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Vector Hyllus - The LoveBug thread - Haters make your own :P


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So, my Vector is basically dressed like a Disney prince. funny thing is, now that Disney owns Star Wars Vector IS a Disney "prince." The only one I adore, lol.


I managed to snag the "Ambitious Warrior" set for "only" 8 million credits. I mixed the chest piece with other pieces (the chest piece was the important thing, but I like getting and unlocking full armor sets for more options for other characters) and he looks pretty good.




(For some reason I though the "contemplative Vector holo" right on top of him was funny and it's the only screen shot I have of him in his newest outfit).


I like how it looks combat practical. His original robes and stuff looks like they'd get tangled up in his legs when he does his leaping flips into battle. This is a dude who takes a punch for my sniper. Gets kicked in his danglies. Gets knocked around A LOT (*Edit: I have him in Tank stance). As someone who used to do live action role play (LARP) I know how cumbersome dresses and robes can be when in a battle, and I am nowhere NEAR as aerodynamic as Vector, lol.


As a side note, I have a confession to make: All clothes in this game are based off of how they look on Vector. My other companions and Alt characters benefit from my lavish spending on him :D :D :D

Edited by AngFour
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Sorry for me sexy doesn't equal skimpy or vulgar, but I do want something nice to look at.


I agree. I was just poking fun at the fact that whatever overlay Vector obviously has on him prevents even the slightest bit of skin to show. Even when you strip him down to his "naked" state, his underwear is not the same as everyone else (the brown skivvies). He wears knee length long johns. And that's him FIXED. It used to be that he wore ROBES underneath his clothes. It was hilarious.

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Oh my! I have wondered why naked Vector hasn't mysteriously appeared in my SH. Just about everyone else has. Vic = scary.


No, no. THAT'S the weird thing. If you took off all of his clothes, his overly muscled body and stuff all appear "normal" except for the fact that his underwear is knee length. You could have him run around looking like that if you were so inclined (I'm not, but a person COULD) because companions don't need armor anymore. So you could still have "Naked Vector" appear in the glitchy, random way companions do in your SH.


It's the armors that have skin showing. Like the Extrovert armor. Casual Show Off. Anything that would show a bare chest he's either wearing a shirt where there should be skin OR it's this weird silvery spandex.


I'm assuming he's got an overlay on him because of his Joiner eyes. Seeing as there's the one scene where he shows up with his normal eyes (for agents who are romancing him) he, as a character model, doesn't actually have black eyes. They just have something over them to make them LOOK black (and if you look REAL close, you can still see his eyes underneath. Not their color, but you can see an iris outline. NOT that I spend a lot of time zoomed in on his face....DON'T YOU JUDGE ME!) And it's that overlay or whatever that's interfering with any skin revealing outfits.

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As a side note, I have a confession to make: All clothes in this game are based off of how they look on Vector. My other companions and Alt characters benefit from my lavish spending on him :D :D :D


Umm, isn't that how the game is supposed to be played? ;) I like to put him in long jackets with pants and high boots. Not only do I spend tons of credits on his wardrobe, but I also spend tons of time and credits picking outfits for my agent based on what I think will drive Vector crazy, lol. There is a lot of strategic skin showing. I tend to think it's the glimpses and hints that really distract him. My agent likes to play a little game called "How Distracted is He?"

Edited by DuchessKristania
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I am quite happy that Vector is getting a return but I do have two concerns.


1. That they will make him a ranged tank instead of melee. I will be tre-upset if they take away his staff.


2. That his lips will no longer move, which is pretty much a given at this point.


As an alert, I'm not sure I want to go through the angst of getting back a rifle-toting or blaster-toting pod person. Youtube may have to suffice.

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No judgement, I have 2 heroines in my Solaris Legacy. One would be very happy being a space gypsy with Vector. The other is destined to help heal and redeem a former emperor. How can I judge you?


I will say I wish Vector was an all class companion, he'd have so much adventure with my Pubs.

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I am quite happy that Vector is getting a return but I do have two concerns.


