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Male Force User companion...


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I never rp'd in swtor or anywhere really, so I don't think I have. :p


Oh, damn, girl! (yas, I just assumed your gender. are you triggered :p) You should totally give RP a try, it's LOADS of fun! You should also give forum RPing a try to, if you end up liking it in-game. :D Everyone that does it will be more than happy to assist and help you start!

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Oh, damn, girl! (yas, I just assumed your gender. are you triggered :p) You should totally give RP a try, it's LOADS of fun! You should also give forum RPing a try to, if you end up liking it in-game. :D Everyone that does it will be more than happy to assist and help you start!


Lol, I'm a bit confused:p But as for RP'ing, it's not really my thing! I like stories and all like how they are in swtor or other games, but that's generally where it ends. But if you enjoy it, that's totally cool.:rak_03:

You remind me a bit of one of my in game friends on swtor.:D

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I pretty much agree with the sentiment, if not the tone of the post. As more of my characters' husbands and wifes return to the game, I'll probably have to slog through KotFEET again to get access to new/returning comps, which I'm so not looking forward to.


More on-topic:

Lord Scourge.

While I do like him, I don't want him as a romance option. It certainly could be made to make sense, storywise, BUT did the female knight ever have a single Flirt-option with him? Sure, he didn't have emotions back then, and maybe he could now that the Emperor is spacedust, but if the knight never showed any romantic interest towards him, why would she now?

I highly doubt it's even possible to go back to the original storylines to add in Flirt options and suitable reactions.

Romancing Scourge or any other previous companion/character that has not been an option to at least flirt with from the start would just seem weird to me.


FemKnight: Oh hi, WB Lord Scourge!

Scourge: Omg, FemKnight! I'm so happy to see you again!

FemKnight: We have so much catching up to do, after we massacre this bunch of malfunctioning droids!

Scourge: Droids, huh, okay. We can talk while we turn them into scrap metal.

Scourge *slashing up droids*: So, uh, it's been a few years, not that it's much seeing as I'm immortal, but it probably feels like a long time for you, huh?

FemKnight: Yeah, but I met some new awesome people, so it wasn't all bad. Just mostly bad.

Scourge: Oh, anyone special?

FemKnight: Yes/No/Why?

Scourge: *shrugs* Just making conversation.

FemKnight: Weelll.... there was this one guy I kinda liked. But he stole my ship because the greater good for the whole galaxy wasn't good enough for him.

Scourge: Go on.

FemKnight: And Theron Shan. You remember Theron, right? I kinda like him. He's cute and competent.

Scourge: What about Doc?

FemKnight: Pff. I think he dumped me in my absence. I haven't seen or heard anything from him. Did you kill him or something?

Scourge: That would be beneath me. But, are you saying you're available?

FemKnight: Err...

Scourge: ...?

FemKnight: What are you trying to say? Ask, I mean?

Scourge: Weeelll... *goes a darker shade of red* I'm capable of feeling stuff again.

FemKnight: Oooh that's awesome! So you want romance advice? Who's the lucky girl? Or guy, or being?

Scourge: Err.... *slashes off a droid's head* ...You..?

FemKnight: *laughs* ....oh. Wait, you're serious?

Scourge: *mutters* This was a bad idea.

FemKnight: Err... I'm sorry if I sent that kind of signals anywhere along the line. I never felt any chemistry between us. Did you?

Scourge: *lops an arm off a droid* I didn't feel anything at all back then.

FemKnight: Exactly. And since I knew you weren't interested, and I had a thing with Doc (which I regret, but you live and learn, right?) I never saw you in that light.

Scourge: And now?

FemKnight: *thinks, while tossing her saber to sever a powerline which EMPs all the remaining droids* Nope. Sorry. I just can't think about you as anything other than a trusted advisor. And besides, there's Theron.

Scourge: Satele Shan's son. Eww. But I suppose you're right. After not feeling anything for hundreds of years I suppose I wanted to explore the possibility of something more than friendship with someone I already know.

FemKnight: Hmm. Shame Kira's still MIA. But maybe Lana? She might be interested in a little fling to get you back in the groove. Or this new friend I met. Vette - she used to hang out with another Emperor's Wrath, so she should be able to handle your antics.

Scourge: Oh cool! Is she cute?



...okay, I got a bit carried away. But still, I'd prefer a brand new companion over an old one who wasn't romanceable or even flirtable in the original class story. That would put all classes on even footing, without anyone having previous history for either good or bad. :)


Ha, that was funny, thank you!


