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Lack of Items on GTN

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So I have been playing this game of and on since 2011 and i recently came back to play the new expansion and what not.


This time however though compared to that of the other past times of coming back to play this game I've never noticed before the lack of items from sale on the galactic market, specifically the low to mid level items. I see higher level items buts not much in the capacity of your low to mid level items. This is so frustrating when trying to mod your mid level character. (as mine is) Is it maybe the server being a difference? I've mainly run on Prophecy of the Five.


I also notice that the servers seem to be almost always on the light side. Is it me or does it seem that this game is not garnering the same amount of players as it has in the even the recent past? Whats everyone thoughts on this?

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The servers are indeed sparser than they used to be. I can't comment on Pot5...personally, I play on Harbinger, and sometimes I want to move away from all the drama and griefers there, but there are things like the GTN that I'd miss on a less populated area.


Of course, even apart from the lower populations, you're going to see fewer low-level items, just because drops are based on your level 95% of the time now, and leveling is very, very quick. So there's less opportunity to acquire lower-level items, and you outlevel crafted stuff so quickly that most people don't really bother with that either anymore.

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Prophecy of the Five is one of the "dead" servers. I'm mostly on Ebon Hawk and Begeren Colony, and both are nicely populated and have tons of items of all levels on the GTN (and Ebon Hawk has, overall, a very friendly and welcoming community).
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Prophecy of the Five is one of the "dead" servers. I'm mostly on Ebon Hawk and Begeren Colony, and both are nicely populated and have tons of items of all levels on the GTN (and Ebon Hawk has, overall, a very friendly and welcoming community).


Would you consider it beneficial to move my "main" characters over to one of these servers? If so which is better in your opinion? Lastly if I were to get a character transfer to token and use it to move to one of these servers, it doesn't really affect your progressing its just moving your character right?

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Would you consider it beneficial to move my "main" characters over to one of these servers? If so which is better in your opinion? Lastly if I were to get a character transfer to token and use it to move to one of these servers, it doesn't really affect your progressing its just moving your character right?


I'd recommend it, if you want to find more items on the GTN, have an easier time grouping with others to do flashpoints/Heroics/Operations/warzones/and whatnot.

Ebon Hawk is one of the most populated servers - Harbinger's *the* most populated, but it's known to have an incredibly toxic community. Ebon Hawk, save for a few trolls on Dromund Kaas general chat (seems you can't avoid those anywhere you go :rolleyes:), is overall very friendly.


Not sure what you mean by "get a character transfer to token"? Do you mean use one of the level 60/65 boosts and transfer that character?

As for transferring in general, no, it doesn't affect your progress in the story, levels, etc. There are things that do not transfer with you, however: mail in your inbox (be sure to get everything out of your mailbox that you want to take with you); legacy storage; and... I want to say strongholds, but oddly, I transferred one character who unlocked most of her stronghold with credits to another server - and that stronghold was *still unlocked* on the new server. I didn't have to do anything to unlock it again. It was weird. So I'm not sure what's up with strongholds; perhaps it's just that the decorations within don't transfer...?

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It's just moving a character, but be aware that you loose:


-All your mail, including any attached items

-Any items put up for sale on GTN

-Any outfits stamped on your charater

-Your guild affiliation and friends list (obviously)

-All your strongholds are locked again and must be re-unlocked. If bought with CC, unlocking is free. If bought with credits, you must spend credits -- but you get any additional rooms that you had unlocked for free. And all decorations go with you, but you must place them again.

-Any Legacy hold tabs you didn't unlocked for the whole account.

-Any guild starship you currently manage if you're guild leader.


I think that's it.

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Also, just to specifically note the lack of low and mid level items on the GTN, a lot of that is because of how quickly leveling goes now that most people tend to just power though leveling using gear from heroic crates that drop, as well as the fact that leveling mods already sell cheaply from the vendors on the fleet all the way up to level 65.
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specifically the low to mid level items. I see higher level items buts not much in the capacity of your low to mid level items.


