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Stop Complaining about CXP


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i know it's slow proces.. i playing GSF and pvp only and i really don't mind how long it takes to have my top gear.

That's the problem. You just complaining about time for getting gear... nothing else.


How many tier 4 items have you upgraded yourself? How many have you recieved from crates? How many T4 crates have you opened so far?

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How many tier 4 items have you upgraded yourself? How many have you recieved from crates? How many T4 crates have you opened so far?


I also play PVP and GSF, I have 11 242 tokens waiting to be upgraded to 248s for my alts. My main is full 248 since like over 2 weeks (was right at start i think since i converted the 242 with 3k UCs i had on 3 toons). My other toons are almost full 248s and all that because I did PVP, mainly GSF (its more UCs) and then did HM ops for the missing pieces.


I dont remember getting any good drops from tier 4 crates and I dont care as long as this upgrade/UC system exists.

Edited by merovejec
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I kind of agree and I have stopped complaining. I just stopped playing also. Activated one account for my son to play through the latest story and reading through here; I'm sure thats where it will end when he is done. I'm sure I'm not alone.
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How many tier 4 items have you upgraded yourself? How many have you recieved from crates? How many T4 crates have you opened so far?


i bought weapon, focus, chest and waist for U. parts and from crate i received head, boots and ear.... i don't count how many crates i opened but i think every 10 +/- crates contain legendary piece of gear.

And i opened a lot of crates considering that everytime i win GSF i usually have one crate ready in my inventory. And yes i'm a pretty succesfull in winning.

But as i said, i don't care if legendary item drops me in 10 crates or in 20....

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i know it's slow proces.. i playing GSF and pvp only and i really don't mind how long it takes to have my top gear.

That's the problem. You just complaining about time for getting gear... nothing else.

And his legitimate argument goes right over your head :rolleyes:


This system is stupid.


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I also play PVP and GSF, I have 11 242 tokens waiting to be upgraded to 248s for my alts. My main is full 248 since like over 2 weeks (was right at start i think since i converted the 242 with 3k UCs i had on 3 toons).


Forgive me, but how do use UCs from other toons?

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Rip mods out and legacy gear?


Yeah you use the 1000 UCs you've collected, and buy say 3 248 pieces of gear free and clear, you only do it with right side gear, weapon , /focus/shield etc. [and bracer, left side] You rip out all the guts [Armorings, mods, enhancements] put them into legacy gear send em over to the alt you want to gear with em, and just reverse the process and than put the guts from the legacy gear into your permanent corresponding gear peices.


You can't do that with implants, relics or ear pieces however. Those you have to gain the normal way thru UCs earning them/ and or Operation drops upgraded with UCs ,on the character in question. No short cuts for those pieces.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Yeah you use the 1000 UCs you've collected, and buy say 3 248 pieces of gear free and clear, you only do it with right side gear, weapon , /focus/shield etc. [and bracer, left side] You rip out all the guts [Armorings, mods, enhancements] put them into legacy gear send em over to the alt you want to gear with em, and just reverse the process and than put the guts from the legacy gear into your permanent corresponding gear peices.


You can't do that with implants, relics or ear pieces however. Those you have to gain the normal way thru UCs earning them/ and or Operation drops upgraded with UCs ,on the character in question. No short cuts for those pieces.


Thank you, but I am already doing this. I thought there was an actual way to bypass the legacy-block :)

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You know..... lets say for arguments sake, rpgs are for the grind.


I grinded last Saturday all day long, won some, lost some, and I made about 400 UC after one no life all day grind.


Now. 248 mainhand cost 370 UC. I earned one piece of gear from grinding for 14 hours.



Lets now take into account that SWTOR offers 16 classes. So. After 32 days, you can gear every toon you have in a main hand, and an offhand. Now lets stack on top of that, the cost for the base 236, the 242, then the 370 UC for the main hand, then double it for offhand. This is supposing you didn't buy any set bonus gear at all. so add that... tell me, exactly how many days do you think for someone who doesn't play 12 hours a day, would take to gear one, just one, of their 16 classes? Then multiply it by 16.


I could be wrong, but this is why the PVP community is tired of 5.0, personally, I've been playing for 3 years, and I'm pretty sure if bioware doesn't buff PVP bolster to 6 levels below max gear, or, make UC drops higher, legacy, or gainable by lvling, I will be unsubbing within 6 months.

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You know..... lets say for arguments sake, rpgs are for the grind.


I grinded last Saturday all day long, won some, lost some, and I made about 400 UC after one no life all day grind.


Now. 248 mainhand cost 370 UC. I earned one piece of gear from grinding for 14 hours.



Lets now take into account that SWTOR offers 16 classes. So. After 32 days, you can gear every toon you have in a main hand, and an offhand. Now lets stack on top of that, the cost for the base 236, the 242, then the 370 UC for the main hand, then double it for offhand. This is supposing you didn't buy any set bonus gear at all. so add that... tell me, exactly how many days do you think for someone who doesn't play 12 hours a day, would take to gear one, just one, of their 16 classes? Then multiply it by 16.


