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Insufficient Focus / Can't Attack


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Your abilities use focus.


When out of focus, use the ability that requires 0 Focus, usually #1 on your keyboard.



Read your attacks carefully.


I cant even use my main attack anymore.... ITs been like this going on 2 hours now. I have logged off and on several times and it appears to maybe be a bug.

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Do you have the ability "Strike" (not "Slash"; they're easy to mix up) in the first slot of your action bar? That is your only no-cost attack, and the ability in the first slot is what activates when you right click on an enemy.


Also, are you able to use Force Leap, and if so, does it generate 3 Focus as it should?

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Let me be more clear.. Focus will NOT regenerate anymore... But main attack also wont work and my weapon is not broken, even purchased another to be sure.


Just to be clear, focus NEVER regenerates. You must build focus through your focus-building attacks. You must actively use "Strike" to build focus so that you can use your other attacks and abilities. Also, there are no auto-attacks in SWTOR. So you cannot simply target an enemy, press an attack key and have your character continually attack the enemy, in case you thought auto-attacking would generate focus for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same for me, I have tried to remove all ab. from the bottom tab with no difference. Main attack have just -stopped working-.


For me it started after I hade died in a co-op mission in Coruscant. All force powers are working as they should but when I right click an enemy it's "Not ready"


At first I also believed it was due to Force Leap for example being in the first slot but even if that would be true why would this happen all of a sudden? Not logical when the character attacked right clicking BEFORE..


I have tried the /commands (such as when you are stuck) but nothing works. Have filed a ticket but that was last week and no answer as yet.

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There are two types of abilities for knights. Ones which generate focus - aka basic strike, and other group that spend focus aka slash. You have to generate focus in order to spend it...basic attack should work always. Check out if you didnt remove it from your quickbar.
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