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Any good Republic storylines to go full Dark Side on?


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One of the main reasons I rereolled Empire after game launched was because I found the Republic stories to be dreadfully boring. Thinking about playing through them just for completion satisfaction but was wondering if any are kinda amusing if I go full Darkside. No spoilers please just a simple "YES Jedi Knight has its moments on Darkside" is all I need for example. I unlocked pureblood Sith for Jedi classes so kinda at least wanna make it fun.
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I have played all light side and dark side a couple of times with each class. And to me some of the funniest lines are the jedi knight story on the dark side. Trooper is just getting things done when they are dark side. And trooper is pretty funny, but is more of a killer when dark.


As for Jedi consular, while I enjoyed it dark side, I do not really think that story was meant to be that way. I always wondered why folks found smuggler story boring, but some do. I really enjoyed it as compared to say trooper.

Edited by Dawgtide
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I think the Dark Side knight can be cool, as the character's unique role makes Satele and other Jedi tolerating his/her corruption a bit more believable. DS consular simply doesn't make any sense to me. DS Jedi in general makes little sense in the long run - LS Sith might be able to conceal his/her true nature, while an obviously corrupted Jedi shouldn't be able to stay within the Republic for long. I don't play DS in general, but I guess that if I wanted to play with a Jedi character I would go gray, for example being merciless to my enemies, not caring about the rules on love and attachments, but also being fair and protective towards my allies. Tried that with a consular playing through KotFE/KotET, but f*** the Jedi are boring when compared to Sith. I just can't force myself to play Republic any more, the Warrior, Inq, even Agent are so much more compelling.


DS smuggler and DS trooper are pretty straightforward, as both can reach their goals through unethical, cruel behaviour. DS Smuggler pretty much stops making sense after the main story though, he should be on some backwater planet or secret space station running his criminal empire, working again with the Republic seems like a waste of time IMO.

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DS smuggler and DS trooper are pretty straightforward, as both can reach their goals through unethical, cruel behaviour. DS Smuggler pretty much stops making sense after the main story though, he should be on some backwater planet or secret space station running his criminal empire, working again with the Republic seems like a waste of time IMO.


Working with the Republic would just be the Smuggler's stepping stone. She may just be an evil bastard, but she's not quite ready to be Empire evil. :p


Trooper works pretty well too.

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full dark side is never a good idea, to justify my currently dark leaning knight i started him as a tribal straight from rattatak who slowly started embracing jedi ideals during the plot until the end of act II when he started falling, but instead of savage kind of falling he started becoming colder and more judgemental, until he killed a certain corrupted guy on corellia, he then killed the final boss and is getting more ruthless by the day.

i'll not turn him into a drooling dark side psycho, more like a merciless hero.

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Counselor is the worst class to play as Dark side. You are literally killing Jedi Masters, which makes no sense. The story isn't bad, if you go full Light-side ( you become a Master quicker than any other force-using class). The problem with the Jedi counselor is the voice actor. The male has a nasal voice that's just boring; the female voice isn't bad but i doesn't do anything for you (unlike the Inquisitor's).


The best class to play Dark Side is Knight, but if you ALWAYS choose the Dark side option, it won't make sense. With this class you definitely want to play LS at first until chapter 3, and going Dark side will definitely make KOTET and KOTFE worth while.


Smuggler story is funny as hell. doesn't matter LS or DS. I think the best way to play this class is to turn off the LS/DS choices and chose whatever you think your character would say; its usually some witty comeback.


Trooper is kinda boring but it has its funny moments. You definitely do not want to go Full LS with this one either though most of your choices should be LS. I did like that line where the trooper tells that guy on Ord Mantel to Swallow a grenade and put us out of his misery lol.

Edited by Yezzan
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I've yet to make a fully DS character because some of the DS choices are ridiculous imo and I don't have a character that's Stupid Evil, but that said I had a blast with DS Jedi Knight.


Is it cheesy? Yes, but no more so than the LS Jedi Knight imo.


DS Trooper I've enjoyed as well, much to Jorgan's chagrin.

Edited by gaelicvixen
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Dark side knight can be pretty good, but you have to compromise with the light side and have a set of rules to make sense. Mine was open to questioning some of the Jedi customs (i.e. No romance), but was staunchly anti-Sith. He was pretty utilitarian, willing to accept military losses as long as it wasn't at the expense of innocents. At first he was pretty harsh, but became open to giving others second chances after what he went through after chapter 2. I don't think going full dark or light makes things very fun, I think having a character who believes in certain morals and is willing to stand by them, whether it be dark or light, to be the most interesting and engaging.
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I'd say the trooper. darkside with the Jedi, and their story falls apart. Considering the lore of the Jedi, there is no way the order would tolerate dark-side behavior. They would cut you off from the force, as they did with the Exile after she followed Revan to war. Edited by cool-dude
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done a dark side knight before just because i like to be perverse with things like this, follow it up with a direct slaying of someone in cold blood from the jedi = the start of a fun journey.:rolleyes:


i also like to go light side on my sith warrior, again for the same reason. watch the warrior refuse to kill and protect the innocent, quite a laugh.


but i think the smuggler and jedi knight are probably the only two you may get any laughs from as a dark side character.

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