1. That they will make him a ranged tank instead of melee. I will be tre-upset if they take away his staff.


2. That his lips will no longer move, which is pretty much a given at this point.


As an alert, I'm not sure I want to go through the angst of getting back a rifle-toting or blaster-toting pod person. Youtube may have to suffice.


I will complain every time I click on Vector and his lips won't move. I've already resigned myself to that and gave my husband forewarning that I would be doing so. I *cannot* go without having Vector back in the story. It's one of the few things I've been holding out for. As a matter of fact, I was unsubscribed for the last couple of months but my sister wants to play weekly with me. So I've resubbed just so I can play, unrestricted, with her for a couple hours a week.


I thought his lips moving was my biggest concern and I even sent Keith a message about companions faces not being animated.




Until someone brought up the fact that much like a bunch of other melee companions who inexplicably changed to ranged, they requested that Vector NOT be converted.


It was then that fear was struck in my heart.


My Agent (sniper) needs a melee companion and I'm not about to give companions I don't like a bunch of gifts just so they can perform the function that Vector did for me since 2013 (and made even better in 2015 when they added companion stances).


He even has his own, unique weapon that you can't get anywhere else (his Killik staff). His character was designed to be melee.


I really hope they don't change that.


As a side note: Back in the day, I didn't like how his Killik staff looked. So I always gave him a moddable electrostaff. It wasn't until I read your fics about Vector, where it talked about how his staff was gifted to him by his nest when he became Dawn Herald that I realized that I was wrong and THANKFULLY I had just stored it in my bank instead of vendoring it. He now runs around with it equipped again :)

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I will complain every time I click on Vector and his lips won't move. I've already resigned myself to that and gave my husband forewarning that I would be doing so. I *cannot* go without having Vector back in the story. It's one of the few things I've been holding out for. As a matter of fact, I was unsubscribed for the last couple of months but my sister wants to play weekly with me. So I've resubbed just so I can play, unrestricted, with her for a couple hours a week.


I thought his lips moving was my biggest concern and I even sent Keith a message about companions faces not being animated.




Until someone brought up the fact that much like a bunch of other melee companions who inexplicably changed to ranged, they requested that Vector NOT be converted.


It was then that fear was struck in my heart.


My Agent (sniper) needs a melee companion and I'm not about to give companions I don't like a bunch of gifts just so they can perform the function that Vector did for me since 2013 (and made even better in 2015 when they added companion stances).


He even has his own, unique weapon that you can't get anywhere else (his Killik staff). His character was designed to be melee.


I really hope they don't change that.


As a side note: Back in the day, I didn't like how his Killik staff looked. So I always gave him a moddable electrostaff. It wasn't until I read your fics about Vector, where it talked about how his staff was gifted to him by his nest when he became Dawn Herald that I realized that I was wrong and THANKFULLY I had just stored it in my bank instead of vendoring it. He now runs around with it equipped again :)


Aww, thank you for remembering my Fic and giving his original staff back to him because of it. You just made my day. :D


Yeah, I have a couple of snipers. I may run Rey'elle through the story alert, but likely not my other sniper. It actually depends more on the staff thing than the lip moving thing. I may still wait for YouTube to make my final decision.

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Hooray for Vector returning, my Agent has been waiting for him!! :) Though now I'm torn since my Chiss also loves Saganu, this is going to be hard on choosing between those two :eek:


And I'm bit late on what people wear with Vector but I like his old outfit, very fitting for him. I haven't wanted to chance it with him. :)

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I never took my married to Vekky sniper through KOTFE/ET, because I didn't want her to lose him. Now, seeing how "reunions" are 2 minutes long with possibility of customisations not working, plus broken mouths, I'm definitely not taking her.


But it'll be good to have my main operative boy have his bff back :)


I sure do hope they don't mess Vector up or his weapon! I love his staff and all animations that come with his fighting style! :eek:

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Okay, you guys. We have a problem here.


Vector's thread is only 50 pages long. ARCANN'S thread has more than that and Arcann is kinda terrible.


