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Theron and Lana - What are they loyal to?


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My suspicion these days is that Theron and Lana are working for Jadus, deep cover operatives that can easily assume the roles of republic and empire spies, they have been working for Jadus for years as moles inside both empires, eventually the outlander comes to his attention and puts Lana in first with the need to save the outlander and save the galaxy, Jadus would of seen the threat from the zakuulans for what it is and made sure the outlander got what he/she needed, and later on Jadus would of planned the outlander build a base on Odessen and have Theron there for stability and an extra mole in those operations. This way Jadus can keep tabs on all three of his rival powerbases so he can plan accordingly with any potential invasion later on.


That would be neat, but why would Theron work for Jadus?

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That would be neat, but why would Theron work for Jadus?


I always wondered where those implants came from on Theron and if Jadus put his people in place and the implants were switched out for ones that brainwashed Theron in such a way he didn't realise it when he got them, it would be more like a distant mental suggestion. eventually that implant would assert itself and when Jadus finally showed himself, Theron was more than willing to serve Jadus.


Just imagine the perfect sleeper agent in the SIS being the child of Satele Shan and Jace Malcom, no one would ever suspect it. those implants on Theron's head continue to serve their purpose to allow Jadus to issue orders to Theron in the field. Remember that Theron can use his implants to control a shuttle, so it can obviously work the other way because the shuttle would have to respond back to Theron in order for him to know what when and where the shuttle is.

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Perhaps, to use the Revan clause, it wasn't a betrayal or a fall as much as a sacrifice.


Even before KotFE, the situation wasn't great, especially for the Imps. Marr admits, come the Makeb arc, that the Empire's pretty much screwed. They lost 10% of their forces on Corellia, Malgus took another big chunk when he went rogue, the Dread Masters were also causing trouble. The Dark Council was mostly in shambles. Their biggest "victory" left them with a polluted, rakghoul infested swamp. If their Hail Mary at Makeb didn't pan out, they'd have to surrender to the Republic.


And then we have the Republic. Yay! Imps on the ropes. But that doesn't mean they aren't up to their eyeballs in other problems. The scandal of Belsalvis getting out, for one. The loss of key planets and billions of lives. The Senate, without the war to unite them, goes back to squabbling. Some of the alliances made to help in the war effort are with very shady people - the Hutts, for one. Oh, and there's Suresh who is rapidly losing her grip on sanity as she becomes genocidal towards the Empire, which will wreck any attempt to accept a peace deal and keep the war going longer than it must, with more cost in lives and resources. Malgus and the Dread Masters also cause as much headaches for them as much as the Imps.


So, probably come the Oricon arc, there are people in both factions realizing this war is being artificially prolonged by stupid management while there are bigger problems hitting both of them. By the time the Revanites start trouble, the lights ironically go on; Tharon and Lana were working the same case, but for their respective factions. It's only when they compare notes and work with the future Outlander(s) that they manage to start doing any damage to the crazy cult. It doesn't mean they're any less loyal to their home faction, they just have a different idea on what's best to save it than their leaders. Then when Zakuul swoops in? Well, a conventional war on two fronts (fighting Zakuul while fighting the Empire/Republic) is just going to get their home factions killed faster and help Zakuul. Adding fuel to the fire is that Vitatae was the one who manipulated them all into this mess in the first place - so he's the real problem here. Their governments are still more interested in fighting an unnecessary war than this new threat, so why not start a fourth option dedicated at hitting/undermining Zakuul so that their respective factions aren't being strangled by it, and then use that faction to try and get their home factions to quit the stupidity?


And come Eternal Throne, the Outlander and their dragons (Lana and Theron) are now in the best position to force both the Imps and Pubs to sit down, shut up, and hammer out a treaty so that neither side takes further damage.

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