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Enough companions!


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No! I want lord scourge back still in a meaningful story based way ( like quinn or elara would be fine) for my main (guardian). I am incredibly disappointed I didn't get to have an "oh you were the emperor's wrath and betrayed him? Yeah I did too" conversation with him and my warrior. Seriously, I would repeat all of KOTFE/KOTET/whatever else just for this conversation. And I have been strongly resisting doing it again because after twice (an operative imp side and my main guardian) I just didn't desire to repeat it 28 more times lol.


Scourge needs to come back in a meaningful way. They've completely dropped the ball where he is concerned, he's a very important character and needs to be treated in a special way. I'm hoping that through the magick of story he'll become a romance option. And all the various things with the Emperor need to be addressed with Scourge.


Scourge is a must for me.

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More dialogue and cut scenes are welcome. :)


More dialogue? Who wants more dialogue?! Seriously? Don't you know by now that NOBODY wants any dialogue? SKIP PLEASE. SKIP PLEASE. SKIP! I swear, I'll kick you from the group if you don't skip! Oh, and cut scenes? I'll give you a cut scene: CUT!



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I don't mind more companions, on the condition that every new companion must be introduced with a story and multiple quests that give us information about them. A character is only a character if it has personality, otherwise it's just an unfinished concept.


I'd rather have fewer companions that have more screen time. Right now it's like we get a companion and then we never see them in the story ever again.


This would be more ideal, but Bioware seems pretty set in their ways.

Edited by SourOrange
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I really want all of the original class story companions to return. That's pretty much a must for me.


If they never released another Cartel Market companion, I wouldn't be terribly disappointed.


I love the look of several of the animal companions except for the shock collars. I dislike the shock collars so much, I haven't bought an animal companion. Otherwise, I'd have a Nexu, Tuk’ata, and maybe a Wampa for sure.


There's only one droid companion that isn't ugly and it's similar to an existing companion (M1-4X).


I do appreciate that I can now walk around Fleet and see 20 versions of the same companion. From an immersion and roleplay perspective, that's pretty fantastic. We already achieved that with the KOTFE companions.

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Doesn't bother me, honestly. BW can throw 100 more companions my way and it still wouldn't bother me. No matter how many companions there are, I'm only going to use certain ones anyways.


Edit: The only thing that DOES bother me is the original companions not being returned (but ofc, I can still use them, so it's not as annoying).

Edited by ZeroTypeR
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More dialogue? Who wants more dialogue?! Seriously? Don't you know by now that NOBODY wants any dialogue? SKIP PLEASE. SKIP PLEASE. SKIP! I swear, I'll kick you from the group if you don't skip! Oh, and cut scenes? I'll give you a cut scene: CUT!




Dude your not funny. Stop trying so hard. Lots of solo players enjoy the cutscenes rather than stomping nameless faceless mobs all the live long day.

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Dude your not funny. Stop trying so hard. Lots of solo players enjoy the cutscenes rather than stomping nameless faceless mobs all the live long day.


I watch cut scenes when I'm soloing: side quests - lv 1 - 55 main quests - SM flashpoints - not the kotfe - kotet story arc's tho, once was enough.


Edit: but never when I'm grouping

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Dude your not funny. Stop trying so hard. Lots of solo players enjoy the cutscenes rather than stomping nameless faceless mobs all the live long day.


I see my sarcasm was lost on you entirely. For the record, I totally agree with EVERYTHING you just said. Happy now?

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I see my sarcasm was lost on you entirely. For the record, I totally agree with EVERYTHING you just said. Happy now?


Cos sarcasm is so easy to pick up on in typed form xDDDD You do realise there are plenty of morons who hold those exact views and would express them as emphatically? How am I to tell if your just some moron or if its just a weird attempt at satire.

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I watch cut scenes when I'm soloing: side quests - lv 1 - 55 main quests - SM flashpoints - not the kotfe - kotet story arc's tho, once was enough.


Edit: but never when I'm grouping


Exact same as you. Don't know how anyone could stomach KOTFE/ET cutscenes so many times. I only watch the interesting parts I'd like to see twice or ten times or whatever. Like a blaster based characters defeat of Arcann in chapter 16 of KOTFE. That just always looks too ****** to skip :D Sliding under the debris and stuff haha awesome

EDIT: Really? That's censored? It's not even bad xD

Edited by uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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More dialogue? Who wants more dialogue?! Seriously? Don't you know by now that NOBODY wants any dialogue? SKIP PLEASE. SKIP PLEASE. SKIP! I swear, I'll kick you from the group if you don't skip! Oh, and cut scenes? I'll give you a cut scene: CUT!




Your opinion, and that's fine, but defintely not mine. Plenty of people want more dialogue and meaningful interaction with companions. You're just not one of them, but there is no need to get nasty.


It's one reason I'll never group for anything in this game, I like my cutscenes and frankly if anyone in a group spoke to me like that, I'd tell them to go hell and suck blue milk out of a bantha, and then I'd leave. I wouldn't put up with that poo doo.

Edited by Lunafox
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Your opinion, and that's fine, but defintely not mine. Plenty of people want more dialogue and meaningful interaction with companions. You're just not one of them, but there is no need to get nasty.


It's one reason I'll never group for anything in this game, I like my cutscenes and frankly if anyone in a group spoke to me like that, I'd tell them to go hell and suck blue milk out of a bantha, and then I'd leave. I wouldn't put with that sh*t.


You people can not read, can you? Scroll up. It's called SARCASM. I agree with everything you just said. Breathe, CHILL.

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You people can not read, can you? Scroll up. It's called SARCASM. I agree with everything you just said. Breathe, CHILL.


It's hard to tell sometimes. Thanks for your concern, but I'm chilling and breathing just fine. Tea?

Edited by Lunafox
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Lord Scourge: "Hmm, Revan's back and going after the emperor again...Nah, I'll just stand by quietly. Maybe he won't remember me if I don't say anything. If the emperor was back or amassing power I'm sure I'd be aware."


Lord Scourge: "Hmm, this Valkorian guy seems familiar...nah, I'll just stand by. I'm sure if the man who made me immortal and I spent a few hundred years serving had returned I'd sense it"




Or maybe he did sense it and figured out a way to incinerate himself rather than deal with it. I know I wanted to do that during parts of Kotfe.

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I don't mind more companions, on the condition that every new companion must be introduced with a story and multiple quests that give us information about them. A character is only a character if it has personality, otherwise it's just an unfinished concept..


My thoughts exactly. I don't have any of the star fortress companions because they're meaningless clones. I don't use Theron, Lana, Koth, or any of the other new companions (besides HK-55) outside of KotFE content for the same reason.


Personally.....I really wish they'd bring back companion conversations, and the class specific missions like the ones in SoR.

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You're. It's. And probably a question mark. I rest my case.


Yup. The last bastion of the online community. Being a grammar nazi. Couldn't think of any more HILARIOUS jokes for us all to just explode with laughter at? Truly pathetic. Seeing you going all over different threads posting feeble attempts at humour in them. Get some friends for your weird jokes. I really don't remember anyone here asking for them. And if you'll look at the comment just below yours you'll see I'm not the only one who couldn't pick up on this mysterious form of typed sarcasm that everyone is supposed to instantly recognise.. Say something helpful or on the topic or just go away dude... it's painful watching you try to be funny.

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