. Men tend to be visual (which is why most ... erotic art...is marketed to them) while women tend to be tactile.


To be frank... I agree. I get that it could indeed be a powerful weapon, especially Twi'lek would have the advantage of being able to use seduction as a weapon. I could definitely see a female Sith Twi'lek using mind tricks and illusions to enhance her skill in seduction to lure in men (and women, let's be inclusive). Aka, I present to you a new concept for a new Sith Lord: Darth Siren!


But to stay on topic, while that is all an amazing and cool concept I also like the idea of Darth Atroxa, who was fully armored and led the defense of Korriban. So it once more comes down to have the ability to choose :)

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Because men and women are wired a bit differently. Men tend to be visual (which is why most ... erotic art...is marketed to them) while women tend to be tactile.


That is an overly simplistic view of the world. Have a look at any facebook post featuring buff men in kilts or shirtless firefighters. Or go look at the covers of modern romance novels. Women like their eye candy just fine.

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So I would like to ask a question about the clothes/vestments/armour our toons can wear and mainly focusing on female toons. I have noticed a certain trend which raise some questionmarks with me and I hoped to get some response on the forums, from both players and maybe the Devs.


My question, or better said issue, is with the following armour set as the primary example: the Ottegan Force Expert robes. Now, don't get me wrong but I am a huge fan of this armour set. It is very suitable for a Sith Inquisitor and to be frank it was one of my favourite outfits on a male toon. Yet herein lies the problem, male toon. Because this is the same set, yet worn by a female character. The fact that a difference has been made between the male and female version of this set does make me frown, but is not the issue per se. My question is the following; why are female toons forced to wear a revealing version if they want to have the set? Why couldn't there be two versions of this set, one revealing and one not?


I do realise that it is a trend in MMO's to have female toons wear revealing armours, something I disagree with emphatically but that is not the subject of this thread. There are enough memes on the internet about the revealing sets, but why is this forced upon all female toons that people make? I for example have no desire for my female toons to wear revealing armour sets like the female version of the Ottegan Force Expert robes as it completely ruins my immersion. The same goes for the Feral Visionary robes, for example or the Omniscient ones that have recently been put back into the game. EDIT: For me it breaks immersion when a female Darth Nox, or a male with the six-pack revealing-spikey armour set, walks into the Dark Council wearing a revealing set, because I like to see seriousness around people in power, be it male or female. When representing their office you don't see the President, be it male or female, wearing a revealing tanktop I imagine. Or for example Hoth, I wouldn't dare to wear something as revealing there. I also can't imagine the female versions of the mentioned sets give a lot of protection :/


So again, my question is this: why are female toons forced to wear such revealing armour sets, couldn't we have had two versions, one revealing and one normal? What was the reasoning behind this choice, I'm genuinely curious.


There are plenty of burkas for your characters to wear. Plenty of nuns in space to be seen. there are a few revealing set, they seem to be coincidentally very expensive on the GTN. It could be that BW wants to provide content for both those that want revealing and those that dont. I very much dont expect them to spend the resources on making an amish version of every armor. there are plenty of each to be had.

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They'll make revealing sets optionally non-revealing when they make non-revealing sets optionally revealing


Lets put this in perspective, the revealing sets make up a fraction of the available armour, even for SI. While I have no objection to making it optional, spending time on it seems so trivial and wasteful.

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There are outfits that are not revealing, there are those that are. If you don't like revealing get something else. I have 16 outfits on my character and they range from formal to revealing depending on the mood I am in and where my character is headed.


Anyone can do the same thing. Some of the outfits actually put a shirt under it for a lady where the man's chest is completely revealed so they have it both ways.

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Exactly! A simple toggle for example :) or simply release to the same sets with differing names and one has a revealing version and one not. That set you mention I also would love to see in an unrevealing manner with a fem Jedi Knight (or consular works too I guess).


A simple toggle? Are you kidding? 4 different clothing artworks for every outfit in the game.....simple......right. they would have to recheck clipping and texture problems for 4 outfits for every piece of clothing in the game. 1 for every body type. Not anyplace close to simple, or cheap.

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That's totally non-sense.


