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Save the Mercs


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...no really.


I’m a casual player these days and am lucky if I can get 10 hrs a week. I don’t have a single toon over tier II and really feel the gear gap. Having an easy class like the Merc is a good way to compensate for the gear gap. I have also recommended the class for players new to PvP.


I don’t have 25-35 hrs to play each week and probably never will. I think OP classes are good for starting out and continued involvement to us that can’t grind as much. NO ONE wants to enter a match and get rolled almost every time whatever the cause.

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There will be a new OP class, don't worry. That is part of the plan. Keep rotating OP classes so that people keep rerolling and gearing up other characters. Just like new content is pretty much a treadmill, class strength is treated the same.


o.0 holy..... this is like the illumnati of swtor... yes. this.

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...no really.


I’m a casual player these days and am lucky if I can get 10 hrs a week. I don’t have a single toon over tier II and really feel the gear gap. Having an easy class like the Merc is a good way to compensate for the gear gap. I have also recommended the class for players new to PvP.


I don’t have 25-35 hrs to play each week and probably never will. I think OP classes are good for starting out and continued involvement to us that can’t grind as much. NO ONE wants to enter a match and get rolled almost every time whatever the cause.

um. why do you play mmorpgs? this is a game category designed around heavy grinding, huge time consumtion, day in an day out purpose. these is not a game category for people who just want to have fun for an hour.


if you want to just have fun for an hour, thats what console games are for. and many offer a multiplayer mode. but mmorpgs (which is what SWTOR is) is not a hit it and quit it game, its a relationship. we pour hours an dollars into this game month after month so that bioware will make up more content that we can pour more hours an dollars into.


why exactly do you want to change an entire game to suite your action adventure gaming interests?

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um. why do you play mmorpgs? this is a game category designed around heavy grinding, huge time consumtion, day in an day out purpose. these is not a game category for people who just want to have fun for an hour.


if you want to just have fun for an hour, thats what console games are for. and many offer a multiplayer mode. but mmorpgs (which is what SWTOR is) is not a hit it and quit it game, its a relationship. we pour hours an dollars into this game month after month so that bioware will make up more content that we can pour more hours an dollars into.


why exactly do you want to change an entire game to suite your action adventure gaming interests?


To be fair gearing in swtor for pvp has never been this asinine.


5.0 was a radical paradigm shift for SWTOR that myself and many others would argue was for the worse.


SWTOR's gearing system was never deep, and various updates throughout the game only made the gearing system less rich; traditional mmos that featured a deep gear grind also featured more complex and interesting gearing system.


Obtaining full 248 gear in SWTOR does not offer a sense of accomplishment, it's not as if you did something amazing and earned cool gear that introduced new mechanics or offered you new options... it's a chore with no reward.

Edited by alexsamma
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To be fair gearing in swtor for pvp has never been this asinine.


5.0 was a radical paradigm shift for SWTOR that myself and many others would argue was for the worse.


SWTOR's gearing system was never deep, and various updates throughout the game only made the gearing system less rich; traditional mmos that featured a deep gear grind also featured more complex and interesting gearing system.


Obtaining full 248 gear in SWTOR does not offer a sense of accomplishment, it's not as if you did something amazing and earned cool gear that introduced new mechanics or offered you new options... it's a chore with no reward.


^This x 1,000,000. Pre-5.0 gearing was perfect. But hey, fixing things that aren't broken is apparently the new normal.

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If they don't touch there damage they will still be the best noob cannon in pvp. Hell, even in 4.0 era they were best noob cannon, just had to kite and use concussion missile & self heal more aggressively to reset fights and win.


The only thing that changed in 5.0 is now merc can stand there and win. If they brought back some reason for them to have to kite again and use self heals that in itself would interrupt the rotation enough to reduce there dps.


I'm confident BW will not touch mercs damage output, which is really all that matters tbh. If the hatred buff is any sign we will probably see some small tuning to there dcds, which may weed out a few really bad FOTM but for the most part I reckon merc will still be a force in pvp (as they were before)

Edited by DenariusJay
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something that should be noted about the merc class change. all of a mercs "god dcds" are either utility based or or built into all 3 spec mercenary (safeguards). bioware stated they what be altering IO and Arsenal. they didnt say a thing about the heal spec. which if that is accurate it will be a dmg buff/debuff, cause all the dcds are ulitity or their safe guards, all of which are mercenary wide.
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tbh unless they are really dumb they'll just hit the DCDs, which are a bit ridiculous.


while most of it is expected, no love for AP PT and lightning sorc is sad.


And wth is the issue with virulence? That spec seems to be performing as it should for a dot range spec. A good strong one, but within parameter imo.

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Also, to be clear I totally disagree with this post.


Mercs are literally the definition of horrible/stupid/ignorant/thoughtless/.../etc design... how anyone who considers themselves to be a professional game designer could allow such an abomination to exist is mind boggling...

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um. why do you play mmorpgs? this is a game category designed around heavy grinding, huge time consumtion, day in an day out purpose. these is not a game category for people who just want to have fun for an hour.


if you want to just have fun for an hour, thats what console games are for. and many offer a multiplayer mode. but mmorpgs (which is what SWTOR is) is not a hit it and quit it game, its a relationship. we pour hours an dollars into this game month after month so that bioware will make up more content that we can pour more hours an dollars into.


why exactly do you want to change an entire game to suite your action adventure gaming interests?