I could be wrong, but this is why the PVP community is tired of 5.0, personally, I've been playing for 3 years, and I'm pretty sure if bioware doesn't buff PVP bolster to 6 levels below max gear, or, make UC drops higher, legacy, or gainable by lvling, I will be unsubbing within 6 months.


You might consider the fact that it has more to do with that you play 16 characters as the reason why it would take so long. It should take a long time to gear out 16 characters.

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Now. 248 mainhand cost 370 UC. I earned one piece of gear from grinding for 14 hours.


324, but that is IF you have a 242 mainhand shell to trade up.


I am in this situation now on my main where I have upgraded all of her right hand items except legs via UC. Six out of seven, all I need there is legs. I did four by upgrading from 242->248 and two from 230->236->242->248. That puts me close to 2500 UC deep at this point.


So I am down to the legs. Since I skank tank, I want the entire left hand side to be DPS, and if I get any tank gear there is is basically junk. It can't be passed to my tank alt, so I just have to bank it for later upgrading to Tier 5.


So, I have been seeing about one 248 piece (all dupes so far) drop every 40-50 crates. Let's be charitable and say it is one in 40. At that rate, how many will I need to open to get War Leader legs? Well, since legs are one slot out of 14, I would need to pop 560 command crates on average to get the legs.


So, instead, now I need to start from T2 and grind another 670 UC just to get the legs.


That will be about 3100 UC all told. At 8 per warzone win, 3 per loss.


Nice loot system you got here.


Eli will probably be along to point out that you get extra UC from dailies and weeklies. And he's right! You get 124 per week! WHOOP DEE DOO!

Edited by stoopicus
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Information was incorrect. updated.


misinfo: tier 4 324 mainhand


tier one: 1940


tier two: 2915


tier three: 3498


Apologies for misinfo.


8353 total


20.8825 days to full 248 from scratch.


based on 400 UC per day.

Edited by Seterade
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21 days doesn't seem like a big deal, but for me 400 UC is a 14 hour grind, not only that but I play every class..... I have pub alts with lvl 6 Galactic command.


For perspective for those playing along at home, it's 1000 warzone wins or close to 3000 losses. At 10-15 minutes a pop. Not counting arenas, which are at half the warzone rate.

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21 days doesn't seem like a big deal, but for me 400 UC is a 14 hour grind, not only that but I play every class..... I have pub alts with lvl 6 Galactic command.


The things is, in all actuality, it has never been better to BIS Gear up than it is now as of 5.2.


The fact that it costs so many UCs to get BIS gear is mitigated by the fact that you don't have to sucessfully complete NiM level operations in order to get BIS gear. If not for the UCs, virtually no one would be getting BiS gear.


BIS gear shouldn't be easy to get and it should be fast to get. It should be hard to get and take a long time to get full BIS gear.


It's a bit of an issue for PVPers because they are not used to having to deal with the gear differences between opponents in WZs. That was not the case before 5.0. The problem isn't that BIS takes too long to get for them, it's that they shouldn't be getting [or need] BIS gear at all. BIS gear has always been the province of PVE progression raiders. And PVP gear has always been extremely easy to get and very fast to gear up for PVP. This is where the issues are arising from. You can't make BIS gear easy and fast to get for PVPers because than it kills it for PVEers [Progression raiders]. The gear either needs to be seperate and distinct or the should return the bolster to max so gear in PVP is irrelivant and wzs get back to it's traditional form here, skill vs. skill.


Things and gearing were far far worse the first few months after 5.0 went live than they are now [as of 5.2]., but than those first few months the bolster in WZs was set to 250, so gear was a mote point for strictly PVP players.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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And yet when you suggest that things were better back when Expertise existed and PvE was on a different gearing track than PvP and could be balanced separately, the PvE folks get mad.


Once again, Bolster to BiS would fix nearly everything for PvP gearing. It was awesome back in December and January. Nerfing that was borderline mean-spirited :)

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And yet when you suggest that things were better back when Expertise existed and PvE was on a different gearing track than PvP and could be balanced separately, the PvE folks get mad.


Once again, Bolster to BiS would fix nearly everything for PvP gearing. It was awesome back in December and January. Nerfing that was borderline mean-spirited :)


It's always details with you.




I still don't know why they took the 250 bolster away. It wasn't causing any problems. People were pretty happy with the state of things in PVP than. Plus it made you feel godly going from PVE to PVP with the higher stats heh

I loved it, and I honestly don't recall anyone ever complaining about it.


I guess they just wanted to get the PVPers trapped in the grind as well.


Go out of your way to make your customers unhappy. Fix things that aren't broken, and leave broken things the way they are, and don't listen to a word they say about what they'd like. Interesting Business tactic BW's got going.

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It's always details with you.




Hehe. I've basically hit the "constantly amused" zone regarding Galactic Command at this point.


I still don't know why they took the 250 bolster away. It wasn't causing any problems. People were pretty happy with the state of things in PVP than. Plus it made you feel godly going from PVE to PVP with the higher stats heh

I loved it, and I honestly don't recall anyone ever complaining about it.


