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Vector Hyllus - The LoveBug thread - Haters make your own :P


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If anything, a nasty thing was done to him by (details could be off, my memory is not the best) Imp Intelligence setting him up to be turned into a joiner.


Your memory is not off. Project Proteon arranged for Vector (who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time honestly) to become a Joiner. It wasn't personal, as Doctor Lokin put it.


I try to imagine how happy Vector must have been when he was tasked with being an ambassador to the Killiks. I've mentioned this before (way back in this thread), but this was a guy who used to be a First Contact Diplomat. He got to see the galaxy and he mentions how he read pirate stories when he was younger (ambient Hoth comment). And then he got stuck with a (basically) permanent position in House Thuul due to manpower shortages. All his training, all his adventure was curtailed with the same old, day to day boring job of dealing with snobby nobles.


So now imagine Vector just lighting up when he's told that he was being contacted to become an ambassador to a race nobody's really had contact with. He must have been THRILLED. And then he got slowly absorbed into the hive mind, not really even realizing it until too late. And by then...well the KILLIKS needed an ambassador to the Empire, so that's how he became Dawn Herald.


I believe though that it's not just the Hive Mind compulsion that makes him say that he's happy the way he is. He has a very solid sense of self; "He knows who he is" to quote Doctor Lokin. Vector gets to see the galaxy again. he gets to travel again. Look at how excited he was to go to Voss! And now all of that with the added part of seeing it through Killik eyes? Yeah, he's honestly happy being a Killik.

Edited by AngFour
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I believe though that it's not just the Hive Mind compulsion that makes him say that he's happy the way he is. He has a very solid sense of self; "He knows who he is" to quote Doctor Lokin. Vector gets to see the galaxy again. he gets to travel again. Look at how excited he was to go to Voss! And now all of that with the added part of seeing it through Killik eyes? Yeah, he's honestly happy being a Killik.


He claims he's content, but Joiners seem to be "at peace with the universe". So I wonder how much of that content is true acceptance, true happiness, and how much Joiner/Killing unity with... nature? environment? some deeper understanding of the universe?


I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want it undone, but if asked: would he volunteer? I honestly am not sure of the answer here. He could be curious, and dedicated enough, but on the other hand: it is a violation of one's life. Would he sacrifice everything for this assignment?

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I'm glad the mystery of where he's been all this time will finally be solved, I've been feeling pretty worried about it this whole time.


Too bad it will be probably be explained in half a breath like the last two were. I imagined something much more dramatic than finding him locked in a back room on Odessen à la Adronikos. At least, I assume, he won't be killable. The idea of Vector being executed in a fe/et chapter was sickening.

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He claims he's content, but Joiners seem to be "at peace with the universe". So I wonder how much of that content is true acceptance, true happiness, and how much Joiner/Killing unity with... nature? environment? some deeper understanding of the universe?


I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want it undone, but if asked: would he volunteer? I honestly am not sure of the answer here. He could be curious, and dedicated enough, but on the other hand: it is a violation of one's life. Would he sacrifice everything for this assignment?



Remember Vector mentions to the agent (if the agent asks if they could become a Joiner) that everything that they WERE would be gone. Vector, I think, realizes that who he was is long gone and even if his Joiner state would be reversed he would never be who he once was. The Hive Mind has that now.


BUT, you ask a very good question. I have my head canon about how Vector was prior to the Joining (of which I will write up, if just for the sake of keeping this thread alive) and I think that he wouldn't because it IS a violation of one's life. It's probably why the Empire didn't even bother asking (not that they would have asked anyway).


I'm not gonna lie I may or may not have stumbled upon certain things regarding his return (things that can't be mentioned here). I will say that it's heartbreaking and I really, REALLY hope that more of it comes up in later updates. I doubt it will, but a girl can dream, right?

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I'm glad the mystery of where he's been all this time will finally be solved, I've been feeling pretty worried about it this whole time.


Too bad it will be probably be explained in half a breath like the last two were. I imagined something much more dramatic than finding him locked in a back room on Odessen à la Adronikos. At least, I assume, he won't be killable. The idea of Vector being executed in a fe/et chapter was sickening.


I'm calling it now:


He's been on Odessen all this time. I honestly don't know for sure (things I've stumbled upon never clarifies where he is; it was just the conversation tree). But I'm totally calling it.

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He claims he's content, but Joiners seem to be "at peace with the universe". So I wonder how much of that content is true acceptance, true happiness, and how much Joiner/Killing unity with... nature? environment? some deeper understanding of the universe?


I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want it undone, but if asked: would he volunteer? I honestly am not sure of the answer here. He could be curious, and dedicated enough, but on the other hand: it is a violation of one's life. Would he sacrifice everything for this assignment?