Science suggests otherwise. I could link you an official study, but you'd probably not read it as it's long, and it may not be appropriate to link on the forums either way. But that aside, it isn't hard to guess why a lot of things that cater to men don't cater to women as much as it does to men.

Certain industries make a whole lot of money because of how visual men are. While they make money off of women too men, almost double that amount. While men like seeing things directly, women like certain context applied to what they're seeing. This doesn't mean that exceptions don't exist.


Just like Ronda Rousay can curb a whole lot of guys, but against equally trained men she wouldn't stand a chance in hell.



That is an overly simplistic view of the world. Have a look at any facebook post featuring buff men in kilts or shirtless firefighters. Or go look at the covers of modern romance novels. Women like their eye candy just fine.


What she's trying to say isn't that women don't like seeing men, it's that men are more "triggered" by what they see than women are. She isn't incorrect.

I also don't see why seeing a few people on Facebook counts as serious evidence.

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There are plenty of burkas for your characters to wear. Plenty of nuns in space to be seen. there are a few revealing set, they seem to be coincidentally very expensive on the GTN. It could be that BW wants to provide content for both those that want revealing and those that dont. I very much dont expect them to spend the resources on making an amish version of every armor. there are plenty of each to be had.


I never said I wanted to see nuns in space, or the Amish for that matter. I simply stated it would be amazing and very very neat if they had a nonrevealing version of the Feral Visionary or Ottegan Force Expert set because I adore how it looks on male toons. My Twi'lek Sorc for example has the Karness Muur set with a black and gray dye, an amazing Sith-looking outfit. So I am not against revealing sets, please don't misunderstand me. But there are several sets from the game itself, not the Cartel Market, that arbitrarily make a difference between male outfits and female outfits and that is what bothers me. You have them on Republic side as well as Empire and all I simply ask for is that Bioware considers putting unrevealing sets for female characters for those sets into the game, heck, let them drop from Command Crates.


So I repeat, I am not asking for the complete removal of revealing sets. I simply ask for variety in the looks female toons have. I thought players liked to have a wide arrange of choices.

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:rak_03: You know where it's at.


No but for real, they could be some secretive part of the Zakuul Knights for example, wearing nun-like clothing but here it comes... everything heavily plated with golden armouring. I'd find that a very fierce look.

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I'd like to see that Jedi set in the non revealing way for females too.

http://i.imgur.com/c8BiW.jpg Forgot the name of it, but I have it unlocked in my collections! It's really cute either way though.:rak_03: But the option would be nice. Just like a hood toggle would be nice!


There are a few armor sets that share that appearance. You're probably referring to the Ambitious Warrior set however, if you have it unlocked in Collections. There are a couple crafted sets that are near identical on Republic characters, Cyrene Aegis, Shadowsilk Aegis, and the chest piece for the Aspiring Knight set. Some of the armor that drops for Knights when completing heroics at low level is also near identical.

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What's wrong with showing what your working with? =D


Absolutely nothing of course ^_^ but I'd be nice to be able to choose when you show what you're working with and when not :) with the same outfit that is. I know there are plenty of non-revealing sets but I'd like for that to be also the case for the Feral Visionary and Ottegan Force Expert sets

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There are a few armor sets that share that appearance. You're probably referring to the Ambitious Warrior set however, if you have it unlocked in Collections. There are a couple crafted sets that are near identical on Republic characters, Cyrene Aegis, Shadowsilk Aegis, and the chest piece for the Aspiring Knight set. Some of the armor that drops for Knights when completing heroics at low level is also near identical.


Yeah, it's just for males it covers the waist. While I like the cropped version too, the fully covered one is really nice as well. I don't think females have that version.

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Yeah, it's just for males it covers the waist. While I like the cropped version too, the fully covered one is really nice as well. I don't think females have that version.


Nope as far as I know they don't :( the same is for the Agile Judgement vest: https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/agile-judgment-imp/

Completely different for males and females. Which is a pity because I know there is a CM set that looks a lot like this that fully covers the torso.

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What could work is a t shirt slot like WoW has. There's so many different colours of t-shirts, so there will be at least one that matches! I always found it nice as WoW has some armors that's cropped as well, and I didn't always find it suitable.
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