I guess they just wanted to get the PVPers trapped in the grind as well.


Go out of your way to make your customers unhappy. Fix things that aren't broken, and leave broken things the way they are, and don't listen to a word they say about what they'd like. Interesting Business tactic BW's got going.


Ding ding ding, we have a winner in bold :)

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So, let's get this straight. This RNG/CXP system isn't bad. MMO's are about grinding and this gives a perfect balance to grinding. If you think this is hard go check out ESO and it's leveling system 1-50 and their gear grinding. It's 10x as worse than TOR. You should be grateful. It was about time they implemented something like this.It was a way to easy to grind gear in 3.0 and 4.0. In some certain ways, this is way easier than 2.0. You guys expect gear to be spoonfed to you. MMO's don't work like that. Now stop complaining take the grinding and sit down. If you don't like grinding you shouldn't be playing MMO's in the first place. Let's get this straight I don't fully support the RNG/CXP system they need to still fix certain elements but this encourages people to play certain content in the game. This system is giving us something to grind, which like I stated above is what an MMO is about. If you think that MMO's are about grinding look around you and check out ESO. ESO has a way bigger player base than TOR but their grinding is 10x worse than this new RNG/CXP system. Now, stop making your RNG/CXP complaints because this game shouldn't be easy for people to grind gear and in some certain areas like I said this is better than the 2.0 gear grind. 2.0 wasn't a big *** grind but you needed to have 2,000 coms for just one piece of gear. Getting coms back then was difficult unless you played ranked otherwise it was easy. In certain RP/PvE servers ranked didn't pop as much. You should be glad that they didn't decide to make PvP/PvE armor grinding separate instead of combining both of them into one gear needed to grind. k now I am done with my rant.


Head over to general and read the SWTOR player average age. Think the general dislike against the CXP/RNG/unassembled mess is due to the genuine lack of school skipping kids and Basement dwellers we're blessed without in this game. The moment this game, or any MMO for that matter, starts to feel more like a chore than a fun way to pass some time is when people starts to leave . . .

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Head over to general and read the SWTOR player average age. Think the general dislike against the CXP/RNG/unassembled mess is due to the genuine lack of school skipping kids and Basement dwellers we're blessed without in this game. The moment this game, or any MMO for that matter, starts to feel more like a chore than a fun way to pass some time is when people starts to leave . . .


Precisely. Those of us with real jobs don't need a second one. This has been an MMO killer for the player segment with the largest disposable income since EQ1.


Not much point in replying to this thread, though. OP is a troll, they dropped this turdpost and then never returned for any kind of discussion - not that they would have much to add that wasn't derp.

Edited by stoopicus
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As someone who PvE's and PvP's, PvP has it great when it comes to getting BiS gear but not so great trying to get the gear before that. Basically by eliminating expertise it made the grind for gear longer for PvP which hurts those players that only PvP. However it made the gearing better for people who participate in both PvE and PvP as either activity would help improve their gear. As it stands now, this hurts the hardcore PvP player base and new PvP'ers by creating a long grind for BiS gear. I would say a simple solution is just to raise the bolster to at least a tier below max gear which would make the CXP system truly supplementary (as it should be) before tier 4.


At least you don't have it as bad as pure PvE'ers who have to rely on a 6% chance for the correct legendary drop from T4 crates. At the current moment you can only gear 8/14 gear slots in 248 doing NiM/MM ops (including the 248 relic from HM Tyth) which requires doing all the last bosses and all non last bosses drop random assembled blue and purple gear from T4 crates that might not be usable by any class in the group. Just give 3 UC's for every NiM boss kill because the loot the groups get makes it feel like they just lost.

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Hehe. I've basically hit the "constantly amused" zone regarding Galactic Command at this point.


Guess that's why they say it's good idea to have a sense of humor about things.


Your old lady left you?


Ohh well, she never turned a damn light off anyways and made you have to take a 2nd mortgage out on the house just to pay the electric bill!

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As someone who PvE's and PvP's, PvP has it great when it comes to getting BiS gear but not so great trying to get the gear before that. Basically by eliminating expertise it made the grind for gear longer for PvP which hurts those players that only PvP. However it made the gearing better for people who participate in both PvE and PvP as either activity would help improve their gear. As it stands now, this hurts the hardcore PvP player base and new PvP'ers by creating a long grind for BiS gear. I would say a simple solution is just to raise the bolster to at least a tier below max gear which would make the CXP system truly supplementary (as it should be) before tier 4.


At least you don't have it as bad as pure PvE'ers who have to rely on a 6% chance for the correct legendary drop from T4 crates. At the current moment you can only gear 8/14 gear slots in 248 doing NiM/MM ops (including the 248 relic from HM Tyth) which requires doing all the last bosses and all non last bosses drop random assembled blue and purple gear from T4 crates that might not be usable by any class in the group. Just give 3 UC's for every NiM boss kill because the loot the groups get makes it feel like they just lost.





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