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To the RP Trolls out there


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I think EA could toss the rp community as a whole a bone with a few simple things.


1. Make cantina area's consistant. Meaning no speeders in any cantina's, just like planetside. Thus killing the speeder trolling completely.


2. Give us an option IN options to not allow people to toss/use jawgrams/snowballs,hutballs/disco-bombs etc on us. Much like how we turn off guild invites etc.


3. Change it so when we ignore someone we truly DO ignore them. We shouldn't see any of their emotes, custom or otherwise.


This should help a lot. Once trolls realize all they can't do the things that bother us the most because EA give us the option to block it out, it should help. Also, this would help cut down on EA's Customer Service tickets I would think.


Just my 2 credits.

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Not 'new' to RP, or even MMOs, been playing them since EverCrack came out. So I'm probably twice your age kid. And as I said in another post, I'm not 'raging', whining, or whatever you want to call it along those lines. I'm just pointing out the disrespect, and pointing out that this is, what it is in this day and age. Little Keyboard Warrior that get a thrill out of harassing folks that aren't bothering them at all.


By condoning it, as you so aptly put it, 'you' are the one that encourages them to continue to do it...that is, unless your one of the ones that is doing it, which wouldn't surprise me in the slightest considering your post.


So, you can continue to assuming that I'm sitting her pounding my fists on the KB...if that makes you feel better to believe that...but its far from the truth. I don't get pissed off by a video game, but I 'can' point out and state my opinion on the subject without being that way. Believe it or not, there are people like myself that don't get all butthurt over a game.


For someone not new to RP or MMO's you seemingly don't understand your posts are why they do it. They probably found this thread or had it pointed out to them and had a good laugh.


Know what I recommend in general? Ignore them. Don't acknowledge them or say anything to them at all and continue RP'ing. It's my experience in 20+ years of RP'ing that most of the time they'll get bored and leave after a few minutes of getting ignored.


Or an even better method; counter-troll them. The average RP troll is weak and only capable of basic trolling tactics. They have no clue how to respond when they start getting counter-trolled by an RP'er. A good way to do this when they're on a big mount is to get on an even bigger mount. This might be tough for the average RP'er who doesn't own gigantic mounts, but the average RP troll also doesn't. Vorantikus, rancor, or one of the big walkers are all excellent choices. Hop on, stand on top of them, and just continue RP'ing as if they aren't there. A lot of times they'll scurry off to find an easier target.


Of course there are more advanced ways, but that's something that comes with time and practice. Get good enough so that you can counter-troll and RP at the same time then they become less of an annoyance and more a source of amusement.

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Sadly, we don't get any support from Customer Service on these harassers. Tonight, I was harassed for over two hours. I've submitted harassment reports before and nothing came of it.


The guy stood over me and two others with a huge rancor. Now, if the Vaiken cantina was like other cantina's and didn't allow us to use speeders in it. This troll couldn't have done this.


Please make speeder area's consistant

Edited by Lithe
changed a word
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One suggestion for RPers would be to group up and go to the Tatooine cantina, and switch to the PVP instance. Almost no one uses the PVP instance and most players on the planet are running their character through the class/planet stories or grinding heroics, so the possibility of being trolled by a bored player with nothing better to do is very low. That cantina is a much better spot than Fleet. You even get a rare jukebox that plays both of the cantina band songs from the first Star Wars film:



Of course you shouldn't have to move because of trolls, but it would prevent it.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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Sadly, we don't get any support from Customer Service on these harassers. Tonight, I was harassed for over two hours. I've submitted harassment reports before and nothing came of it.


The guy stood over me and two others with a huge rancor. Now, if the Vaiken cantina was like other cantina's and didn't allow us to use speeders in it. This troll couldn't have done this.


Please change the speeder area's to be consistent.


You need to remove the characters name as that's considered naming & shaming & can get you, NOT him in trouble. (Yes I know stupid rule but alas we don't get to make them. Just have to abide by them.)

