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Pending Bug Fixes - GU 5.2.2


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Hey folks,


One of the things Keith mentioned in the Roadmap is that we want to work on enhancing Communication with you, especially around the future. As a part of that plan, approximately 2 weeks before each Game Update I will post a thread with a list of currently planned and confirmed bug fixes. Once that list is live I will post updates every few days as I get more information. This thread will become a living list of bug fixes that are slated for the next Game Update.


A few important caveats:

  • These are not the patch notes. Features, highlights, and the comprehensive list of bug fixes will be missing.
  • This is not a comprehensive list of every bug fix in the patch.
  • These bug fixes are subject to change and/or be removed. As we continue implementing fixes and testing them, some of these could get moved into other releases.
  • TLDR - This is preliminary and everything is subject to change. :rak_03:

Thanks everyone. Let me know if you have any questions about how this process will work. Here are the initial bug fixes for 5.2.2:

  • Players who defeat the Infernal Council in the Eternity Vault will now receive the “Defeating the Infernal Council” Achievement as intended.
  • When purchasing a mount from the Cartel Market the player will no longer receive the message “You already own this item” unless they actually own it.
  • Players can no longer see group chat after leaving or being removed from a Group Finder group.
  • Players who finished Iokath who are unable to summon Elara Dorne or Malavai Quinn can now use the Companion Locator Terminal to retrieve them.
  • *Spoiler* Redeemed Arcann will now appear in the Odessen Base after completing Chapter 9 of Knights of the Eternal Throne.
  • Killing Yadira Ban in The Black Talon Flashpoint will no longer drop Item Rating 200 gear.
  • The Taspan Ambush Space Mission is once again available via the Galaxy Map.
  • Multiple decorations have had their name corrected to properly reflect their Sand People origins.
  • The Apprentice Force-Lord’s Practice Staff is no longer invisible while sheathed.
  • The Mystic’s Polesaber now uses lightsaber mods as intended.
  • Major Valor Boosts which are rewarded from Encrypted Datacubes are now bind on pickup.
  • Multiple MTX mounts will appear more zoomed out in the preview window.
  • Players who abandon the Mission “Facing the Machines of War” are no longer blocked from reacquiring it.
  • Corrected an issue where players could get more than 8-players onto their team in Warzones.
  • The Kurtob Alliance Speeder has received its long overdue tune-up and once again moves at the proper speed.
  • When queueing for a Warzone, the user-interface no longer states that the player will receive Warzone Commendations as a reward.

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  • Players who abandon the Mission “Facing the Machines of War” are no longer blocked from reacquiring it.


This is the one you get after talking to the Scion, yes? Is this just for players that abandon it going forward, or for anybody who's abandoned it in the past? I abandoned that mission days after 5.2 dropped so I could change my allegiance so's I could run Tyth with my guild. I've been so upset about it, I haven't done anything on Iokath since...

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I love that we will have this thread, hopefully we can see some long standing bugs fixed, so kudos to you Keith, and Eric. Speaking of long standing bugs, I would like to add something that hopefully you can either look into or let someone on the team know is broken. As seen on this thread, when an Imperial character arrives on Ziost after the climax of the Rise of the Emperor story, the planetary arrival cutscene does not play, where it does play for a Republic character. There is a video on the thread that shows what I mean.
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[*]Major Valor Boosts which are rewarded from Encrypted Datacubes are now bind on pickup.



Could it be considered instead that these Major Valor Boosts become Bind to Legacy instead? It keeps them off the GTN but still allows them to be useful to the characters we actually pvp on.

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Could it be considered instead that these Major Valor Boosts become Bind to Legacy instead? It keeps them off the GTN but still allows them to be useful to the characters we actually pvp on.


This. Same with the Major XP boost. Would it be hard to make a separate BtL version of both boosts and have the Datacube quests reward them instead of the current versions?

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  • Players who defeat the Infernal Council in the Eternity Vault will now receive the “Defeating the Infernal Council” Achievement as intended.


You had me at that one. Didn't even read the rest of it yet.


This is the kind of direction we want to go in!


Update: Nice breadth of coverage - from Ops to Mounts to FPs to Companions to Space Missions to Decos to Gear to Consumables to PvE to PvP. Definitely the way to go. Within each category, I hope you have a master defects list sorted by priority / severity and you choose to pick the top one of each list in every cycle; you could then use up any remaining development capacity by knocking out some easy-to-fix defects of any priority or category.

