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Keith! You continue to amaze!


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You can not add value when you have no opinion, and as your stances cancel each other out, your arguments become moot. Its just how life is.


Have you ever used the 'IF' statement in Excel?

Allow me to explain for anyone reading that has not.


The syntax of If Function in Excel is as follows:


=IF (Logic_Test, Value_if_True, Value_if_False)

Here, ‘Logic_Test’ refers to the expression that is to be evaluated.

‘Value_if_True’ is the output of IF Statement if the ‘Logic_Test’ is TRUE.

‘Value_if_False’ is the output of IF Statement if the ‘Logic_Test’ is FALSE.


I will put this as simply as possible.



Gift is given - Circumstances look hinky to me - I decide its worth mentioning.


Was a gift given = yes

Gift was given to me = No

Were the circumstances hinky = Yes

Conclusion = I investigate


Gift is given = Yes

Gift is given to me = Yes

Were the circumstances hinky = Yes

Conclusion = I do not Investigate

The circumstances are still hinky but I no longer care, this is called adding a variable and it is literally how every decision is made, the pros and cons are weighed up.


So yes I can hold two opinions of this at once as they split off to form their own threads and their own conclusions.

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You can not add value when you have no opinion, and as your stances cancel each other out, your arguments become moot. Its just how life is.


I agree. EAWare didn't do anything illegal, and he doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to the ethics soapbox. People really need to learn to be happy for others and not get personally offended if someone else experiences good fortune and gets something they don't.

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There is a report button, you can use that.

What makes you think I didn't


I would be very naive to think that nepotism, whether rampant or isolated cases, isn't a part of pretty much any online game.


Life is not fair and often in game it is exactly that.


I am sure there are people that have committed every exploit in this game and managed to keep their ill gotten gains each time with a very minor slap on the wrist.


I am sure there are more than 1 or 2 people who are fabulously wealthy now because they bought gold farming currency way back in the day and used that initial capital to build their current wealth.


As a paying grunt who is not a blip on the Bioware team's radar I just go '"meh" and go about my daily activities.


'IF' this is a case of nepotism then there is nothing you can do about it but move on.


Again, life is not fair. /shrug


You are correct. Life is not fair in the real world / business or in game but I'm not one to perpetuate unfairness either. Its best to never give the impression of favoritism much less nepotism (hey friend help this person out because she wants it.) Which is what you see in the video plus extras.


Keith coming from a customer service area to which I bet he has a bit of a PR background given how he posts should have known to not touch something like this given how it looks. No matter how he spins it or what he wanted to accomplish it doesn't look as good as he had hoped and this thread is proof of that no matter how many take a side.


Hey, friend of a friend I want you to give this one streamer anything she wants. Then throws in CCs on top of that friends request. There is no way to spin that, that does look like favoritism or nepotism and thats bad for business. Usually why it's kept on the down low when it's done and not so public or like LOTRO they just didn't care.


However, Like I said above. There isn't anything to be done about it except what you see here. The ones in power have made their move. Doesn't mean I have to believe it was the right thing to do no matter how life is.

Edited by Quraswren
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That is not your decision to make


Sure, that's not his decision, but anyone who reads this thread can, and most likely will, decide to laugh off your stance as petty and hypocritical on their own accord. Sane people anyway.

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Maybe just drop the issue. While it was nice she got a nice set of armor, coming to the forums and broadcasting it was probably not a good idea and it is now time to drop this matter and by that I mean not responding and letting it go.


You can't change a person's opinion so why continue arguing over it. Let it go and move on.

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The syntax of If Function in Excel is as follows:


=IF (Logic_Test, Value_if_True, Value_if_False)

Here, ‘Logic_Test’ refers to the expression that is to be evaluated.

‘Value_if_True’ is the output of IF Statement if the ‘Logic_Test’ is TRUE.

‘Value_if_False’ is the output of IF Statement if the ‘Logic_Test’ is FALSE.


I will put this as simply as possible.



Gift is given - Circumstances look hinky to me - I decide its worth mentioning.


Was a gift given = yes

Gift was given to me = No

Were the circumstances hinky = Yes

Conclusion = I investigate


Gift is given = Yes

Gift is given to me = Yes

Were the circumstances hinky = Yes

Conclusion = I do not Investigate

The circumstances are still hinky but I no longer care, this is called adding a variable and it is literally how every decision is made, the pros and cons are weighed up.


So yes I can hold two opinions of this at once as they split off to form their own threads and their own conclusions.




Were the circumstances hinky IN MY OPINION = Yes



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What I find truly humorous in this thread in particular is that it used to be reddit was considered the negative cesspool towards this game yet the same thread on this same topic in reddit is mostly positive and supporting of the move.


My how things have changed.


Returning to the forums almost convinces me quite a few people actually pay now just for the right to be negative.

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What I find truly humorous in this thread in particular is that it used to be reddit was considered the negative cesspool towards this game yet the same thread on this same topic in reddit is mostly positive and supporting of the move.


My how things have changed.


Returning to the forums almost convinces me quite a few people actually pay now just for the right to be negative.


Seriously? What thread are you seeing? There's been overwhelming support for the move here. Just because one guy doesn't agree and everyone argues with him hardly makes the entire community toxic. In truth I've seen about 3 different accounts who disagreed with the move and I've lost count of the amount of supporters of it there are so many. Hardly what I'd call a cesspool of negativity.

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Seriously? What thread are you seeing? There's been overwhelming support for the move here. Just because one guy doesn't agree and everyone argues with him hardly makes the entire community toxic. In truth I've seen about 3 different accounts who disagreed with the move and I've lost count of the amount of supporters of it there are so many. Hardly what I'd call a cesspool of negativity.


Also a differing opinion is not negative

Negative is in the perception of the viewer, it is never universal truth.

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Also a differing opinion is not negative

Negative is in the perception of the viewer, it is never universal truth.


Totally true. Everyone doesn't have to either agree all the time or be constantly insulting eachother. Why can't people just respect an opinion. Respecting it doesn't mean you have to agree but at least be civil :rolleyes: I just find it endlessly funny that all these people think its fine to crap on you and your opinions because they are somehow defending some innocent streamer who was never under attack to begin with. Ah social justice. Don't you just love it? xD

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