All the joiners once they join are happy to have done so, that's what makes the Killiks so dangerous, and why the Chiss (granted, 4000 years in the future) were so adamant about destroying them and quarantined on just a few worlds. Joining is just a fancy daily of saying really effective brainwashing.

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I'm really happy that Vector's returning, canonically, before Theron's "Shhhhh, I'm a double agent" arc is over. Now I can fully (and gleefully) headcanon Vector looking at Theron's hair and blandly asking him if he lost a bet.


HA!!! That's exactly how I think Vector would react to the haircut, lol. I actually really love Vector's sense of humor. I can see how some might miss it, but he's actually quite funny. I've finally played all the classes and Vector is absolutely my favorite LI, and companion. The Torian romance is another one I really enjoy, he's very loving and sweet, but Vector still takes the cake. There's something about him that just sets him apart from the other companions for me.


I have to constantly remind myself that I must share the Vector, he isn't just for me, lol. I use one of the customizations though, so it's easy to just consider my Vector a different Vector. I also like to imagine Ben Barnes playing him. The headcanon is strong with this one.

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Remember Vector mentions to the agent (if the agent asks if they could become a Joiner) that everything that they WERE would be gone. Vector, I think, realizes that who he was is long gone and even if his Joiner state would be reversed he would never be who he once was. The Hive Mind has that now.


BUT, you ask a very good question. I have my head canon about how Vector was prior to the Joining (of which I will write up, if just for the sake of keeping this thread alive) and I think that he wouldn't because it IS a violation of one's life. It's probably why the Empire didn't even bother asking (not that they would have asked anyway).


I'm not gonna lie I may or may not have stumbled upon certain things regarding his return (things that can't be mentioned here). I will say that it's heartbreaking and I really, REALLY hope that more of it comes up in later updates. I doubt it will, but a girl can dream, right?


The Killiks use Pheromones and electromagnetic auras to communicate and these are what essentially changes other species into Joiners, over time. There is a structural change to the brain itself and only the Dawn Herald is able to be away from the nest for any length of time without suffering. I suspect that this is done for the Dawn Herald much like bee queens are created by feeding them royal jelly while in a larval state. So, yes, it does take away humanity, emotions, etc. and makes them 'slaves' to the hive, so to speak, with the Dawn Herald able to maintain some autonomy.


Vector even says in the IA story that he had to relearn his human traits in order to love her.


He is also quite disgusted in being a test subject for Project Proteon, not that he might have agreed had he been given the choice, but he was never warned about the consequences prior to being sent to the Killiks.


I did a lot of research for my 'Where the hell has Vector been for the past 7 years' fic and everything about the Killik culture is profoundly interesting. I have my headcanon Vector return, and I'm sticking to it, although it will be interesting to see what BW comes up with.

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Ah, well, at least we know that Vectors weapon won't change. That is a relief.


Apologies for any confusion. I meant within the context of the question being asked, which was specifically the 5.8 and 5.9 Companions. None of their weapons are being changed.



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I've been saving my lady agent's trip through KOTses because I couldn't bear to part with Vector for too long. Guess I'll have to run her through now, so they can enjoy their reunion, for what it is.


I do wish they've fix the mouth not moving when they're clicked on bug.

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The Killiks use Pheromones and electromagnetic auras to communicate and these are what essentially changes other species into Joiners, over time. There is a structural change to the brain itself and only the Dawn Herald is able to be away from the nest for any length of time without suffering. I suspect that this is done for the Dawn Herald much like bee queens are created by feeding them royal jelly while in a larval state. So, yes, it does take away humanity, emotions, etc. and makes them 'slaves' to the hive, so to speak, with the Dawn Herald able to maintain some autonomy.


Vector even says in the IA story that he had to relearn his human traits in order to love her.


He is also quite disgusted in being a test subject for Project Proteon, not that he might have agreed had he been given the choice, but he was never warned about the consequences prior to being sent to the Killiks.


I did a lot of research for my 'Where the hell has Vector been for the past 7 years' fic and everything about the Killik culture is profoundly interesting. I have my headcanon Vector return, and I'm sticking to it, although it will be interesting to see what BW comes up with.

I already had a lot of love for Vector before your story though never quite understood the whole Killik thing. You've really intensified his situation for me and added a level of beauty to the culture for my head canon. I treasure that, and your writing. ♥

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Eric confirmed that Vector remains melee, but to be on the safe side, I'll unequip his staff. They could replace it with some new weapon.


Everything will be replaced, but anything he has equipped on him will be dumped into your inventory as soon as you start the mission. Or as soon as he joins (LOL) you.


Buuuuut...not a bad idea.

