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Feedback on New Packs


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I opened approx. 40 packs today of the new pack that was added to the CM earlier. I went through all of them, and well... Here comes the feedback part.


Now of course it could be terrible luck but I honestly think this is actually worse than what we had before. Sure, we could have gotten 2 chance cubes at times and I did, but most of the time it was 2 new items, and every so often 1 new item and 1 or 2 chance cubes.


Today, with the new way they are done, I received the same thing over, and over, and over, and over again (crystals, to be specific). I hardly got anything worthwhile or interesting, and that's out of 40 bucks. The chance cubes gave me some interesting things but nothing worthwhile.


I think it's better to have them reverted to the old way. There's no way to break a "spell" of getting the same item over and over and it was a pretty upsetting experience.

Edited by foxxycandy
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Here's what came out of my hypercrate --


* 3 pieces of armor (1 duplicate)

* 3 mounts (2 duplicates)

* 4 pets (2 duplicates)

* 3 emotes (2 duplicates)

* 2 dyes (1 duplicate)

* 7 crystals (5 duplicates)

* 3 decorations (1 gold, 2 silver, 1 duplicate)


Plus jawa junk and rank 5 companion gifts.


Of the 26 Grand Chance Cubes -- 1 gold mount, 2 bronze pieces of furniture, 23 other bronze items that won't sell for more than 150k (most around 50k).


There are 7 decorations in the pack and I only unlocked 2 of them.

I don't have any complete sets of armor.

I'll save the two Orange and Black dyes for Halloween, I guess.


This is the most disappointing haul yet due to all the duplicates.

This is by far the worst haul from Grand Chance Cubes.

Edited by Xina_LA
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My feedback? I am not even touching. Less items, less quality. Same, huge price. :l

Only two armor sets? What gives?


Also, personally, the intrepid knight is absolutely awful in its design that is more reminisicent of he-man kind of fantasy. This pact effectively has half of its armor sets absolutely unappealing to me xd

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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For me i only open 1 pack each time a new one comes out just for lolz, this pack i got the gold flair the havoc flair and the GCC i got a gold decoration that sells for about 20 mill, so 200cc purchase and im going to make about 35-40 million credits :D


But im just a lucky SOB first 7 crates of tier 4 crates i got were all legendary 248's on my sniper.

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Here's what came out of my hypercrate --


* 3 pieces of armor (1 duplicate)

* 3 mounts (2 duplicates)

* 4 pets (2 duplicates)

* 3 emotes (2 duplicates)

* 2 dyes (1 duplicate)

* 7 crystals (5 duplicates)

* 3 decorations (1 gold, 2 silver, 1 duplicate)


Plus jawa junk and rank 5 companion gifts.


Of the 26 Grand Chance Cubes -- 1 gold mount, 2 bronze pieces of furniture, 23 other bronze items that won't sell for more than 150k (most around 50k).


There are 7 decorations in the pack and I only unlocked 2 of them.

I don't have any complete sets of armor.

I'll save the two Orange and Black dyes for Halloween, I guess.


This is the most disappointing haul yet due to all the duplicates.

This is by far the worst haul from Grand Chance Cubes.


This is crazy but I actually got the exact same amount of chance cubes and about the same mix of other items. I too got 2 Orange is the new Black dyes 7 of the crystals. 3 of the same type of decos. Only thing different I got the Iokath Hal 2001 Space Odyssey companion. I'm thinking you may have gotten the boba fett mount in it's place. Although I thought I had one of the complete armor sets upon opening I didn't. Again. Weird we both got 26 chance cubes.


My input is that it seems really lackluster to only have 2 new armor sets wasn't the norm to have 4 or even 5 in past packs?


May I recommend getting rid of the jawa junk and the companion gifts and in their place have cartel certs and then beef up the cartel cert vendors with really appealing popular past armors/crystals/companons we can buy. I say this because I truly despise the over abundance of companion gifts and jawa junk! It's stuff we can get easily in game through cxp packs and by companion gift vendors.






PS Never put out a pack without including a new or reskinned tuning good sirs.

Edited by HuaRya
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Yeah with the *new* Drop-Ratio BW/EA screwed us again...


