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Vote With Your Wallet: Boycott Cartel Packs!


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I think we should boycott direct sales of platinum items tbh, just ******** on all the veteran players that actually stuck with the game


You're going to bring up your gripes about direct sales on the CM on every thread you post in, huh? That isn't what this thread is about; make your own. :p

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Its not the topic. Its just not common for you to start an "uprising" but after a bit more reading ive done about these packs then i do sense a small amount of exception here and understand now.


Ahh, gotcha. This is true; while I can be quite critical of EAWare, I rarely start threads to protest against things myself. But I'm tired of all the nickle and diming bullcrap EAWare is doing. I mean, where is all the money even going from the Cartel Market? It doesn't seem much of it is being invested in the actual game.


Their choice to remove Bronze items (again, after it was a failure last time and they backtracked within months) to try to squeeze more money out of an already frustrated and shrinking player base needs to be protested against, or they'll just keep tightening the vise on people's wallets even further.

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Not necessarily... You do not need everyone to boycott the packs. All you need is just enough people to provide a dip in revenue large enough to discourage EAware from this practice.


I once had a discussion with a couple co-workers that were Millennials... I was pressing the point that change starts with an idea and builds when that idea grows in support... This is ultimately how change occurs when things go to far without consent of the many.


These two were convinced that no matter how many times someone spoke of change that the world was too far gone to change now...


My response was that it needs to be "too far gone" for an idea to build in strength and incite change...


We are now reaching such a low in SWTOR development and blatant money model manipulation that it is the perfect environment to gather people together to protest EAwares current direction regarding this matter.


To be honest I think they have had their dips. After my pack in November (a little bday present) I started responding to every Twitter post on packs to directly sell the items, then we will talk. :p there have been direct sell items. Ya sure I'm not going to drop $60 for 1 stinking imaginary light saber. Never happening. I did get Satele's armor though so I'm happy. And they're obviously trying to change packs even if that failed so I think they are getting a hint that many of us aren't pack happy. I have terribad luck so I'm not going to spend cartel coins on rng unless it was RNG nice decos (like all decos of amazing worth). Occasionally I do buy the dye pack but I usually end up with disgusting AF colors like bright pink and purple. *sigh* so I often don't bother with that either.


Tldr - I think they're getting the hint already.

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Since they changed from the old format of 6 items per pack, I have only been buying off gtn. Then when FE dropped, I stopped altogether. It is not even close to being worth it anymore. Even the bs drop in the droprate of decos. Get rid of cubes. Add 6 items like the old packs. improve drop rates to match the price we are spending.

But I know they wont. They have never went back on a change. Much less one this size... But I will continue to boycott these packs with you all.

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What a silly thread. Do you throw your money away at casinos too? That's what the cartel market is, and the house always wins. Thought it was obvious.


So I'm advocating that people stop gambling on the Cartel Market--which you apparently are in favor of--and yet you think it's a silly thread? That's a bit contradictory. I'm trying to help people, and convince them to stop enabling EAWare's anti-consumer policies.

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So I'm advocating that people stop gambling on the Cartel Market--which you apparently are in favor of--and yet you think it's a silly thread? That's a bit contradictory. I'm trying to help people, and convince them to stop enabling EAWare's anti-consumer policies.


You are preaching common sense, because you probably just got it after opening a ton of cartel packs and didn't get what you wanted. So here you are on the forums whining about your bad luck.


Yeah, it is that obvious.

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You are preaching common sense, because you probably just got it after opening a ton of cartel packs and didn't get what you wanted. So here you are on the forums whining about your bad luck.


Yeah, it is that obvious.


You didn't read the other posts in this thread, did you? XD


If you had, you would have seen me say I haven't bought Cartel Packs in a long time. Nowhere in any of my posts have I complained about my luck or lack thereof with Cartel Packs, because--I'll repeat this again to help you understand--I don't buy Cartel Packs.


