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The New Hairstyles... Uhm?!


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I feel you, believe me. I had the same with the Pompadour because IRL I wear my hair up as well, but when I actually bought and started making a new character I was taken aback by how badly it looked.


Also I don't understand why the new hair colours dye so badly. Like have you noticed trying to make Shae Vizsla's hair black? It's like a weird greenish colour, nothing like the nice true black when using it on one of the original hairstyles.


The black sucks...but on the other hand, I really do like how the dark red looks on the Shae's style. Still cringing about the other two.


I bought them just to support the idea of getting stuff like this, but I do hope they'll make a better effort with future styles. If they need inspiration for female hairstyles, they just need to look to Princess Leia's styles, and especially Padme...she had more than anyone I think. Even Rey's hair is interesting.

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I feel you, believe me. I had the same with the Pompadour because IRL I wear my hair up as well, but when I actually bought and started making a new character I was taken aback by how badly it looked.


Also I don't understand why the new hair colours dye so badly. Like have you noticed trying to make Shae Vizsla's hair black? It's like a weird greenish colour, nothing like the nice true black when using it on one of the original hairstyles.


The lack of blackness kills me. Pixie 'do doesn't even do black well, I had to go with pink : (

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So the black sucks and we can't use them on all the species? Lame BW! Zabarak needs some better styles!


It is a great pity that non-human species aren't getting anything new. Like some like Miraluka were included in the Additional Hairstyles 1 and 2 but Zabrak and Cathar sadly have no new customization options.


But the same goes for other appearance options, like the Bright Yellow Eyes, aka the iconic Sith eyes, are not available for species such as Twi'lek and Togruta. I have been wanting that for ages now.

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Bit of sexism going on in this thread. Anyone can design something attractive or beautiful, that's not something inherently exclusive to what parts you happened to be born with. It's not fair to pass that sort of judgement over someone, regardless of whether they are male or female.


The lazy, sloppy work in the game is precisely that- lazy, sloppy work. And last I checked, lazy, sloppy work wasn't inherent to any particular gender either.

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Bit of sexism going on in this thread. Anyone can design something attractive or beautiful, that's not something inherently exclusive to what parts you happened to be born with. It's not fair to pass that sort of judgement over someone, regardless of whether they are male or female.


The lazy, sloppy work in the game is precisely that- lazy, sloppy work. And last I checked, lazy, sloppy work wasn't inherent to any particular gender either.


Oh but I never meant that, really when I saw that pop up in the thread I was baffled as gender never even occured to me as a reason for the way the hairstyles were designed. I also firmly disagree with the people that did say things of a sexist nature, because what happened to these hairstyles was in my opinion a desire for too much futurism.

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Bit of sexism going on in this thread. Anyone can design something attractive or beautiful, that's not something inherently exclusive to what parts you happened to be born with. It's not fair to pass that sort of judgement over someone, regardless of whether they are male or female.


The lazy, sloppy work in the game is precisely that- lazy, sloppy work. And last I checked, lazy, sloppy work wasn't inherent to any particular gender either.

Back in the day when I cared about my hair (lol) the best stylist I ever had was a guy... never mind he was as gay as Theron's half brother, Clem Stato, currently located on Imperial Fleet.


"Stay Trendy!"


I'm trying, but BW won't let me with these hairstyles! :mad: My husband's chicks in BDO look amazing compared to my poor, frumpy Wrath.

Edited by Edyn
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Excited at the thought of new hairstyles (I want Satele's!) upon seeing this thread, was worried about the "mushroom" one... just checked in game on my modification station and... it rocks! Totally stuff I see in the streets.


The "Shae Vizla" haircut reminds me of a very pretty friend, even. :eek:


So, Kudos! But only 3 hairstyles? For 240 CC?

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It's been mentioned in this thread already but I can't stress it enough. The new hair options (especially the shae one) aren't available in black. Instead we get this odd green colour.


It isn't a new problem but, having been present to some degree in all the non-original hairstyles, but when it comes to the newest releases it seems more glaringly obvious than ever before.

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The real world has a history of crap hairstyles, and games mimic real life to some degree. Which leads to the real tension point in this particular discussion:


Different people like different things. If someone, like you for example, do not like the hair styles... then you simply ignore them and move on. Nobody is forcing you to apply them to any of your characters.


And there is very much a generational effect here as well. Being an "old gummer" I personally do not like some of the more contemporary hair styles for men and women, but I embrace anyone's right to cut their hair the way they wish to... and as such... it would be hypocrisy on my part to embrace it in real life, yet demand the studio artists who made digital variations of said hair styles be fired (which is what you demanded in the part of your comment I chose not to quote).


More choices are not in any way bad.... as long as they are not forced to be applied and used.


I'm not saying the hair styles are ugly itself. They're just made so poorly. They look like crap in the game. Some of the hair styles they make could have been so much better if they had different people developing them.


Honestly they should be fired imo. The work they have been producing is so sloppy and unprofessional. Personally, if I was running development I would get rid of them for doing such a poor job. Lets be real, most of the hairstyles look like they barely even tried.

Edited by NoahRedden
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I think it would be worth it for them to hire someone to make some decent hairstyles (like Valkorion's/Senya's hair) I know they'd make money on it. It just seems weird the lack of character creation options they've been adding throughout the years, like a wasted opportunity for both sides.
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I'm not saying the hair styles are ugly itself. They're just made so poorly. They look like crap in the game. Some of the hair styles they make could have been so much better if they had different people developing them.


Honestly they should be fired imo. The work they have been producing is so sloppy and unprofessional. Personally, if I was running development I would get rid of them for doing such a poor job. Lets be real, most of the hairstyles look like they barely even tried.


Yeah, that's my main problem with some of the hairstyles, including 2 out of 3 in the new package. It's not that they're ugly in design; sure, I may not like some of them, but everyone has different tastes! The problem is when on so many of the hairstyles the textures are at a low resolution, the colors don't come out right with some (black in particular), there's some serious clipping issues with the longer styles... stuff like that is what I have a problem with.

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The Shae Vizla style has the same lose half the hair when you use an attack, issue other styles have. Some nice styles that are ruined by that.


Does the Shae Vizla hair constantly clip through the character's head? I know the "shaggy" style tends to do that, but I haven't seen it so much on Vizla's hair - at least, with the NPC's (Tora and Vizla herself) who have that hair. What about PC's?

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Does the Shae Vizla hair constantly clip through the character's head? I know the "shaggy" style tends to do that, but I haven't seen it so much on Vizla's hair - at least, with the NPC's (Tora and Vizla herself) who have that hair. What about PC's?


i've seen it a few times when a character is moving too fast for the slow hair to respond enough, so it clips directly into the head or the shoulder or a shoulder guard.

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Does the Shae Vizla hair constantly clip through the character's head? I know the "shaggy" style tends to do that, but I haven't seen it so much on Vizla's hair - at least, with the NPC's (Tora and Vizla herself) who have that hair. What about PC's?


It doesn't seem to clip when I jump around like the Shaggy does (which is one of the styles I like, though I wish they would fix it's color issues and clipping) however, every time my Warrior uses her PBAOE attack (forgot the name) it clips into her neck until I jump or go to a cut scene.


So it doesn't last long, but it gets annoying to look at. Not as bad as Shaggy though.

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