We now get:


1 *new* Item (could be an armor, a weapon, a deco, a mount, etc. - BUT ONLY ONE per Pack !!)

1 Chance-Cube

1 Comp-Gift

1 Jawa-Item


Compared to the old way we now get 26 *new* Items for sure instead of "possible" / "maybe" 52 *new* Items... BUT (!) at the end we get less for the same amount of CC... At least if you only look at the "new" and/or "valuable" Items from each Pack...



Best regards


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Let me make a suggestion. Don't buy packs. They were bad enough in 3.0. Since 4.0 they aren't remotely worth the real $ you spend on them. Not buying them will get changes made. If people keep buying them, they'll stay garbage.
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Let me make a suggestion. Don't buy packs. They were bad enough in 3.0. Since 4.0 they aren't remotely worth the real $ you spend on them. Not buying them will get changes made. If people keep buying them, they'll stay garbage.



I agree with boycotting the packs, but also voicing our displeasure in polite and concise ways can add to the impact.

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Boycotting them won't work... You ask why..? Well because if you two and maybe perhaps 10, 20, 40 more won't buy them there are still those 200, 300, 500 who will buy them... The only thing which will work is to start a *****torm in the off-board about *How bad those new changes are* and that they need to make adjustments to those changes...



Best regards


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Thanks for the warning!


I was going to buy 3 hypercrates as a treat today but it sounds like the new formula is even worse than they previously were. No surprise there. They rarely change the formula with our benefit in mind even when they say so.


If the packs still contained Cartel Certificates or you could deconstruct the inevitable ridiculous amount of multiple copies of rubbish you can't even give away for something beneficial I would probably still buy them.


Now with an almost guaranteed 26 bronzes and even more chance to get duplicates of rubbish and less chance of anything good I think I will pass on anything but direct sales.

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I agree with boycotting the packs, but also voicing our displeasure in polite and concise ways can add to the impact.


I agree that this is something that should be protested on as many fronts as possible. The constant focus on refining the money model for this game is becoming insulting...


I stopped purchasing packs awhile back because of the "gambling" aspect and I only use CC grants from my subscription. If they want my money they can put in the effort to make an item so awesome I want to purchase it and then put it up for direct sale.


For people who like to gamble on the packs, Bioware should put in the work to make the packs appealing or face the drop in sales... Yes people will continue to buy them but every single person who stops becomes part of a bigger number...Eventually that number will hold sway.


Openly expressing discontent with the packs and flat out refusing to purchase them will have the intended effect its just a matter of time.

Edited by Soljin
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Thanks for the warning!


I was going to buy 3 hypercrates as a treat today but it sounds like the new formula is even worse than they previously were. No surprise there. They rarely change the formula with our benefit in mind even when they say so.


If the packs still contained Cartel Certificates or you could deconstruct the inevitable ridiculous amount of multiple copies of rubbish you can't even give away for something beneficial I would probably still buy them.


Now with an almost guaranteed 26 bronzes and even more chance to get duplicates of rubbish and less chance of anything good I think I will pass on anything but direct sales.


Well you won't be getting any *bronze* Items from this and all upcoming CM-Pack anymore because the Devs won't release anymore of those within the packs... There will be only *silver*, *gold* and *platinum* Items with *silver* Item droping as often as *bronze* Items did before...



Best regards


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Yeah, I purchased two hypercrates and out of both of them, got about 51 grand chance cubes, got each Mount that was in the pack, the entire armor of the Jedi, few pieces of the Mandalorian set, droid companion, but out of everything I got so many of the same B.S decorations.

Kept getting them over and over and over again of the same ones, the entire pack was listed to have 7 decorations, I probably only got 3-4 different ones, nothing else.

This change really is messed up, they should either go back to the original way or get rid of them all together

Edited by DarkLordSnake
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Well you won't be getting any *bronze* Items from this and all upcoming CM-Pack anymore because the Devs won't release anymore of those within the packs... There will be only *silver*, *gold* and *platinum* Items with *silver* Item droping as often as *bronze* Items did before...



Best regards



I consider the 26 Chance Cubes you now get as basically bronze items, as that's pretty much the only rarity I get when I open them.


