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Starting to believe the reviews now?


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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


Most people who play this game have also played World of Warcraft, me included. But most of them are expecting an almost similar if not the same experience they gained from World of Warcraft, in SW:TOR. This will not be the case and for some reason they're disappointed when it doesn't turn out to be World of Warcraft in space. They're giving storyline but when doing that, they have to limit the enviroment in which you're playing in. To make that storyline work, you have psuedo-freeroaming. Freeroaming within a restricted enviroment. Which for me is good enough. They're doing the best with what they're given with this game-style which is really hard to make and really hard to make as they're trying and in my opinion they did a brilliant job, bravo BioWare. Only you could have pulled this off to such an outstanding standard.

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just like Wow warriors are crap.


I did not like the World of Warcraft Warrior either, I found the gameplay boring and monotonous. However I am playing a Warrior on this game and I am finding the experience completely different and am thoroughly enjoying it. They're really nothing alike in my opinion, in some aspects they are sure. But in most no they're not. BioWare have put plenty of effort into making this game all it can be and I think they've done successfully with keeping it original and fun.

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I just don't understand people ripping on this game and not giving Bioware some credit. I mean come on they worked there butts off on this and put massive amount of time and money into it. No MMO is 100 perfect on right away. I wish people would give more credit to these guys. I love the story lines and the massive amount of story in it. People that say there is not enough content or that they are burnt out on it astound me. Maybe because I have a life and a family and I am not able to play this 6 hours a day everyday. Love the game and I will be playing for a long tome to come. Great job Bioware!
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Try reading my post again before calling anyone an 'idiot', I quoted someone that compared the two games and went on to say they are nothing alike. Show me where I said TOR should be anything like Skyrim?


I am more than happy seeing SWTOR flounder because that is what is deserves. I played it for 6 days before I unsubscribed, like it or not it is average at best.


You discredit your own arguments. You say you have cancelled your sub but you have nothing better to do than hang around here? :confused::rolleyes:

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I'd be fine with that.


There is an ENORMOUS amount of work that still needs to be done.


As it stands, the game isn't fit for release imo.



I completely agree. You know its almost as if they just released it because they knew how much money they were going to make, but LOL I mean what kind of business does that....right :rolleyes:



The game has about a month before its dead along with every other game.


I wanted to live this game so very bad, but my god there are so many bugs and stupid features that need to be changed so very fast.

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that doesnt mean its to early. just means there are bugs. there will always be bugs. thats just the nature of the beast when it comes to coding. i remember last year in wow there was a bug that would make you crash if your mouse hovered over a usable toggle. took two weeks before it was fixed.


sure you can wait till all the bugs are fixed before you release a game, but that just means you'll never release the product.

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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


and where do you see that???


it came out of your head right ?




88 for a MMO...yeah ok.


ppls must stop making stupid post with stats coming from their......*****


ps. and forums are always the place for trolls and those that have fun with trolling the trolls (me:p)


ps1. ppl unsubing? it is still the free months how you can unsub from that?!?!?!?? ROFLMAO

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Young Padawan. Never expect too much from a game. You will be disappointed. I expected nothing when I fired up SWtoR the first time and I am having tonnes of fun.


The way you talk about GW2 will only result in either blindness or disappointment.


You should only ask yourself one question when you play: Am I having fun? If yes continue. If no discontinue. That is it.


This forum is so filled with people that either dream about something that is not or have an agenda that this game should fail (there is so much money in the MMO business that I am absolutely positive that e.g. Blizzard has PR people working around the clock right now at 'user' forums). Just relax instead.


This. Especially the last part :)

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well from all the gaming and mmo sites i go to, this game is getting better reviews than most if not all mmo reviews ive read. Plus from all the post release news ive read, this game is a huge hit. I know its hard for those that dislike this game to accept but its doing quite well now and barring a disaster it will continue to be successful for the foreseeable future.


or you can continue with your DOOM threads lol

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I've seen nothing but positive reviews, other than people complaining on these forums. Not sure those count as "reviews" though. PC Gamer gave this game a 93 I believe. Most places are giving it a 90%+ score.


With all due respect, gaming sites and magazines' scores for games of major publishers are about as reliable as statements from politicians, iow not at all.