While there were indeed no flirt options for Lord Scourge or other awesome companions I don't think that this is a good reason for why a romance should not be possible later.


1. That there is no flirt option available does not mean that your player character is not interested in the companion (or other way around). People can role play that there is a romance or tension between characters. And the reason for why a companion is no love interest might simply be because there was not enough resources in the game and not because it doesn't fit the character. For Lord Sourge specifically I understand why there was no flirt option in the classic story as the romance is pointless if he has no emotions. But a Knight might still be interested in him or might even develop feelings which were never declared.


2. People change and therefore it is possible that you might fall in love with someone years later. This happens in real life too. Happened to me for example - I am now married to him.


Additionally, I think the easiest way to cure Lord Scourge would be using the mother machine that the Sith Inquisitor uses in the story line. And we do not know if killing the emperor for real this time (hopefully) might have cured him already.


I think most people agree that the new romance options (or any romance options) should be more part of the story and not feel like a decoration husband/wife.


And while they are no force users I would love to get the chance to romance Zenith or Talos or to continue the romance with Aristocra. But this is unlikely so I have to stick with head canon :)

Edited by Cawyden
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So when are us female players, (yes we do exist), when we are going to get a male force user companion, all male companions seem to be everything BUT force users? Even a cartel bought version, please?


I know there's Xalek but come on i am taking a male companion worth looking at lol.


Honestly I was thinking the same thing. We get the pretty messed up super dark scourge or super disfigured guy with mommy issues Arcann. :/ And you cant romance either. There is generally a lack of good male characters for us to romance. I mean seriously, I get a sorta dirty old man pedo vibe from doc, Jorgan is an absolute smurf hole, Malavai is...well....quinn, we really do not have many good options. The only one I like is corso....and even then a lot of ladies do not like him for some reason. :p

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Honestly I was thinking the same thing. We get the pretty messed up super dark scourge or super disfigured guy with mommy issues Arcann. :/ And you cant romance either. There is generally a lack of good male characters for us to romance. I mean seriously, I get a sorta dirty old man pedo vibe from doc, Jorgan is an absolute smurf hole, Malavai is...well....quinn, we really do not have many good options. The only one I like is corso....and even then a lot of ladies do not like him for some reason. :p

?????? Nvm, I don't even want to know.

Edited by Eshvara
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The only one I like is corso....and even then a lot of ladies do not like him for some reason. :p


For me personally he is super annoying lol ..im sorry..but he is ....but yes..i agree....the romances for female players is...lacking considerably, probably why i dont really care for any of them :(

I mean..i have like 10 characters...all ended up romancing Theron ..i love the guy but...its too much lol :D


But here is for hoping we get to have Arcann and Scourge ... or someone :rolleyes:

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Honestly I was thinking the same thing. We get the pretty messed up super dark scourge or super disfigured guy with mommy issues Arcann. :/ And you cant romance either. There is generally a lack of good male characters for us to romance. I mean seriously, I get a sorta dirty old man pedo vibe from doc, Jorgan is an absolute smurf hole, Malavai is...well....quinn, we really do not have many good options. The only one I like is corso....and even then a lot of ladies do not like him for some reason. :p

I actually like every single character you mentioned. I think the male characters available to romance are written well. Some are written better than others (for instance, I think the aftermath of the Quinncident needed more attention), but these things are obviously subjective. So subjective, in fact, that out of all the ones you listed Jorgan is the most swoonworthy to me! :D All those rough, gruff edges... But, bit by bit, you earn his respect and admiration. And because it's something you know he doesn't give lightly, it means so much more. :o

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Any chance we can like, infuse Jonas Balkar with sudden Force powers? *coughs* Or you know, just toss him in the mix regardless like... a bonus... like, romance one Force using male, get a Balkar? That'd be cool...


Oh yes, Jonas was awesome, I wish we could romance him too. They were really teasing us with all those flirts.


I do hope he is alive though - the HK bonus chapter left me worried.


Please Charles - can you give us at least a sign of life for Jonas? Just something that we now he is alright (he better is).

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Oh yes, Jonas was awesome, I wish we could romance him too. They were really teasing us with all those flirts.


I do hope he is alive though - the HK bonus chapter left me worried.


Please Charles - can you give us at least a sign of life for Jonas? Just something that we now he is alright (he better is).

I never got to play the HK Chapter, what happens?

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Oh yes, Jonas was awesome, I wish we could romance him too. They were really teasing us with all those flirts.


I do hope he is alive though - the HK bonus chapter left me worried.