I opened 3 packs with 600cc I had spare and got one of the new orange dye combinations this pack contains. It was an orange / black with a gold rarity symbol. So it seems the pool of items you have listed on Dulfy's site for this pack http://dulfy.net/2017/05/02/swtor-steadfast-champions-pack-preview/ will also be diluted with 8 orange dye combinations. http://dulfy.net/2017/05/01/swtor-upcoming-cartel-market-items-from-patch-5-2-1/#Dyes


Exciting stuff! :rolleyes:

Edited by Nuffmeister
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I tend to lurk and never post, but what I do tend to do is buy the new hypercrates. I got three hypercrates and here's what I got:


3 IO companion droids

6 complete sets of the new knight outfit (one extra top and one extra bottom)

2 of the three Mando outfit boxes

Quite a few decorations (about 20-25) but no Eternal Throne deco

Vorn tiger x5

One silver scooter ridiculous thing

8 War hero crystals, 1 eviscerating, 2 hawkeye, 3 indestructible

About 5 each of the new gun weapons

6 or 8 of those new orange/orange dyes


I don't expect a platinum item every time I drop 100 bucks on the game. I tend to buy in bulk because I really like rearranging my houses with new decorations when I have a few hours to fiddle on the game. I don't even expect one of each gold rated item every time I drop 100.00 (but it's nice when it happens). What is lackluster about this is the lack of content plus the amount of duplicates. Not sure how this will affect the aftermarket either.


For folks who already have all the old items, the only appeal to the grand chance cubes is possibly decoration duplicates, finding things that friends may want that they don't have, or resell value to buy what you didn't get from your hypercrate(s) (but I can see where new players fresh to the game may enjoy the old content lottery boxes). 83 grand chance cubes opened today and there wasn't really anything in there that stood out. Anyway, there's what a random player on Jedi Covenant got opening hypercrates today shortly after the servers came back up.

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Unless they go back to making chance cubes a random drop again, I'm done with packs. Sure, before, you could possibly get 2 cubes, but just as often you could get 2 items from the pack - 1 guaranteed cube drastically cuts down on my enjoyment factor. When I decide to buy packs, it's to play around and get some of the new stuff, and then buy the stuff I didn't get with credits. After the 26 packs I opened, it's credits all the way from here on out.
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I opened approx. 40 packs today of the new pack that was added to the CM earlier. I went through all of them, and well... Here comes the feedback part.


Now of course it could be terrible luck but I honestly think this is actually worse than what we had before. Sure, we could have gotten 2 chance cubes at times and I did, but most of the time it was 2 new items, and every so often 1 new item and 1 or 2 chance cubes.


Today, with the new way they are done, I received the same thing over, and over, and over, and over again (crystals, to be specific). I hardly got anything worthwhile or interesting, and that's out of 40 bucks. The chance cubes gave me some interesting things but nothing worthwhile.


I think it's better to have them reverted to the old way. There's no way to break a "spell" of getting the same item over and over and it was a pretty upsetting experience.


If that's the case then they better fix it fast or they will lose their main revenue stream because no one will waste money to buy rubbish.

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What I got from my hypercrate

I-08 Operator Requisition x1

1 gold armor set piece box

2 of the 4 light saber crystals

9 decos 7 of them repeats

1 silver mount

pistol x1

sniper rifles x5

3 silver arnor set boxes 2 repeats

silver pet x2 (same pet)

one of those orange/orange dyes


basically a whole bunch of decoration repeats and a crap load of the sniper rifles... :(

Edited by Nightfrogger
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They already lost tons of revenue from whales cause of direct sales of platinum items, killed it for the packs tbh.


I don't think that's the case. I know lots of people who stopped buying a long time ago because the drops got worse, myself included. The one item I've wanted for a few years now has been the Satele Shan armor. When they listed it I bought 3 of them so I could sell 2.

These direct sale items are only for a limited time and not everyone likes the ones they list. If I was a whale I would load up on some of them like the Satele Shan sets. At least you are guaranteed to get a good item to sell.

Dont you think if Bio saw they were losing revenue by doing direct listings they would stop. It's not like they can't see the results.

Edited by Icykill_
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