Guess you just wanted to pick a fight, huh? Sorry, I'm not taking the bait, not if you can't even read my posts to know what I actually said. Leave that poor strawman alone! What did he ever do to you? :p

Edited by AscendingSky
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used to buy 2 a month.


since 5.0 I've not bought any


if more content arrives in game, the quality of content in the packs improves and they bin chance cubes from them (sell them separate if you think there's a market for them EA) then I'll consider buying them again


until then....

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I bought a few of the new Steadfast packs with friend referral CC. So disappointing. I felt cheated. I won't be buying any packs that will be filled mainly with Grand Chance Cubes and crappy scraps, gifts and decorations. This is so stupid. Edited by Talon_strikes
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You are preaching common sense, because you probably just got it after opening a ton of cartel packs and didn't get what you wanted. So here you are on the forums whining about your bad luck.


Yeah, it is that obvious.


Please do some additional reading before commenting. You have no idea how far off the subject you are. Maybe even do what I did and read the few other bits of info on this forum about this, then you'll know what the actual point this thread is getting across.


Selective reading is bad.

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Been boycotting since Nov 2016. :p I'm not paying for broken courting gifts and junk.

It's possible that the *companions* are broken rather than the courting gifts. (They are broken in lots of other ways, why not that, too?) OK, I agree, the effect is the same, but I'm sort of inclined to suspect that the various changes in how companions work has brought us to this rather than breakage in the gifts themselves.

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I don't want to be that (pessimist) one, but current situation is no win for us. There will be always a lot of gamblers in MMOs, as they are targeted to this audience. And even if people would stop buy stuff and even stop subscribe, EA/Bioware will rather pull the plug off than move more resources into game.
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I buy packs to resell. So far, I've make more on the new packs than the last two. Some of this is driven on the items available in the pack, supply, and of course timing (got mine on the GTN right when they unbound). So far I like the value as is and haven't seen a dip in what I get back in terms of credits. Things could change, but I'm OK with them so far.
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I admit I was a buyer of packs and crates, even if they were of diminishing rewards. I even bought into Eric's spiel on the new version without doing any thinking (shame on me).


So I a bought a Hypercrate of Steadfast Champion Packs. Well to say that pack was very underwhelming for me, would be an understatement. Even at their arbitrary -40% coin reduction its not worth.


I've long hated the long drawn out silliness of opening these things, graphics and all. Like ballons and streamers at the CRA / HMRC / IRS office where you pay taxes. (who cares?). But now the packs are worth less (Worthless?) I think I will pass on the cost and the opening silliness. My paypal account will thank me.

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I think we should boycott direct sales of platinum items tbh, just ******** on all the veteran players that actually stuck with the game


I know you are not speaking for all the Veteran players because that would include me...So are you saying they should dump on the Veteran players to make you happy?


I'm pretty sure Veteran players status has nothing to do with Gamble packs since the packs were not in the game during beta or at launch.

Edited by Soljin
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Exactly what it says on the tin. EAWare's trying to get more money for less effort, by reducing the value of Cartel Packs and forcing everyone to pay more for unlocks now that Silver rarity is the new Bronze. They're going to keep on squeezing us for cash as much as they can to try to counteract the loss of subscribers.


Now, EAWare is a business, not a charity. There's nothing wrong with them trying to make a profit--especially since this game could be shut down if revenues drop too low for their liking. That said, the fact they want to make a profit is why voting with our wallets is the best strategy to make them backtrack on their anti-consumer behavior lately.


So I say the best thing we can do right now for our own sakes is to not buy Cartel Packs--not with Cartel Coins, and not even with credits. Remember, other people will buy the packs for real money if you buy them for fake money. Send EAWare the message that they have to provide better service and value to their customers if they want to keep them.


Don't be hypocrite.


When I said the packs got poor robes, all with metal parts, hood up or short sleeves you have said that's my problem, and I should deal with it becouse its Devs decision what they add or do not add.


Now you trying to persuade people to not buy packs becouse you don't like less armor sets inside, and same price.

Maybe for someone only few armors inside are better option where's only golden and silver, and no bronze armor?

Maybe they like there's less crap bronze armors and they got more chances to get silver/gold?


, I rarely start threads to protest against things myself.


Yeah you like only to join into exist threads and start trolling and protest against things that have no impact on your gameplay.