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Everything will be replaced, but anything he has equipped on him will be dumped into your inventory as soon as you start the mission. Or as soon as he joins (LOL) you.


Buuuuut...not a bad idea.


In theory, yes. In practice, I remember people complaining about losing some removed-from-game or hard-to-get gear their comps had before KOTFE, which wasn't in the inventory. Better safe than sorry. The staff is unique, and I like it, so I'd rather not have it lost in a black hole of coding ;)

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In theory, yes. In practice, I remember people complaining about losing some removed-from-game or hard-to-get gear their comps had before KOTFE, which wasn't in the inventory. Better safe than sorry. The staff is unique, and I like it, so I'd rather not have it lost in a black hole of coding ;)


No no, I agree with you and you bring up a good point. Most of what I have equipped on Vector is CM stuff and can easily be replaced (seeing as I have them unlocked). But his pants were from one of the Rishi quest rewards during SoR (I like them a lot and a few of my Agent's outfits have them stamped) and his Killik staff is unique to him. So losing those two items would be upsetting.


Looks like Nekkid Vector will be coming up in the near future :D :D

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No no, I agree with you and you bring up a good point. Most of what I have equipped on Vector is CM stuff and can easily be replaced (seeing as I have them unlocked). But his pants were from one of the Rishi quest rewards during SoR (I like them a lot and a few of my Agent's outfits have them stamped) and his Killik staff is unique to him. So losing those two items would be upsetting.


Looks like Nekkid Vector will be coming up in the near future :D :D


I remember stripping Malavai. His blaster was from the Shroud mission, and his white jacket uniform a random drop from Ilum.


Vector soon in his long briefs!

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I've been saving my lady agent's trip through KOTses because I couldn't bear to part with Vector for too long. Guess I'll have to run her through now, so they can enjoy their reunion, for what it is.


I do wish they've fix the mouth not moving when they're clicked on bug.


Lol, I have a friend who is going to take off work and play with me when I take my female agent through because she knows it will upset me to lose him. It's not that I'm unhealthily attached, okay maybe a little, but because losing a spouse is a little too close to reality for me and it touches on some sensitive emotional spots. I knew I couldn't handle it unless there was a specific return time and mission. I should be good now, but I'll probably burn through the chapters faster than any of my other toons, lol.

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Lol, I have a friend who is going to take off work and play with me when I take my female agent through because she knows it will upset me to lose him. It's not that I'm unhealthily attached, okay maybe a little, but because losing a spouse is a little too close to reality for me and it touches on some sensitive emotional spots. I knew I couldn't handle it unless there was a specific return time and mission. I should be good now, but I'll probably burn through the chapters faster than any of my other toons, lol.


That's really nice of her. What a sweet friend. Doing the content, when you know you're going to get them back when you're done is better than having to wait for years, that's for sure. Had I known how long I'd have to wait for my Malavai I wouldn't have taken my warrior through straight away either. Or my Jedi. I'm glad at least I held back on my lady agent, as you say being parted from dear Vector would be a step too far. <3

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That's really nice of her. What a sweet friend. Doing the content, when you know you're going to get them back when you're done is better than having to wait for years, that's for sure. Had I known how long I'd have to wait for my Malavai I wouldn't have taken my warrior through straight away either. Or my Jedi. I'm glad at least I held back on my lady agent, as you say being parted from dear Vector would be a step too far. <3


Yeah, I ran my Jedi knight through without knowing that Doc had not yet returned. I'm not as into Doc, but I do like how his character develops and changes. It's kind of sweet when he gets all awkward and nervous because he has real emotions, lol. Anyway, I digress, Even that bothered me and I have a lot less emotional attachment to that character than I do my IA. Vector doesn't require any real head-canoning, he's pretty lovable from the get go.

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AHHH I don't come to the forums often enough, but AHHHHHHH Vector <3 Favorite companion, favorite romance, best bro-mance <3


I've been dying for him to come back, especially since the line Temple throws us about him (depressing as it was). I'm thrilled. I feel like even if it winds up being a 2 1/2 minute scene, it will be great. His voice actor always makes every line phenomenal, IMO.


I'll have to take my IA through the rest of KOTFE/KOTET soon. I stopped once I read his KOTFE letter and realized they wouldn't be reunited any time soon -- and wow, that was a while ago!

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AHHH I don't come to the forums often enough, but AHHHHHHH Vector <3 Favorite companion, favorite romance, best bro-mance <3


Yeah, he's the best, such a sweetheart! Even my male agent runs with him all the time, they're the best of friends. I really wish he was going to be available for every class though. I made my smuggler an undercover version of my female agent and it just isn't the same without the poetic Dawn Herald running around.

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