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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Discussion Topic: Master Mode Operation Gear Drops


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Please go back to square one. This is a FAILED system that do nothing to incentivize players but to grind till your eyes bleed. You are creating a system of HAVE and HAVE NOTs. Yes one can fast track if we do OPS. Some could care less for OPS. I know you can take the long route and grind more grind by PvPs and other stuff. The drop rates should be equal whether one does a PvP/OPS or heck yes even a Flashpoint or anything in game. Do not pick favorites among your playerbase and really this system stinks and remain broken!


Fast track is regs lol not even close for BiS. Tell me where I can get Belt, Bracer, MH, OH, Headpiece off of Apex Bosses. And the non Apex bosses are worthless for gear. Oh wait lol.



But back on topic. We don't need Priority HMs. We need go back to the simple system if you do NiM you can get BiS. Not HM not gambling boxes not Regs. Put 248 on all NiM bosses and it's fine.


And this discussion is of MM Drops not anything else so please stay on topic. :)

Edited by FerkWork
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Fast track is regs lol not even close for BiS. Tell me where I can get Belt, Bracer, MH, OH, Headpiece off of Apex Bosses. And the non Apex bosses are worthless for gear. Oh wait lol.



But back on topic. We don't need Priority HMs. We need go back to the simple system if you do NiM you can get BiS. Not HM not gambling boxes not Regs. Put 248 on all NiM bosses and it's fine.


And this discussion is of MM Drops not anything else so please stay on topic. :)


I like this post. Bring it back, Bioware! We will play Gods from the Machine, don't worry about it! But we'd like to also enjoy getting rewarded for running the other ops in MM! Yeah, they've been around 2-5 years, but not everybody's done them, including myself, and everybody in my guild, including our new raid team. We're still a ways off from doing MM, but when we do, we should get rewarded with BiS gear as has always been the case of NiM raiders pre-5.0!

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Really would like to see an UPDATE on this in the Roadmap.


It's been open for 5 weeks and likely 8 weeks when 5.4 drops.


This should have been fixed by now and goes straight into the "Bioware broke this and it takes 8 months to fix" bucket. Things like this directly impact the "Happy" level of players in the game.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been over 2 months now and no decision/answer from a developer.


When asking these questions we (the players) think you really are concerned about this issue and would like to hear our opinion so you can act quick. But what again happened is that the thread is being abandoned by developers and no gold message has been seen in a long time. This is not the first time and despite increasing activity on the forum most of the time it's one post to start a topic but no other post to confirm that something out of the thread has done anything. It's just like the 'I am looking into it.' and then no follow up ever.


Back to topic. Every nightmare raider knows that in the last years there was little to no love for us. (4.x > nim gear on hm ops but no nim gear on nim ops | minor chance on nim gear drops |5.x > nim gear drops (244) worse then hm gear drops (242) on stats | assembled gear drops for classes and specs that aren't even in the group) With this you could have changed it a little bit to the better side and regain some of our trust in your decision making, but look what has happened again...

Edited by blinkerathome
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It's been over 2 months now and no decision/answer from a developer.


Oh, they responded. We get UCs (a few) per boss in NiM. Actually getting 248s was said to not be one of the options they gave us to pick from so they didn't consider it even though that's the majority of the feedback. They've lost their minds and just expect players to put up with it. They got rid of Ben, now they need to get rid of the rest of the decision making team.

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I went through pages on the dev tracker and Keith actually said that UC will come from nim. So sorry for that.

But he also said it's coming in 5.5 . With us not even being in 5.4 how long will it take for it to be deployed? Another 2 months from now? So a total of 6 months since 5.2 got released? I don't want to be mean but that is super slow. And at that time people already went through the trouble that is farming PvP or praying to rngesus for crate drops. Or just abandoning the thought of nightmare operations completely.

Edited by blinkerathome
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I went through pages on the dev tracker and Keith actually said that UC will come from nim. So sorry for that.

But he also said it's coming in 5.5 . With us not even being in 5.4 how long will it take for it to be deployed? Another 2 months from now? So a total of 6 months since 5.2 got released? I don't want to be mean but that is super slow. And at that time people already went through the trouble that is farming PvP or praying to rngesus for crate drops. Or just abandoning the thought of nightmare operations completely.


Correct. So that's adding insult to injury if you ask me. Here we know it's broken - struggle thru until we can fix...

5.1 nothing fixed (NIM)

5.2 nothing fixed (NIM)

5.3 (Oh wait - it's still broken - sorry checking it out... SURVEY what option that sucks do you like best?)

5.4 Yea... couldn't squeak it in this patch cycle (Cause updating a database table for quantity and id of item is hard)

5.5 Likely Nov 2017

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  • 3 weeks later...
Any update on this or is this been pigeonholed atm, as of now the non Apex bosses in MM are practically worthless for gear drops. Also, almost half the 248 loot table is still missing while available in far easier content from crates or PvP Regs and even GSF that doesn't need gear. That people can get more and faster 248 gear from EV/KP HM + PvP regs through 242 upgrades to 248 while majority of the bosses drop random 244 or 246 gear is quite unsettling. Any group working on MM gets very little in rewards while those capable of clearing only need to farm the final bosses on lockouts. It's quite discouraging to be honest and hope for an update. :( Edited by FerkWork
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  • 1 month later...
35 Components for non-final bosses, 100 components for final-bosses are very reasonable numbers. However, after several months of the current loot-system, the 246-artifact-random-stuff became quite useless. After the introduction of random-drops for mods and enhancements in Command Crates, I would suggest to change the random-gear-drops from non-final-bosses into Mods- and Enhancement-Drops. Considering the drop-chances, it is close to impossible to ever get a full set of 248 B-Mods and proper tank-enhancements. Maybe a change here would make the hunting for those stuff a bit more doable?
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