If players like packs they releasing last time, let them buy.

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I've long hated the long drawn out silliness of opening these things, graphics and all. Like ballons and streamers at the CRA / HMRC / IRS office where you pay taxes. (who cares?).


Nice signature o.o


The smuggled goods crates are the worst, KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW like a hundred times, it's just awful.

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Don't be hypocrite.


When I said the packs got poor robes, all with metal parts, hood up or short sleeves you have said that's my problem, and I should deal with it becouse its Devs decision what they add or do not add.


Now you trying to persuade people to not buy packs becouse you don't like less armor sets inside, and same price.

Maybe for someone only few armors inside are better option where's only golden and silver, and no bronze armor?

Maybe they like there's less crap bronze armors and they got more chances to get silver/gold?


Yeah you like only to join into exist threads and start trolling and protest against things that have no impact on your gameplay.


If players like packs they releasing last time, let them buy.


Actually, that's not what I said at all about your obsession with getting the Obi-Wan Kenobi robes in game, not even close, but I'm not surprised you're misrepresenting my statements. This seems to be a pattern for you. That poor abused strawman... what did he ever do to you?


I started this thread because I think all players of TOR deserve a better value for their real world money. Packs have been rewarding less and less for a while now, and their removal (again) of Bronze items is just a way for them to make more money for less effort. Now, if people want to still buy packs, obviously they're free to do so. I'm only explaining my arguments for why you shouldn't. If you're allowed to express your opinions about 'traditional Jedi robes' all you want, I'm allowed to give my opinions on Cartel Packs. :rolleyes:

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Don't be hypocrite.


When I said the packs got poor robes, all with metal parts, hood up or short sleeves you have said that's my problem, and I should deal with it becouse its Devs decision what they add or do not add.


Now you trying to persuade people to not buy packs becouse you don't like less armor sets inside, and same price.

Maybe for someone only few armors inside are better option where's only golden and silver, and no bronze armor?

Maybe they like there's less crap bronze armors and they got more chances to get silver/gold?




Yeah you like only to join into exist threads and start trolling and protest against things that have no impact on your gameplay.




If players like packs they releasing last time, let them buy.


No one is forcing anyone to support this thread. Realistically this thread is here to tabulate the amount of people that have chosen not to support EAware in their current course of offering less for the same cost to players etc...


This thread is to allow people to come together and voice their discontent with the packs. If you do not agree then I would suggest maybe this thread is not for you. We have not attempted to force your support (This thread is a call for support of an idea... by nature of internet anonymity it can be nothing more).


If you like the packs buy them...Feel free. But just know you are paying the same price for less design and development effort from Eaware. If that sits ok with you then have at it :)

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No one is forcing anyone to support this thread. Realistically this thread is here to tabulate the amount of people that have chosen not to support EAware in their current course of offering less for the same cost to players etc...


This thread is to allow people to come together and voice their discontent with the packs. If you do not agree then I would suggest maybe this thread is not for you. We have not attempted to force your support (This thread is a call for support of an idea... by nature of internet anonymity it can be nothing more).


If you like the packs buy them...Feel free. But just know you are paying the same price for less design and development effort from Eaware. If that sits ok with you then have at it :)


I believe it goes beyond trying to tabulate people who choose not to buy packs, it is a call for a boycott on buying them. And if the attempt is to discuss the quality of the packs, why wouldn't different opinions be wanted?

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You mean WE would have to exhibit self restraint? Why can't Bioware just fix it for us, so we only get what we want?


The concept is so simple, yet so completely lost on some folk. The best is when you have people buying 4+ hypercrates, who then complain about drop rates. I mean...really?!

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I believe it goes beyond trying to tabulate people who choose not to buy packs, it is a call for a boycott on buying them. And if the attempt is to discuss the quality of the packs, why wouldn't different opinions be wanted?


Actually his post was more of a personal attack on me than him actually expressing an opinion on the packs. I don't have a problem with other people debating with me. Sharing points of view is good! However, I do have an issue with personal attacks and strawman arguments.

Edited by AscendingSky
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