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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Male Force User companion...


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I have a simple solution.


*dramatic music* The return of Darth Jadus :D


Haha, yeah, he'd be cool to have in a story, but I think you'd have to be a pretty twisted biscuit to romance him. Unless he's suddenly become sane...and where is the fun in that lol.

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I have a simple solution.


*dramatic music* The return of Darth Jadus :D


I kind of want to know what's hiding under that mask first. What was under Marr's certainly was an unpleasant surprise. Doesn't matter that it was a placeholder, it'll never change either way, especially since he's dead! I do generally think of Marr as a character of whose looks are unknown, just sometimes you're reminded of what was physically there and it can't be unseen.:p:D

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Is Elara Dorne and Kira back yet? Or Jaesa? I gave up doing those grind stories and one small reason was the lack of my favourite companions being available.


Yes, Dorne is back. Poorly written, but back.


Just give us Arcann and Scourge for those who want him. That would make everybody happy and the problem would be solved. :cool:


"Just"? No, thanks. The genocidal mass murderer doesn't interest me, and I never cared much for Scourge. Sure, make them romanceable for those whole want them, but don't limit it to "just" them. That wouldn't make me happy, and I'm part of "everybody" too. :p


I'd like Cytharat back or someone like Cytharat. He was awesome.

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I don't want an entirely new companion. We have so many already. I want further interaction and character development of the ones we do have - and I'm very (very) interested in an Arcann and/or Scourge romance option. Edited by Mewsy
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I'd love to see:


• male Trooper companion, not Jorgan's body type, but male body type 3 (someone who looks like they could actually hold an Assault Cannon)

• dual saber wielding companions

• Jaxo


No doubt about some male type 3 body companions. A mando one would be great.

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The love for Scourge and Arcann is noted and appreciated!


In terms of new characters vs returning ones, the team is 100% prioritizing returning characters for the time being, but that doesn't mean we could never introduce someone new, especially if it helps to solve a major gap like this.


And no, characters who can die depending on decisions aren't out of the running :)


Keep the great ideas and discussion coming!

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And no, characters who can die depending on decisions aren't out of the running :)


Frankly, if you're being serious about this, you haven't been really showing thus far. In most cases, once players have moved beyond a point where a companion can die, they are basically forgotten. This was seen very obviously with Iokath, where you only interact with Lana and Theron, with no appearance or mention of characters who could have died in KOTFE or KOTET.


Sure, Kaliyo and Jorgan have shown up in crowd shots after chapter 13 of KOTFE, but they haven't had anything plot related to do since.


Likewise, now that Shae Vizla has become a companion via the KOTET promotion, I honestly don't expect you to ever include her in the plot of the game again.

Edited by BenKatarn
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The love for Scourge and Arcann is noted and appreciated!


In terms of new characters vs returning ones, the team is 100% prioritizing returning characters for the time being, but that doesn't mean we could never introduce someone new, especially if it helps to solve a major gap like this.


And no, characters who can die depending on decisions aren't out of the running :)


Keep the great ideas and discussion coming!


Thanks for the response Charles. It's appreciated. I just wish it was more Scourge positive. I would really love to have him back and romanceable and above anyone new or newish. I'm rather surprised that you would keep those that can be killed in the running.

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The love for Scourge and Arcann is noted and appreciated!


In terms of new characters vs returning ones, the team is 100% prioritizing returning characters for the time being, but that doesn't mean we could never introduce someone new, especially if it helps to solve a major gap like this.


And no, characters who can die depending on decisions aren't out of the running :)


Keep the great ideas and discussion coming!


This response made me happy to hear, for a number of different reasons.


I've really been enjoying the vastly improved communication recently. It's been a welcome breath of fresh air. Even if I end up disagreeing with choices you and Keith make for the game, I can respect you having an open dialogue with the player base and actually listening as opposed to feeding us trite marketing taglines and pretending everything is roses when it isn't. Thank you both--and Eric too!--for this.

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Do you mean like... Kai Zykken? Major gap being that I want him? :rak_03:





I'm pretty sure I noticed Kai Zykken in one of the cutscenes on Odessen once... or at least a reuse of his likeness.

Edited by BenKatarn
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The love for Scourge and Arcann is noted and appreciated!


In terms of new characters vs returning ones, the team is 100% prioritizing returning characters for the time being, but that doesn't mean we could never introduce someone new, especially if it helps to solve a major gap like this.


And no, characters who can die depending on decisions aren't out of the running :)


Keep the great ideas and discussion coming!


I really appreciate hearing this! Both the content and the delivery. :) Acknowledging players' requests, communicating, sharing your thoughts and plans with us...this really gives me hope. I like that you are open to still using characters who can die as well. Right now killing off a character, even if only in someone else's playthrough, feels like story-telling death sentence for everyone.

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The love for Scourge and Arcann is noted and appreciated!



I literally just squeed so hard that my cat ,who was sleeping on the desk , got startled and jumped in the air and falling on her bottom half on the floor, the poor thing...


I could literally hug you right now ! :o:D

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That's a rare request! People usually dislike Doc! :D


And I get why, he starts out pretty smarmy. But if you stick with him you find out there's a lot more below the surface than that--his proposal is absolutely adorable and hilarious at the same time. He's one of the few companions I'd turn down Theron for on a playthrough, honestly.


Full disclosure: My three favorite male love interests in the game from the class stories are Doc, Vector, and Torian. I'd also pay real world money for a Jonas Balkar option for my female Trooper!

Edited by AscendingSky
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And I get why, he starts out pretty smarmy. But if you stick with him you find out there's a lot more below the surface than that--his proposal is absolutely adorable and hilarious at the same time. He's one of the few companions I'd turn down Theron for on a playthrough, honestly.


Full disclosure: My three favorite male love interests in the game from the class stories are Doc, Vector, and Torian. I'd also pay real world money for a Jonas Balkar option for my female Trooper!


Doc is alright, not my favourite but I don't dislike him like many do. I did like Jonas.:) Vector was good, I liked the oddness he has!

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The love for Scourge and Arcann is noted and appreciated!


In terms of new characters vs returning ones, the team is 100% prioritizing returning characters for the time being, but that doesn't mean we could never introduce someone new, especially if it helps to solve a major gap like this.


And no, characters who can die depending on decisions aren't out of the running :)


Keep the great ideas and discussion coming!


So, just bring Lord Scourge back as a LI for all classes and both sexes and give him some extra customizations and you've killed like a whole flock of birds with one stone :)

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Do you mean like... Kai Zykken? Major gap being that I want him? :rak_03:





Kai Zykken isn't a force user, Eric. Start your own Kai Zykken appreciation thread if you want :p Must have hearts in the title.

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I literally just squeed so hard that my cat ,who was sleeping on the desk , got startled and jumped in the air and falling on her bottom half on the floor, the poor thing...


I could literally hug you right now ! :o:D


Poor kitty!


The love for Scourge and Arcann is noted and appreciated!


In terms of new characters vs returning ones, the team is 100% prioritizing returning characters for the time being, but that doesn't mean we could never introduce someone new, especially if it helps to solve a major gap like this.


And no, characters who can die depending on decisions aren't out of the running :)


Keep the great ideas and discussion coming!

Also if possible, assuming Arcann would become a love interest, it would be nice if he could have his old costumization as an option, like a premade thing that all companions have! While I like the new Arcann and understand why he looks like that, the other version is awesome af!! :DIt was love at first chapter for me!


I feel like I'm asking too much at this point, but I just can't help myself. Forgief.:rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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