Edited by mike_carton
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If you mean where our characters going invisible and everything else, but the armor piece. Then i want that fixed to. Has it really been a year?


It sure has :( It's one of those bugs that is seriously annoying if you do a lot of outfit swapping and every single time someone has brought up the issue it never even got aknowledged (afaik) Even made a few threads on it myself.


Glad fixes are coming but this one should have been dealt with a long time ago.


So Keith, if you read this. Can we get word on whether this is being fixed too and if not in the initial release, when :cool:

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I'm pretty sure this thread wasn't to be a "what about all the other bug fixes you still need to do" thread. It is for discussing the bugs they intend to come out in the very next patch...bug fixes they have been working on so far. Two weeks before launching a new game update they aren't going to start on old bugs not listed.


Given that, can you please tell us why you haven't been working on the bugs years old? Sure not seeing my polesaber is important to me, but not being able to preview gear is kinda a bigger issue imo.....as well as the hundreds of even older bugs i'm sure the community can list. It really would be nice to get some kind of "Hey remember this bug? Well funny thing, when trying to fix it we made things a thousand times worse and don't know why so we're back-burnering that issue to work on things we actually can fix" or some kind of update on the old bugs would be appreciated.

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Hey folks,


One of the things Keith mentioned in the Roadmap is that we want to work on enhancing Communication with you, especially around the future. As a part of that plan, approximately 2 weeks before each Game Update I will post a thread with a list of currently planned and confirmed bug fixes. Once that list is live I will post updates every few days as I get more information. This thread will become a living list of bug fixes that are slated for the next Game Update.


A few important caveats:

  • These are not the patch notes. Features, highlights, and the comprehensive list of bug fixes will be missing.
  • This is not a comprehensive list of every bug fix in the patch.
  • These bug fixes are subject to change and/or be removed. As we continue implementing fixes and testing them, some of these could get moved into other releases.
  • TLDR - This is preliminary and everything is subject to change. :rak_03:

I think this is an excellent step. Great job Eric Musco and Keith Kanneg! Thank you.

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It sure has :( It's one of those bugs that is seriously annoying if you do a lot of outfit swapping and every single time someone has brought up the issue it never even got aknowledged (afaik) Even made a few threads on it myself.


Glad fixes are coming but this one should have been dealt with a long time ago.


So Keith, if you read this. Can we get word on whether this is being fixed too and if not in the initial release, when :cool:


I'm so sorry and feel terrible, i never even listed that /bug because i thought it was just mainly me. I mean i think i may have heard of 2 other people on Fleet talking about the same /bug. But i thought maybe they got rid of it by restarting the game or a re-log, of course that never happened with you and me then.


Feel bad about not reporting it like i should have, but i will later.:o

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This is excellent Eric!


I know we won't all agree on what is prioritized for fix in any specific patch, and there will be lots of special interests pressing for their particular pet peeves with the game ... but this level of transparency is very much appreciated.

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Major Valor Boosts which are rewarded from Encrypted Datacubes are now bind on pickup.


Something NO player was asking for, but since it circumvents direct purchases from the cartel market by 0.00001%..... IT MUST BE STOPPED!

Edited by ViciousFett
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Thx for this Eric and Keith!


Wondering if there are any plans to finally fix the Stronghold Defender Weapons unlock in Collections... pretty sure this has been on the books for about 2 1/2 years... pretty please?





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Thx for this Eric and Keith!


Wondering if there are any plans to finally fix the Stronghold Defender Weapons unlock in Collections... pretty sure this has been on the books for about 2 1/2 years... pretty please?






When grophets make the Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs.



Seriously, though - a focus on bugfixes is a major plus going forward. Thanks.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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Something NO player was asking for, but since it circumvents direct purchases from the cartel market by 0.00001%..... IT MUST BE STOPPED!


Really? You asked every single player in the entire game if they asked about this. I'm impressed. :D:p

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Login loading screen shows the text after finishing makeb even tho the character finished makeb and is progressing through shadow of revan prelude, yavin 4 and finished KOTFE and KOTET. Normal text appears while progressing through rishi and after finishing ziost. Why is that NOT in the top five of that list?

Oh, right. Only things that affect gameplay make it into the list like AOE looting, GTN sorting, robe clipping... OH WAIT! Its like the devs are actually avoiding the real bugs that affect this game for years and only adress bugs in the current expansion as if nothing else exists in this game. Incompware at its best.

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