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How is everybody celebrating May the 4th?


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Like the title says, how is everybody celebrating Star Wars Day: May the 4th? On the Red Eclipse server we are throwing a server party on fleet and in my guild we are running a special May 4th lottery.


Later on I'm going to play drinking games with Episode VII and Rogue One, was pretty tempted to do the shots during the server chat games but figured it would be a bit hazardous when dishing out all the prizes afterwards! :w_angelic:

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A few years ago me and a friend attempted the 6 movie marathon for Star Wars Day with absinthe and tequila for the drinking games, we both ended up very unconscious 3 movies in but it was fun in the meantime! Was a savage hangover so not played that kind of drinking game again which is why I'm still 50/50 on it this time :p Edited by UlaVii
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A few years ago me and a friend attempted the 6 movie marathon for Star Wars Day with absinthe and tequila for the drinking games, we both ended up very unconscious 3 movies in but it was fun in the meantime! Was a savage hangover so not played that kind of drinking game again which is why I'm still 50/50 on it this time :p


You must be mistaken. There were only 3 movies.

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My May 4th Celebration Agenda:


1) Wake up 5:30 am,

2) make breakfast for me and kids (wife no likey),

3) sit down and go over my day,

4) print out everything I'll need for the day,

5) take one of my older daughters to cross country practice

6) Come back home, get my younger daughter.

7) Drop her at daycare

8) Go to first appointment

9) Go to second appointment

10) Take a client to lunch.

11) Go to third appointment

12) Go to fourth appointment

13) Drive in 1.5 hours of traffic to get home.

14) Make my kids some dinner.

15) Sit down and review my day, respond to emails and prepare for the next day.

16) Log on to SWTOR, dead tired, and play a couple hours.

17) Log off, hang with wife, watch shows, bang or something.

18) Go to bed.

19) Celebrations conclude.

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My May 4th Celebration Agenda:


1) Wake up 5:30 am,

2) make breakfast for me and kids (wife no likey),

3) sit down and go over my day,

4) print out everything I'll need for the day,

5) take one of my older daughters to cross country practice

6) Come back home, get my younger daughter.

7) Drop her at daycare

8) Go to first appointment

9) Go to second appointment

10) Take a client to lunch.

11) Go to third appointment

12) Go to fourth appointment

13) Drive in 1.5 hours of traffic to get home.

14) Make my kids some dinner.

15) Sit down and review my day, respond to emails and prepare for the next day.

16) Log on to SWTOR, dead tired, and play a couple hours.

17) Log off, hang with wife, watch shows, bang or something.

18) Go to bed.

19) Celebrations conclude.


Don't you think you should at least put a marshmallow in something? Oo I think I just heard servers are coming back up~

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