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how to survive an all out tunnel


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I play solo ranked...

There are times when I am tunneled and I survive, I use defenses and last quite a bit, longer then the first target on enemy team. Most of the times, enemy ignores me...

However, some times I don't even know what hit me... an absolute outright tunnel... when I am basically globalled. And it seems that no defenses or healing is enough from the ballistic shield, I main a Sniper.

It does not happen often, but it does... even if i think I am prepared, however toxic **** that starts coming out, makes me sad. So, fellow snipers, how do you survive tunneling, I am now talking 4 dps on 4 dps or 3 dps and a tank. With healer present, I live very long.


Wasn't paying much attention to your quote since I am after my own Political agenda, but now that I had read it gonna tell you exactly what happened. Lets assume you play on the Harbinger:


"There are times when I am tunneled and I survive, I use defenses and last quite a bit, longer then the first target on enemy team. Most of the times, enemy ignores me..."


Nothing wrong, you play it correctly, you play the way your spec is supposed to be play. Reason why you still got tunnel is because teammates didn't help, and most likely you went against a group of seasonal players, which we're good at staying focus and communicate. And even if your teammates were trying to help they probably didn't have what it takes against a more experience team.


"However, some times I don't even know what hit me... an absolute outright tunnel... when I am basically globalled. And it seems that no defenses or healing is enough from the ballistic shield, I main a Sniper."


You got straight premade it: Its usually a team of 3players made of 1stealth and 2rdps. The stealth stuns you while other two take a clear shot, then stealth stun you against while the other two take a second shot, which you'll be global by then. They always pop together while the system continue to queue you with random players. You can queue 10times in a row, and 10times they'll pop together. There're many combinations to premade. Just gave you an example. You'll be surprise went the system finally queue's you with them. By the time you blink the opposing team is dead.


"So, fellow snipers, how do you survive tunneling, I am now talking 4 dps on 4 dps or 3 dps and a tank. With healer present, I live very long"


Someone gotta loose. You could it had been queue with a good team against another good team, and at the end your team loss..it just happens.

Edited by VIZIOO
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Just look at some their twichtv channels, and you'll see how u got tunnel. "Solo Rank" hahaha is another term for group rank. Funny thing its been going on for awhile. Then they wanna masquerade things by blaming it on the Merc. To the developers!

some basic math on being in solo ranked queue with friends


2 dps queued at the same time are, other variables held equal, slightly more likely to end up playing against each other than with each other: there are 3 available slots on my team but there are 4 on the other team

Edited by yellow_
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some basic math on being in solo ranked queue with friends


2 dps queued at the same time are, other variables held equal, slightly more likely to end up playing against each other than with each other: there are 3 available slots on my team but there are 4 on the other team


You using the right formula but the results of your variables are totally incorrect. If two or 3 dps queue you know you'll be queue in the same group with at least one friend 7 out 10 times, and if its with 3 friends you'll be queue 5 out 10 with the same friends. A significant advantage against those who innocently queue in Solo Rank. I myself was innocent to the fact until I started looking into players streaming media. That's went I realize such a practice had been going on from the very get-go. Trust me this not about you or anyone that had found a flow in the system. Its about the developers to fit solo rank. There should be no form of group queue(includes duo queue) in Solo Rank.

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Do you even realize that on just harb. the ranked warzone has about 20 repeat queuers? eventually their going to say, hey get in my ts, discord, whatever. bioware cant stop that nor will they. third party group chats are not owned by swtor, and that's all it is.


Oh? I got on gregs team? let me tell him to hop on and lets win together.


that's sums it up.

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Do you even realize that on just harb. the ranked warzone has about 20 repeat queuers? eventually their going to say, hey get in my ts, discord, whatever. bioware cant stop that nor will they. third party group chats are not owned by swtor, and that's all it is.


Oh? I got on gregs team? let me tell him to hop on and lets win together.


that's sums it up.


That is already happening. And has been for a long time.


With the skill of the average player you will run into in this game being so godawefully low I can't blame people for seeking out their peers.


If the average player would try a little harder at being good, then maybe people wouldn't be so hammered on not queueing alone.

Edited by Evolixe
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You using the right formula but the results of your variables are totally incorrect. If two or 3 dps queue you know you'll be queue in the same group with at least one friend 7 out 10 times, and if its with 3 friends you'll be queue 5 out 10 with the same friends. A significant advantage against those who innocently queue in Solo Rank. I myself was innocent to the fact until I started looking into players streaming media. That's went I realize such a practice had been going on from the very get-go. Trust me this not about you or anyone that had found a flow in the system. Its about the developers to fit solo rank. There should be no form of group queue(includes duo queue) in Solo Rank.


Dude you are literally asking the developers to nerf that OP tactic of "having friends." How exactly do you see them implementing a random queue for solo ranked that eliminates the possibility of being randomly matched with someone that queues at the same time? If you are talking about the devs putting logic in the queue to try and avoid matching by, well, any criteria really I guarantee you at this point it would mess something else up.

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I play on TRE and only imperial.

I did notice one day, that the opposing rep team had a combination of 2 slingers, a scoundrel and a mando....scoundrel and 2 slingers were from the same guild, can't remember which. i though coinsedence, we lost and second match they appeared again in the same combination... then i decided that this evening it was enoug, but happened with me only once for the entire season, but then, I only have time to play after work or couple of hours on the day off.

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Dude you are literally asking the developers to nerf that OP tactic of "having friends." How exactly do you see them implementing a random queue for solo ranked that eliminates the possibility of being randomly matched with someone that queues at the same time? If you are talking about the devs putting logic in the queue to try and avoid matching by, well, any criteria really I guarantee you at this point it would mess something else up.


I can accept the premise of having friends in regs. I get that. However that is a topic for a different thread that has like a 100 pages.

But solo que, is solo que, if you have an advantage of a pre made in a que that is specifically designed for matching both teams with random players, that gives a pre made an enormous advantage...

On the other hand, depending on the rewards this season and what was given last season, if no weapons box is presented, i won't bother for season 9.

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If they opened all WZs to cross faction, the solo que would benefit immensely imo, but it will do nothing to third party voice chats.


and despite what beluda thinks. there is nothing wrong with third party voice chat. most ppl if they like you will invite you, and if you get on the same team? team up, its an MMO not a console game.

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If they opened all WZs to cross faction, the solo que would benefit immensely imo, but it will do nothing to third party voice chats.


and despite what beluda thinks. there is nothing wrong with third party voice chat. most ppl if they like you will invite you, and if you get on the same team? team up, its an MMO not a console game.


There is nothing wrong with vchat. However, it is a major advantage and if yolo was a real competition vchat would only be allowed if everyone had it.


Yolo is for fun though and if you play well enough your rating will eventually go up even if you have rather bad luck and don't use vchat, watch streams, q dodge, etc. Boluda doesn't have the play well enough part down though :)

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No matter how well i play on my PT, my rating isn't going up :p

I think cross-server queues would be great. The population is so low already that if all servers were merged together in a fashion that allowed this (like WoW does for example, there are separate servers but if you have a friend on another server u can go to their server to play [they invite you to group and you just transfer to the instance])

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No matter how well i play on my PT, my rating isn't going up :p

I think cross-server queues would be great. The population is so low already that if all servers were merged together in a fashion that allowed this (like WoW does for example, there are separate servers but if you have a friend on another server u can go to their server to play [they invite you to group and you just transfer to the instance])


same, thing is no matter how well i perform in a lost match, if we lose, rating is going down... that does suck! :(

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