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One suggestion for RPers would be to group up and go to the Tatooine cantina, and switch to the PVP instance. Almost no one uses the PVP instance and most players on the planet are running their character through the class/planet stories or grinding heroics, so the possibility of being trolled by a bored player with nothing better to do is very low. That cantina is a much better spot than Fleet. You even get a rare jukebox that plays both of the cantina band songs from the first Star Wars film:


Of course you shouldn't have to move because of trolls, but it would prevent it.


Please do, go to the PVP instance. I have missed OWPVP and would love to see more participants. But please, for my sake, don't hide in a no-combat area :D

Edited by NikSunrider
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I'm not a RPer, but have to disagree with most of what was posted in this response. You're right that venting on the forum isn't going to stop people from trolling, and assuming that troll visits the forum, is likely to only encourage similar behavior. They're doing it to provoke the sort of reaction that is in the original post. You're also right that the only way to completely avoid trolling is to not RP in public spaces, just as the only sure fire way to completely avoid trolling in general chat is not to participate in it.


That said, your post comes across as a defense of the troll. That RP takes place in public spaces like the Fleet Cantina does not in any way, shape, or form justify douchebaggery from other players who get a kick out of harassing the RPers.


1. I believe I saw the incident the OP was referring to when going to the GTN above the cantina. That, or I saw the same troll doing the same thing to other players. He was standing on top of a group near one of the tables in the cantina, spamming the Jawagram repeatedly to create the crate opening animation on top of the group. I've never messed around with Jawagrams or received one, but I assume that also creates a message that fills the recipients chatbox? Ignoring that player might block them from chat but it isn't going to make their character model disappear from view.


2. It was griefing, something that is very much against the ToS. You're right that Bioware probably wouldn't take serious action, but that's because Bioware always enforces the rules lightly. There are players who've been caught in item dupe/credit exploits that should have been permanently banned but haven't, likely because they're subscribers or cartel market whales. If Bioware doesn't give a warning to the player in question, and lay down a temp ban if he repeats the behavior, the OP would have a legitimate gripe against the company.


3. In what way does RPing in a public space justify trolling? RP in the Fleet cantina in no way inconveniences PVE or PVP players and other than a few PVE missions that you take you there (during which the chatbox disappears), almost no one uses the Cantina. It would be practically empty without the RPers, as it is on other servers like Shadowlands. If other players can't stand RP showing up in their chatbox, it's easy enough to avoid as you have to be within range to hear it, and there are other GTN terminals and storage banks on Fleet that aren't within range of where the RPers congregate.


You also seem to justify harassment on the basis that not all players enjoy RP. If you don't like it, you don't participate in it. Not liking an aspect of an MMO doesn't give anyone a right to troll other players that enjoy it.

How would you feel if the tables were turned, and RPers who don't enjoy PVP started queing for matches, but instead of capping/defending nodes practiced emotes? I think it is fair to say that PVPers who were stuck with them on their team would be raging in the chatbox.




I would also like to point out a small simple fact... Ebon HAWK is an RP server.. That means if you don't like Rp you are still welcome. BUT do respect that some of us are here to enjoy RP'ING this is sort of what the server is FOR. And yes specifically targeting Rpers to harass IS by the ToS an offense. BW just don't gives a rat *** to enforce it. Just like they don't really enforce anything else.

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I really don't get the mentality of the people who do this. The whole 'your in a public part of the game so you should expect it' doesn't work for me. A) its a RP server and B) that's just douchy behaviour. No one is demanding you RP, no one is saying don't play the game how you want - just don't go out of your way to ruin someone else's fun.

It's that strange thing where somehow because its online we're all supposed to just shrug and accept people acting like jerks as normal. It won't happen but i wish there were TOS conditions for RP servers like some other games use.

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And tbh Jawagrams are more of a bug flying around than actually annoying and there are only like two mounts I'd consider huge.