Please Charles - can you give us at least a sign of life for Jonas? Just something that we now he is alright (he better is).


I don't remember anything in the bonus chapter referencing Jonas Balkar, but I may have missed it? What did you notice?

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I don't remember anything in the bonus chapter referencing Jonas Balkar, but I may have missed it? What did you notice?


There are holo recordings from the shroud that you can find. One entry is about a captured and interrogated SIS agent, a friend of Theron Shan.


You can hear

at around 46:55.


"Shroud war journal entry 4281: I captured an SIS agent on Coruscant, a friend of Theron Shan and a minion of Saresh. He revealed so much valuable information. I will never get the smell out of the interrogation room. I build a new one."


I do hope it is an other friend of Theron and not Jonas.

Edited by Cawyden
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For me personally he is super annoying lol ..im sorry..but he is ....but yes..i agree....the romances for female players is...lacking considerably, probably why i dont really care for any of them :(

I mean..i have like 10 characters...all ended up romancing Theron ..i love the guy but...its too much lol :D


But here is for hoping we get to have Arcann and Scourge ... or someone :rolleyes:


I have a Theron addiction as well. :) He's too well written! He's good with any class, light or dark.


The only male companions that ever tempt me are Quinn and Vector. I don't think I've even seen the romances for Jorgan, Corso or Doc. I just can't force myself to flirt with them. The rest of them were just kind of "ok just click through them, see what's up." zzzzzzz.


I was disappointed the first time when Scourge and Zenith went no where. I feel like any hetero female alive would at least try flirting once with them ;)

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I have a Theron addiction as well. :) He's too well written! He's good with any class, light or dark.


Theron and my male Darth Imperius was such a lovely, cute, sweet and adorable romance, still my favourite in the game! I melted everytime they kissed or were affectionate!

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Theron and my male Darth Imperius was such a lovely, cute, sweet and adorable romance, still my favourite in the game! I melted everytime they kissed or were affectionate!


I feel the same about my male Wrath. They're my "Theron canon" couple.

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I feel the same about my male Wrath. They're my "Theron canon" couple.


Omg that sounds adorable, worth trying out hehe ^^ I wish there was a male Sith Warrior and Malavai Quinn romance option though, I really, really wish that was a thing...

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There are holo recordings from the shroud that you can find. One entry is about a captured and interrogated SIS agent, a friend of Theron Shan.


You can hear

at around 46:55.


"Shroud war journal entry 4281: I captured an SIS agent on Coruscant, a friend of Theron Shan and a minion of Saresh. He revealed so much valuable information. I will never get the smell out of the interrogation room. I build a new one."


I do hope it is an other friend of Theron and not Jonas.


Oh jeez... either I forgot all about that one (I've only run the bonus chapter once) or I somehow missed that recording... I thought I got them all! I'll be hoping they didn't mean Jonas either! I'd hate for them to off such a fun NPC off screen... :(

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There are holo recordings from the shroud that you can find. One entry is about a captured and interrogated SIS agent, a friend of Theron Shan.


You can hear

at around 46:55.


"Shroud war journal entry 4281: I captured an SIS agent on Coruscant, a friend of Theron Shan and a minion of Saresh. He revealed so much valuable information. I will never get the smell out of the interrogation room. I build a new one."


I do hope it is an other friend of Theron and not Jonas.


I reallllly hope it's either not Jonas or just... kinda bs. Because damn my Jonas. :mad::(

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Oh jeez... either I forgot all about that one (I've only run the bonus chapter once) or I somehow missed that recording... I thought I got them all! I'll be hoping they didn't mean Jonas either! I'd hate for them to off such a fun NPC off screen... :(


I believe that bit was about Rane Kovach? It says "minion of Saresh" and he was her agent, aka being a double agent for both Shan and Saresh.

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Arcann. For sure. He needs to be developed more. Has a dark history. He loves his mother.. Was once an enemy. Perfect for a love affair. And the really good thing about him, is any faction can "have" him.


I like Scourge, but he's jedi only. But I know many have been begging to marry Scourge. I'd re-roll a jedi to have him.


Also Ravage is also a good choice, for us Sith. But Cytharat is perfect too.

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Omg that sounds adorable, worth trying out hehe ^^ I wish there was a male Sith Warrior and Malavai Quinn romance option though, I really, really wish that was a thing...


You and me both..... /sigh

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Rane Kovach, depending on the player, died on Ziost, so I doubt they'd use him for that


Hmm, i always thought it was Kovach, but it is true, when the player kills him it would be rather silly to have him reappear in the Bonus Chapter.

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