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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Matchmaking Sorc healfests making PVP boring


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Something im seeing more and more with match making is being put against 4 or more sorc healers thats ultimately making PVP kind of dull.


We cant kill them when they are together and they know this, infact we rarely manage to drop them below 50% HP, in games like voidstar it makes the WZ pretty much pointless and many people just afk out or leave.


Today i came up against this voidstar team in which even the sorc healers where saying it was "boring and pointless". It got to the point where they where allowed to cap to end the game so it didnt waste anymore of our time. Surely matching can spread teams out more equally?



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lulz, you should have been here 4.0 with the 4 man sorc hlr ranked teams. theyde go to acid just hling one another then either apply dots, or if unneeded just mass sorc bubbled... remember when sorc bubble survived acid?
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OP nothing really changed with healing sorcs you realize when 5.0 came in right? Do you know why they were fine then and you THINK they are not fine now? Its that they added tons of self-healing and survivability to the new OP classes and almost everyone plays the OP classes (because they suck too much to try harder classes).


So there is nothing wrong with healers, its that they do not need to work nearly as hard anymore to keep a group healed. Ever notice when the healer dies in a 4v4 the 3 mercs remaining keep themselves healed for awhile no sweat.


I agree though, 70's right now things like voidstar are a joke. We disagree on the solution though, perhaps the barrier on the spawn for the first door should be 10x as long, so at least then the stronger team has time to wear out the other team enough to get a door.


Or of course nerf the OP class.... Yeah I know thats too obvious.

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OP nothing really changed with healing sorcs you realize when 5.0 came in right? Do you know why they were fine then and you THINK they are not fine now? Its that they added tons of self-healing and survivability to the new OP classes and almost everyone plays the OP classes (because they suck too much to try harder classes).


So there is nothing wrong with healers, its that they do not need to work nearly as hard anymore to keep a group healed. Ever notice when the healer dies in a 4v4 the 3 mercs remaining keep themselves healed for awhile no sweat.


I agree though, 70's right now things like voidstar are a joke. We disagree on the solution though, perhaps the barrier on the spawn for the first door should be 10x as long, so at least then the stronger team has time to wear out the other team enough to get a door.


Or of course nerf the OP class.... Yeah I know thats too obvious.


No, sorc heales weren't "fine" before 5.0, lol. They haven't been fine since 3.3. For PvP, sorcs heals FOTM for almost two years now. The added new defensives on other classes only makes it worse.

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Something im seeing more and more with match making is being put against 4 or more sorc healers thats ultimately making PVP kind of dull.


We cant kill them when they are together and they know this, infact we rarely manage to drop them below 50% HP, in games like voidstar it makes the WZ pretty much pointless and many people just afk out or leave.


Today i came up against this voidstar team in which even the sorc healers where saying it was "boring and pointless". It got to the point where they where allowed to cap to end the game so it didnt waste anymore of our time. Surely matching can spread teams out more equally?




1926026 / (900 - 269) = 3052.33


Against a group of 4 Sorcs with 0 protection. Do I need to explain it any further?

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lulz, you should have been here 4.0 with the 4 man sorc hlr ranked teams. theyde go to acid just hling one another then either apply dots, or if unneeded just mass sorc bubbled... remember when sorc bubble survived acid?


Ive been here since beta so i do know its just ridiculous, getting to the points ingames when full teams stop attacking because theres no point

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Ill never understand why people insist on playing EZ mode specs.....


I love my scoundrel healer. so many green numbers, SO MANY!!!! :eek::p


No point in playing it if you suk at it. Most OP/scoundrel heals, I've encountered, suked badly, especially in MM FPs. They can't handle spike damage.

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