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Hood/Mask issue


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pre- 1.3 Kalligs countenance and the legacy mask both worked with the hood on th eBlack hole chest piece


since the patch this no longer works .. and as stated previously


MASK alone looks like a fricken Cue-Ball ! :eek:


I have submitted bug tickets that have been passed to the DEV team ( apparently )


I want my hood back !

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In my opinion there should definitely be a toggle, letting people choose whether they want a hood or not, the same way we can choose to show head slot of not.


When you remove a feature because of bugs, it does not mean that the feature is now working as intended, it means that you still need to fix the bugs...


By the way, from the last Q&A http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-june-29th-2012

Lesai: When it comes to planning content and game direction, how much of it is based on the developers’ plan for the game, and how much of it is based on community suggestion and feedback?


Daniel Erickson (Lead Game Designer): As we come to the end of our big must-have features (like Group Finder), updates are driven more and more by the community. Expect to see far more of the smaller quality of life requested features (color matching for companions, chat bubbles, etc.) start to get real traction under them in the near future.

The hood issue was the first thing I thought of when I read the beginning of this.

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pre- 1.3 Kalligs countenance and the legacy mask both worked with the hood on th eBlack hole chest piece


since the patch this no longer works .. and as stated previously


MASK alone looks like a fricken Cue-Ball ! :eek:


I have submitted bug tickets that have been passed to the DEV team ( apparently )


I want my hood back !



This is exactly what I want. used to have it now i dont.

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ok you got my vote,especially after mentioning revan...btw,can i actually get ahold of a revan-esque mask ingame?


Revans Mask Was a Mandalorian Helmet, most BH +34 helms will work for that Revan look, just without the hood.

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Still nothing.


After a month of grinding, my looks on my Sorcerer are complete.


I thought they would have already fixed this issue when I finished grinding, but apparently I was wrong.


Now I am really demotivated to continue playing the Sorcerer, guess I'll just play my Operative until my sub runs dry this month.

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This is really becoming ridiculous,it's been 6 months,patch 1.3,and a tons of threads on many kind of forums about this mask-hood issue.And yes i'm the one of those who wants his inquisitor wear a mask with his hood.I mean c'mon,i could do it in jedy academy series and in kotor-yes with mods-but i was look like a sith inquisitor should look like...but this is just sad...



Just to show what we want (sith warrior helmet/mask with hood)-or make the light armor version of that:



Edited by Memos
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  • 2 weeks later...

Good news!

When i played The Foundary (Hard Mode) last time, Revan puted his legendary mask on and hood DIDN'T disappear;)

Still, we can't wear, for example, Killig's mask with hood and such, but that the Revan now looks like it should be, in my opinion, is a big deal and gives a good promises! Let's wait and see what will happen..

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Hey check out the announcement page for SWTOR going F2P. That Sith Inquisitor with HK-51. He's got a mask...with his hood up. A hint perhaps?:D

Of course. Spend 10K cartel coins and you get to put up/pull down your hood if you so desire.

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Then again, they can't even get the hoods right. For my Sith inq, when he wears a hood it looks fine, until he activates his saber (goes into combat stance), then all of a sudden I can see the back of his head through the hood peeking out. Also, my sith has a bunch of hair, but since hair disappears when the hood is up, I just see the back of his "Bald" head peeking through.


They should probably fix that first or we will be seeing A LOT of helmets popping through our hoods.


Anyway, +1 to this thread. I would love that option. My inq looks like fool with just a helm when the hood disappears.

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And here we are-there will be masks-in the "cash shop"...they already advertising the Nihilus mask for cartel points or whatever-so there will be masks in "cash shop"-they just didn't want to give it away for free-when they can sell it later for real money-maybe it's time for me to leave swtor -anyway in no time will be full with beggars,whiners,farmers,trolls,campers,5 year olds,gold spammers,haters...just the things why i hate f2p mmo-s...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Is this the place where we also sign for player built attack-able cities on expanded planets, beast taming/mounts & JTL space combat?


One thing at a time I guess...


/signed. :csw_r2d2:


Oh hey, since this is a (spiritual) sequel to KOTOR how about some pazaak too.

I'm needy :D

Edited by HaruHaraHaru
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I stopped reading after the title but will simply say, in the suggestion box. I agree with the title as it should be allowed to have both if you wanted and it should be added as an option. As should hood up or down.
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