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IA Story - Different now?


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Ok maybe losing my marbles :p but Darth Zhorrid....I remember pissing her off badly. She called my agent in and instructed me to execute 5 civilians because they didn't entertain her with their dancing. I told her if she wanted entertainment she could go bleep herself aka no. My agent was zapped to unconsciousness. Next time keeper was with me and she threatened to zap him if I continued to misbehave. Then I remember pushing her over the edge with the dark council saying that she should demand they treat her with respect and show them why (drove her crazy and I thought the dark council killed her)


Flash forward to my sniper. I always entered Zhorrid's office and there's at least 5 - 10 bodies on the floor. Never told to execute anyone. I'm snarky AF and do get zapped but it's from pure snarkiness. And I'm on Corelia but I've never told zhorrid to go display her crazy for the council. It's like I'm missing a couple of scenes with her.


And the Voss story goes slightly differently with Phi-Ton/Vector but maybe it's because I didn't flirt with Phi-Ton at all.


Just wondering if anyone remembers the first scenes? Maybe I dreamt it. Lol. The story seems slightly different this time. note: both are LS but the sniper is less LS aligned but took more LS options ie Jadus.

Edited by americanaussie
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Hmm I don't recall that first scene you describe. Maybe you're thinking of the scene where she makes you fight her bodyguards? All agents get that one though since it's her first scene.


The only scene I can think of that can be really different (except for the additional scene if you side with Jadus) is after she sends you to get Vyord Yanol. The beginning of the scene will have her torturing Keeper if you've made her angry enough, otherwise she talks about listening to opera and you can ask her about the bodies on the floor. And then if you deliver Vyord Yanol to her, she goes to the Dark Council after breaking him. If you kill Vyord Yanol, you can tell her she doesn't need him and push her to talk to the Dark Council anyways. Other than that I think there are just various slight dialogue changes depending on if you're in her favor or not. And the zapping if you say something that really makes her mad.

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Zhorrid acts all entitled because her father was on the Dark Council and she knew she would assume her fathers place on the council. Thing is, that her actions ultimately lead to you killing her guards as a test and the dark council no longer taking her seriously because she acts entitled about her fathers murder.


That is what i do remember of the IA storyline, i don't know if it's still like that. It's been some time since i last played it out.

Edited by Celise
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I kinda remember the dancing scene part... My sniper told her to p.i.s.s. off. Dunno why they changed... :confused:


Thanks! I'm thinking maybe different choices lead to different outcomes. My second was definitely making a few different choices. Also I wonder alignment has anything to do with it.

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