First: Reduction to barrier to entry benefits everyone as it directly and positively contributes to the overall population.


Second: I have played this game for about 4 years now mostly casually. A couple years ago, work sent me away from my family for about 8 months and I played a good 40 hrs a week. In that time I rolled about a dozen extra toons, did tons of FPs/OPS/Story, got almost all the datacrons, legacy unlocks, maxed crafting, unlocked a bunch of outfits and weapons, etc etc: In short I developed a pretty rich account I still enjoy tinkering with. So I'm pretty satisfied with my "relationship."


Third: I am absolutely going to buy Battlefront 2.

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Merc is a self-sufficient, self-supporting, well rounded class, and most others are not, and require healers or tanks or whatever.


I think snipers and operatives are also self-sufficient. Maras can also hold their own despite poor healing. Make the other remaining classes more well-rounded, and then there will be no need for a merc nerf.

Edited by ViktorAres
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tbh unless they are really dumb they'll just hit the DCDs, which are a bit ridiculous.


while most of it is expected, no love for AP PT and lightning sorc is sad.


And wth is the issue with virulence? That spec seems to be performing as it should for a dot range spec. A good strong one, but within parameter imo.


It isn't an issue with Virulence, there is an issue with Snipers.


High DPS

Tank like defenses, most DCDs of any class in the game

Self-heals on a supposed 'pure DPS class'

CC-kit that could choke a horse.

Way too much control over melee.


Snipers are just as bad as mercs, and against melee they are even worse than mercs.

Admittedly, Engineering is the worst of the lot, but they all share in the above mentioned reasons. Only Marksmen isn't in the high DPS category, although even in PVP they can do very well damage wise, the lower DPS is more seen in PVE, where, it's too low.


Both mercs and snipers are deserving and need nerfs. Buffing other classes to their level is an asinine balancing methodology. You fix what's broken. When you try and fix things that aren't broken, you very often break them.

It would be impossible for anyone with an unbiased mind to see the performance of these two classes in PVP and not realize they are massively OP.


I do not include Marksmen or Bodyguard in that statement.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Imo there is only one thing wrong with virulance. (my sniper spec main). our proced takedown has the same energy cost as a regular takedown. takedown is not a cheap move in energy cost and if were going to rotate it like "assassinate" on hatred sin it should have a lowered energy cost (when proced).


btw, only engineer and virulance are being effected, like my post on mercs, if MM isnt being affected, none of the facetank dcds will be changed, they are all either class wide or utility based.

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Imo there is only one thing wrong with virulance. (my sniper spec main). our proced takedown has the same energy cost as a regular takedown. takedown is not a cheap move in energy cost and if were going to rotate it like "assassinate" on hatred sin it should have a lowered energy cost (when proced).


btw, only engineer and virulance are being effected, like my post on mercs, if MM isnt being affected, none of the facetank dcds will be changed, they are all either class wide or utility based.


Thats a very good point, I didn't catch that. You're absolutely right, they wont be touching their defensives/self heals.

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...no really.


I’m a casual player these days and am lucky if I can get 10 hrs a week. I don’t have a single toon over tier II and really feel the gear gap. Having an easy class like the Merc is a good way to compensate for the gear gap. I have also recommended the class for players new to PvP.


I don’t have 25-35 hrs to play each week and probably never will. I think OP classes are good for starting out and continued involvement to us that can’t grind as much. NO ONE wants to enter a match and get rolled almost every time whatever the cause.


I hear you. However, this is not a valid reason to suffer class imbalance. Class imbalance ruins player experience. You don't want to get rolled ....consequently though allowing the imbalance to persist will most certainly ensure that others will get rolled.



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I kind of agree with thread title, in a way. I don't mind a slight nerf to survivability, but the concept of "fine tuning" is alien to BW. I'm afraid they'll swing nerf bat so hard it will send Mercs back into pre-5.0 era or worse.


Then again, I've mained a Mando since beta and I'll probably keep doing it anyway

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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I kind of agree with thread title, in a way. I don't mind a slight nerf to survivability, but the concept of "fune tuning" is alien to BW. I'm afraid they'll swing nerf bat so hard it will send back Mercs into pre-5.0 era or worse.


Then again, I've mained a Mando since beta and I'll probably keep doing it anyway


We really don't know to what extent the nerfs will be, it could just be minor and even in fact not enough and than maybe they'll adjust it accordingly the next patch, or it could be perfectly balanced so as to be within a reasonable margin of other DPS specs of similar types.


The concern for it being a nerf bat is understandable and wise concern, BW is not noted for it's precision class balancing, but, I think they are overly concerned with their public image of late and very vocal and displeased player base. I would not be at all surprised if Mercs still find themselves considerable stronger than many merc players fear.


Given that they are not even touching Snipers Defensives/self-heals, I strongly suspect Mercs and Snipers will remain OP with only a slight difference, yet still on top of the food chain.[Which of course, the forums will continue as they have for the last 6 months in a such a case]. That they are addressing Snipers and ARENT touching their defensives, I have extremely little faith that they will make changes that are appropriate across the entire spectrum and the game will continue to hemorrhage subscribers [perhaps even worse than now, because people will have lost any scant hope of better days to come].


Ergo, Keith, the other guy, same crap.


Good news for Mercs and Snipers, bad news for the rest of us.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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