I understand that we're a bit more sane and understated when it comes to our love for Vector, but I literally just had someone tell me that because Arcann's thread is 120 pages long that CLEARLY a lot of people love him. Love him more than Vector.


And so we need to think of ways to keep this thread at the top. I'm gonna be here for a while seeing as my sister coerced me back to this game, so I figured I'd make myself useful :D:D

Edited by AngFour
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Okay, you guys. We have a problem here.


Vector's thread is only 50 pages long. ARCANN'S thread has more than that and Arcann is kinda terrible.


I understand that we're a bit more sane and understated when it comes to our love for Vector, but I literally just had someone tell me that because Arcann's thread is 120 pages long that CLEARLY a lot of people love him. Love him more than Vector.


And so we need to think of ways to keep this thread at the top. I'm gonna be here for a while seeing as my sister coerced me back to this game, so I figured I'd make myself useful :D:D


They may try to impress me when they beat Malavai's current 760 pages ;)


I expect this thread blossom some more after the update. Hopefully with some happiness, not only disappointment. Personally, I don't expect more than 2-3 minute long cutscene. But I hope it'll be at least as good as Andronikos, which was awfully short, but I enjoyed it a lot anyway.

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They may try to impress me when they beat Malavai's current 760 pages ;)



Or, heck, Theron's 320 pages in the Story section (not sure how many Theron's thread has in General). I was going to point that out but I try not to argue with people before I've had at least two cups of coffee. Otherwise I'm just unpleasant.

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Okay, you guys. We have a problem here.


Vector's thread is only 50 pages long. ARCANN'S thread has more than that and Arcann is kinda terrible.


I understand that we're a bit more sane and understated when it comes to our love for Vector, but I literally just had someone tell me that because Arcann's thread is 120 pages long that CLEARLY a lot of people love him. Love him more than Vector.


And so we need to think of ways to keep this thread at the top. I'm gonna be here for a while seeing as my sister coerced me back to this game, so I figured I'd make myself useful :D:D


Maybe so, but there has been lots of Vector love on the forums through the years. I remember one poster who loved Vector so much in the old days, that she'd write hilarious poems about him. I'll never forget those. Just because all the threads and posts ever made about him aren't on the front page right this very second doesn't mean they don't count. :)


Vector is my second favorite companion. Or, in a way, tied for favorite companion because Quinn and Vector are apples and oranges. The problem I have with posting about Vector is that I have so very little to complain about with his character. No mind games, so betrayals, no "w** were they thinking with this romance" moments, other than the bug thing which doesn't really bother me particularly.


Vector is nothing short of lovely and nearly perfect. And even if I didn't care for his romance (which is a ridiculous thought) I'd still appreciate the heck out of him simply for his sublime voice and the fact that once you get him you never have to speak to Kaliyo again.


And while on the subject of dressing him, my old agent that I deleted sadly, used to keep Vector dressed in the social 1(?) diplomat outfit which I thought suited him very well. These days, I put him in a mix of diabolist/ formal militant and looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/I5yiGBl.png I love him in blue.


My dark agent is probably looking forward to seeing him the most. I've played her through all the content and I imagine that she has panic attacks without him. I love to think of him as being a calming, balancing influence on her. I'm very unhappy that she'll get podVector but at least, in my mind, her story will have taken a happier turn.

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Good points.


Vector is not controversial. Well, if someone can't get past his "bugginess", then it can be a put-off, but apart from that he doesn't actually do nasty things to anyone, so isn't a cause of heated arguments LOL.


If anything, a nasty thing was done to him by (details could be off, my memory is not the best) Imp Intelligence setting him up to be turned into a joiner.

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OhhhhhMahGawwwwwd!!! :eek:This picture alone is seriously and dangerously close to making me switch my allegiance from Malavai to Vector. What a great picture.


Eh I'm over picking one over the other. I pick both. :D


Vector is not controversial.


Yeah, I don't think there are a ton of Vector haters to pad thread counts and spark debates. People generally like or love Vector, or just don't notice him much at all.


And that picture of Vector reaching out has always been one of my favorites. It captures the romance/eroticism of Vector perfectly.

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