While the game is promising and has a lot of great content it's clearly rough around the edges and imho doesn't deserve a 90+ score, basic things don't work or don't work properly (honestly, unharvestable nodes at release in this day and age? I know it's fixed now, but seriously?), the GTN interface is unworkable, the entire planet Quesh is a rushjob (no companion love/hate for anything, obvious LS/DS choice dialogues without actual result etc. etc.), the crafting and modding system seem to still need loads of work to live up to their promise of moddable gear being viable in endgame (as it stands it is not), sith corruption toggles back on after every load screen, no hood toggle, etc etc.


Not to mention ingame support is utter and total crap. My ticket just got closed with a "thanks for the bug report, you won't hear any more of this" instead of an actual solution...


Now don't take this the wrong way, I love this game, but it has so many issues that a more objective score would be 75 or 79 or so. It's a very addicting game but it still has too many rough edges ...

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Ok so my review for this game while my companions are doing missions:


Oh wait sorry my flashpoint group is ready back to the game....


Seriously wanna know why there are less people on the forums with a positive attitude? It's because they are busy enjoying the game. Now if you will excuse me my missions are done so back to enjoying this game.

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Hmm...Havent seen a serious site/mag review under 90% myself discounting some ridicilous sites.


Me and 6 RL friends are having a blast playing the game so far. Havent had this much fun with MMO in quite some time. If you are not enjoying it then I'm sorry maybe it is not the game for you or you could say why you dont like it and maybe give an idea on how to fix it. Or pick up another game and give it a go.


Sure it needs polish and more content and bug fixes etc. MMOs are never released FINISHED. It is the best launch I have been to.

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Ok so my review for this game while my companions are doing missions:


Oh wait sorry my flashpoint group is ready back to the game....


Seriously wanna know why there are less people on the forums with a positive attitude? It's because they are busy enjoying the game. Now if you will excuse me my missions are done so back to enjoying this game.


But this is the reason of the forums. If you see problems it is very normal to come and post it to the forums. If you see perfection (like you do for instance) you have nothing to post. I wonder how we can call these that in spite seeing perfection they still come to hijack threads or offend people of the first category. Really man. Go enjoy the game and leave the ones with the concerns to the forums. Fair enough? :)

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I've seen nothing but positive reviews, other than people complaining on these forums. Not sure those count as "reviews" though. PC Gamer gave this game a 93 I believe. Most places are giving it a 90%+ score.


PC Gamer gave DA2 a 93%.


You should know by now not to trust mainstream media.

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PC Gamer gave DA2 a 93%.


You should know by now not to trust mainstream media.


mainstream media delivers better, more constructive reviews than 95% of the reviews I see from some random person. I almost always reread reviews after playing the game as well.


funny though when mmos get bad reviews, people who dislike the game have no problem showing that.

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mainstream media delivers better, more constructive reviews than 95% of the reviews I see from some random person. I almost always reread reviews after playing the game as well.


funny though when mmos get bad reviews, people who dislike the game have no problem showing that.


Problem with mainstream media is that they only deal with mainstream stuff. So in the end it all regresses to the mean, DA2 is a prime example, it doesn't do anything new, uses default everything and is barely an RPG, but it is a simple action game and that works for the mainstream media. ANY game that tries to do something actually new will either be passed up by those mainstream media or get a bad review.


Indie games with bugs tend to get butchered by those mainstream media, but when it's an "AA" title from a "major" publisher suddenly it's all about the gameplay (Skyrim anyone? That game's not even playable on most state of the art PCs without 3rd party patches as it can't handle over 3or4G of RAM, which most every gamer's PC has...it still got raving reviews though and no mention of the bugs).


While a lot of the whining on the forums after a game's release might just be trolls doing what they do best I still feel the community around the game is the best indication of whether a game has any real problems or not, but filtering the disingenuous trolling from the honest criticism is an art in itself.

Edited by MareLooke
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before the game release alot of reviews gave it bad reviews and the ppl here didnt like them. After playin the game a bit i can tell those reviews were pretty accurate and u see less of the ppl who said this game was "awsome" and more ppl unsubing. this game clearly wasnt ready


I concur, though only real gamers and who are not SW freaks can see the flaws. The game is fine for inexperienced players and also people who eat SW for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


This game is bad. Period.

Edited by Chomag
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