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Why Season 8 rewards will dissapoint alot


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Guys there is no need to have high hopes or anticipation for the season 8 rewards. Its very simple and its not Keiths or anyones fault.


By my very rough estimate about 5% of the population on servers play ranked pvp. The number can vary from about 1-2% to 6-7% depending on servers. Judging from the leaderboards.


Of those 5% that played ranked pvp about about 0.5-1% have above 20 000 tokens (150+ ranked wins).

Of those 0.5% even less have silver rating or above simply due to the nature of the ranked system.


So all in all we are talking about less then 0.5% the population that demands "very special rewards" (20k+tokens/silverating).


From season 3 and onwards the rewards have gotten worse and worse. With season 7 being probaly the worst in history of the game. Because less then 0.5% of the population were affected... 99.5% of the players were not bothered by it.


This is just how the game works.. devs cant dedicate alot of time and money on something that effect only 0.5% of the population (especially when its given free) when team is already small and theres tons of stuff on the "to do list". This is just the reality... if we'r lucky we get some reskins from previous season which iam totally GLAD for!... if were unlucky a repeate of season 7 which probaly is the case. Game was different back in 2014 where the population was ALOT bigger.

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Guys there is no need to have high hopes or anticipation for the season 8 rewards. Its very simple and its not Keiths or anyones fault.


By my very rough estimate about 5% of the population on servers play ranked pvp. The number can vary from about 1-2% to 6-7% depending on servers. Judging from the leaderboards.


Of those 5% that played ranked pvp about about 0.5-1% have above 20 000 tokens (150+ ranked wins).

Of those 0.5% even less have silver rating or above simply due to the nature of the ranked system.


So all in all we are talking about less then 0.5% the population that demands "very special rewards" (20k+tokens/silverating).


From season 3 and onwards the rewards have gotten worse and worse. With season 7 being probaly the worst in history of the game. Because less then 0.5% of the population were affected... 99.5% of the players were not bothered by it.


This is just how the game works.. devs cant dedicate alot of time and money on something that effect only 0.5% of the population (especially when its given free) when team is already small and theres tons of stuff on the "to do list". This is just the reality... if we'r lucky we get some reskins from previous season which iam totally GLAD for!... if were unlucky a repeate of season 7 which probaly is the case. Game was different back in 2014 where the population was ALOT bigger.


I see your point but all we really need is a mount (that will quickly be re-skinned and on the CM anyway) and some armor/weapons with glow effects (which can also be re-skinned and put on the CM).


Also, if they made some really nice rewards then more people would do ranked and it wouldn't be such a small %.


One other idea I would like to see that wouldn't take any graphics money would be to also give us legacy focus/shields and make ranked a place we can earn them. A lot of ranked players don't pve and so we don't have a chance at these. Would be a great QoL reward.

Edited by DarthRaika
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You are right, and there was a dev post (or maybe it happened in a live stream) that confirmed it. Ranked participation is low, and since the RPVP rewards are unique, one time only rewards, they don't produce the kind of ROI that encourages further dev time to make new ones. So, we get battle flags, titles, decorations, and a mount. There's always a mount.


It's a disappointing but understandable conclusion. Why make really cool weapons and armor (cool being subjective...looking at you, Baron Deathmark's Helmet) when so few people get them? Why put in those billable hours, when so few people actually try to attain them?


I have some opinions and suggestions.


When I was starting my professional career, I was told to "Dress for the career you want, not the one you have." Cliche as that is, it has served me well. I wish our friends in Austin received that same advise. Granted, it's not too late. We have a new dude at the helm, and the road-map mentions changes coming to ranked. At this point, we can only speculate about what that means.


They started strong, like they knew they had a hit. Of course they did; Star Wars is one of the greatest IP's ever. Loads (too many, in hindsight) of servers, awesome ranked rewards, and guilds that coordinated matches. There were even plans advertised on the pvp menu window to include cross server. Super awesome! But then x-server got nixed, and the hierarchy of who the best pvp teams on each server got pretty well established. Arena's happened, and it's been declining ever since.


The rewards have followed suit.


I read a post recently about including previous season rewards at the vendors. I like that idea, and I don't like it. I have no rose colored glasses on. I'm good on my Slinger, but I'm no Caprica. I thought I was a great guardian tank, but then Kana'ba put me in a dumpster and marked the location with a bakers dozen battle flags. People like that will get the rewards. I might. Might not.


If the Rancor suddenly appeared in the shop, it would no doubt diminish the Rancors from season 1. Why claw your way to the top in a competitive season, when someone three seasons later, when it's not so competitive, can get the same thing? The fact that it's a limited edition makes it attractive to the competitive players. That's why people complain about reskins. That's why people want weapons and armor. They are visible inside the warzone. When I'm fighting, I don't see your dumb plaque on the wall of your stronghold, but I do see your blaster. I do see your armor. The rewards aren't just rewards. They are trophies. And they are to be seen.


I think there's something there, though. At the end of a season, the rewards are updated. Why not keep the previous season rewards available, but add a word to their name? When the rewards turn over the the next season, all previous seasons are purchasable, but are now called "Replica: Baron Deathmark's Helmet." etc.


This would keep the exclusivity for the people that earned the items when they were new, and give newer/less able players a chance at getting the sought-after, but retired items. It would also give the developers a reason to produce new, cool, and unique items.



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I'm willing to give keith the benefit of the doubt until he gives me reason not to


also, ranked players may be a relatively small percentage of swtor players but 100% of us (those who play solo ranked, anyway) are subs which has got to count for something

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Guys there is no need to have high hopes or anticipation for the season 8 rewards. Its very simple and its not Keiths or anyones fault.


By my very rough estimate about 5% of the population on servers play ranked pvp. The number can vary from about 1-2% to 6-7% depending on servers. Judging from the leaderboards.


Of those 5% that played ranked pvp about about 0.5-1% have above 20 000 tokens (150+ ranked wins).

Of those 0.5% even less have silver rating or above simply due to the nature of the ranked system.


So all in all we are talking about less then 0.5% the population that demands "very special rewards" (20k+tokens/silverating).


From season 3 and onwards the rewards have gotten worse and worse. With season 7 being probaly the worst in history of the game. Because less then 0.5% of the population were affected... 99.5% of the players were not bothered by it.


This is just how the game works.. devs cant dedicate alot of time and money on something that effect only 0.5% of the population (especially when its given free) when team is already small and theres tons of stuff on the "to do list". This is just the reality... if we'r lucky we get some reskins from previous season which iam totally GLAD for!... if were unlucky a repeate of season 7 which probaly is the case. Game was different back in 2014 where the population was ALOT bigger.


Top tier PVE rewards (such as wings of architect or dread master helmet) are also owned by less than 0.1% of the players. They are also not reskinned in CM. Previous seasons rewards are not available anymore. Even though I personally wouldn't mind the possibility to buy them with my tokens (I will have plenty from my 10+ tier 1s).

That means current season rewards should maintain the quality of previous rewards. S7 was lackluster and people were disappointed.

Also as Doc said all people that are playing solo ranked are subs. Some of them are also buying CM stuff, but their main interest is ranked pvp.

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Gold rewards are by definition only for a small % of the pvp population, that was their intent, you know?

That's why gold rating is decided near the end of the season and not in the beginning. The power is in their hands to change that if they wanted to, so it's not an excuse.

Edited by invertioN
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