On the other hand I'm semi-convinced there are several toys and mounts that Blizzard made for the sole purpose of griefing RP'ers because they're so damn effective at it. Them and the sharp decline of WoW's RP community in the past two expansions are why I barely RP there anymore.

Edited by Stncold
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Personally I like to troll PVP. Now thats a bundle of laughs. It takes way less to piss of a bunch of pvpers. Dont beleive me. Atleast this ahole has to actually do something to interupt rp. All I have to do to piss off my team is stand still.
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Ebon Hawk is a roleplay server.

As a role player myself, I hate to tell you the truth, but swtor does not have a RP server. Swtor is not game that follows up basic rules. Metagaming all over the place, godmodding all over the place. No DMs. You are better off the game and on forums if you want high quality RP. I gave up on searching a good RP in game two years ago, it's either standard cantina RP or training on meadow. This game has only PvE servers with option to switch to a dead PvP channel. They are all same and while swtor does have huge potential for RP, it fails to deliver it like it fails in everything else. 2017 and still no chat bubbles for example. Of course there are really good exceptions I rarely met in game, but those measure in 1-2 per year, players that do high quality RP, and there are probably very good closed guild RPs that happen behind the detection of pugs, this is just a guess, as a pug to them, I never detected those myself.


Servers may be marked as PvE, as PvP, as RP, mix and match. The only difference between them is location and population. There is no such thing as RP server in swtor. There are role players that would like to have such server (like myself), and developers simply tag it as RP to trick them to join. Like fishing gold fishes. We are rare, we fell for it, and now its hook hurts us. They slowed down producing PvE and PvP content to a minimum, why would they care about RP now? Besides, game is not really best place where your RP experience can be saved, as forums your story and interaction is saved.


@Nichalus: I fully understand you. When you come to internet, this behavior is what you will face, does not matter if it is RP or something else. Until Bioware learns what a RP server is and applies it, expect to receive same treatment from RP trolls.

Edited by BoySaber
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I spent a better part of three months over the last 16 months trying to find some RP, but due to my work schedule I log on sporadically. add to that, im a ticking time bomb for a hospital stay that can last in upwards of two weeks. thankfully the last one was last June. i have recently been able to log on more frequently, but that tends to be just on the weekends. because of all that, each of my toons has a story that i strictly adhere to when i play. it may be a one man show, but i enjoy it greatly.


with that said, disrupting the gameplay of someone because you can is just childish. defending them is just as bad if not worse. just leave them alone.


also, "keyboard warrior." now that's a term i havent heard in a long time. long time.

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=BoySaber;9371040]As a role player myself, I hate to tell you the truth, but swtor does not have a RP server. Swtor is not game that follows up basic rules. Metagaming all over the place, godmodding all over the place. No DMs. You are better off the game and on forums if you want high quality RP. I gave up on searching a good RP in game two years ago, it's either standard cantina RP or training on meadow. This game has only PvE servers with option to switch to a dead PvP channel. They are all same and while swtor does have huge potential for RP, it fails to deliver it like it fails in everything else. 2017 and still no chat bubbles for example. Of course there are really good exceptions I rarely met in game, but those measure in 1-2 per year, players that do high quality RP, and there are probably very good closed guild RPs that happen behind the detection of pugs, this is just a guess, as a pug to them, I never detected those myself.


Neither did SWG but most people knew when they went to Starsider they were going to find RP on the server and to expect it and respect the roleplayers. Ebon Hawk is a RP server but that doesn't mean TOR is going to police it, just like SWG didn't police Starsider. It is just known to be a RP server so people should expect to find RP and respect the players that are Roleplaying. I guess regarding the RP it depends on what or who you want to RP with. I normally RP with my guild as I am not a fan of cantina RP.


I really don't need chat bubbles to RP. I can and have done without chat bubbles since launch with no problems. I remember chat bubbles on SWG and sometimes even all those bubbles could become confusing. As I said I normally RP with my guild since we had a RP story we were doing and continuing it in the game but right now we stopped that as just last month we lost a very dear friend.

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