It's also a mindset issue. The new players are only working the tier 1 items because that's all they have access to. The "experienced" players are working the tier 9 and 10 stuff.


I work the mid tier stuff on Shadowlands and I make millions each and every day. Seriously.


I;ve been preaching this for years around here and I swear no one believes me.


I've actually been thinking about creating additional crafters.


I also notice that the servers seem to be almost always on the light side.


Shadowlands floats between the 2 sides.


There are websites that track the D v L but we're not allowed to link to them here on the forums as it's considering datamining and therefore a banned topic.

Edited by dr_mike
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Instead of modding mid level gear, it's much easier to do heroics here and there as they each reward two pieces of gear that is scaled to your level. Just put whatever gear you want for appearances in your outfit designer.


As others said, since it's so quick to level now, you won't find much for sale at those levels because they become obsolete so fast.


Welcome back to the game :)

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It's also a mindset issue. The new players are only working the tier 1 items. The "experienced" players are working the tier 9 and 10 stuff.


I work the mid tier stuff on Shadowlands and I make millions each and every day. Seriously.


I;ve been preaching this for years around here and I swear no one believes me.


I've actually been thinking about creating additional crafters.


I believe you! I make millions on mid level stuff as well.

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Also, just to specifically note the lack of low and mid level items on the GTN, a lot of that is because of how quickly leveling goes now that most people tend to just power though leveling using gear from heroic crates that drop, as well as the fact that leveling mods already sell cheaply from the vendors on the fleet all the way up to level 65.


Exactly, when leveling I don't even look at the looted equipment, it goes straight to the vendor for credits. Get a set of the L10 trainee/acolyte whatever armor from the vendor on fleet at L10 and then upgrade it as you want using the fleet mod vendors, or do heroics for gear boxes, XP and credits.

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Your best bet is take advantage of the 90cc transfers, or to just create new characters on another server. It is so easy to level now that starting over isn't as big of a deal as it used to be, and you can have characters on multiple servers.


I mostly play on Ebon Hawk now and the GTN there is healthy, but it is the second most populated server in North America. Pot5 is one of the dead servers and is only likely to get deader as this game ages. Honestly Pot5 should have been folded into another server by now, but for whatever reason Bioware favors keeping a few of the dead servers on life support instead of pulling the plug.


Harbinger is another option as well and has a larger population than EH, but as others here have noted, that higher pop comes packaged with a much less friendly player community.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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You can't mod your mid level gear via the supplies merchants on fleet? It's seriously cheap from levels 1-65. Located in supplies outer section. Probably why no one sells it. Not when you can buy mods from 500-1500 Edited by americanaussie
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Would you consider it beneficial to move my "main" characters over to one of these servers? If so which is better in your opinion? Lastly if I were to get a character transfer to token and use it to move to one of these servers, it doesn't really affect your progressing its just moving your character right?


If you play strictly solo, it may not matter for most things. If you are more social, and or need/want group queueing.... you need to move.


With respect to an empty GTN... PoT5 was largely abandoned by it's players more then a year ago, as they used 90cc transfers to move to another server (mostly to Harbinger).


But for leveling.. you really do not need the GTN. You get gear boxes that are level/class/spec appropriate if you run some Herioc 2s now days... and you get good credits as well. There is a terminal in the fleet combat area that hands all these out and you can pick and choose which ones you want (or you can pick them up at a terminal on planet too, for that planet). In addition, you can purchase empty modable shells for almost nothing on fleet, as well as mods to put in them, also very inexpensive.. that will take you from level 10 to 70 if you want. Basically the mod vendors on fleet have new mods for every 4 levels. Once you get to 70 though... an empty GTN is a liability as on busier servers as crafters are selling 240 gear for 1-3M credits per item and with that you can pretty much stop stressing about Galactic Command leveling.

Edited by Andryah
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