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Vector Hyllus - The LoveBug thread - Haters make your own :P


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I pouted too :o


I've got one dark agent that's gone through it, and without Vector she's not a very happy person. I think of her as the darkest darkside character I have. She's not a force user, so she's just naturally vicious as heck. Once Vector returns, I'll have to think about changing her a little. He was always supposed to be a sort of balancing influence for her.


Also, I always played it so my agents (light or dark) disliked and distrusted Theron. Without Vector back yet, I'm afraid Theron is going to be up the creek. And I don't even know how she's going to react to Temple of all people. It could go either way really, Temple is a distant memory.


My agent gets along with Theron, their pals, but she was pretty much done with the Empire by the end of her story and went rogue. I've only played her through SoR so she hasn't had contact with him outside of that but they got each other. Lana, however is the source of all things awful as far as my agent, is concerned.


I'm still a little worried that since Temple is returning next Vector might be a little ways down the road. I just want him back, I miss running my main through new content and I want to see how some of the stuff in kotfe/kotet plays out with an agent. I just don't want to create another agent just to run it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just started a new agent. Damn how I miss Vector. He is so sweet!


I hope the rumors that he is a "Alliance alert" aren't true. I really want a good reunion with him, and not like Elara and Quinn.


Oh, and I hope we don't get a tease "kiss-option" like we did with Quinn. That was just evil.

Edited by Cowoline
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I just started a new agent. Damn how I miss Vector. He is so sweet!


I hope the rumors that he is a "Alliance alert" aren't true. I really want a good reunion with him, and not like Elara and Quinn.


Oh, and I hope we don't get a tease "kiss-option" like we did with Quinn. That was just evil.


I did too, I started a sniper yesterday but I have no idea how to play it. I'm just stumbling around everywhere, really :o But it's worth it to see Vector again :) I'm also pretending she's the child of Quinn and the warrior since I made her look just like them, lol.


But, I'm a little confused, what do you mean tease kiss-option with Quinn?

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I did too, I started a sniper yesterday but I have no idea how to play it. I'm just stumbling around everywhere, really :o But it's worth it to see Vector again :) I'm also pretending she's the child of Quinn and the warrior since I made her look just like them, lol.


But, I'm a little confused, what do you mean tease kiss-option with Quinn?


When you see him on Iokath the first time, there is a dialogue option marked [Kiss him]. Sadly, you make no move to even try to do it, and he says something "not in public, my lord". Game over.

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When you see him on Iokath the first time, there is a dialogue option marked [Kiss him]. Sadly, you make no move to even try to do it, and he says something "not in public, my lord". Game over.


OH oh oh. I forgot about that, yeah. If I could've played it my way, I would have force pulled him to me across the room, public or no. :o


Seriously though, I need Vector to come back if only to have something to talk about on the forums. There's almost nothing going on lately I have an opinion about, Vector is the last big thing, ho hum..

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Welp. I'll be running this on my agent, that's for sure. Maybe I'll get to say Vector's name, at least?


I cringed, when my warrior called him "Quinn" and not "Malavai"... whoever did that reunion was in a hurry to get it over with. Maybe Ben wrote it himself :p


But from what I have seen the reunion is possibly very sweet.

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I'm really hoping that once the merge is over with we get some more details about companion returns, specifically Vector's return. I need to have access to him on all classes, lol. Maybe the "return to an unexpected planet" is Alderaan and we'll get him then. If he's been hanging out there and no one thought to check, someone is going to be dealing with a very annoyed commander. I wish we knew more about what's coming up, patience is not one of my virtues. Edited by DuchessKristania
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I'm really hoping that once the merge is over with we get some more details about companion returns, specifically Vector's return. I need to have access to him on all classes, lol. Maybe the "return to an unexpected planet" is Alderaan and we'll get him then. If he's been hanging out there and no one thought to check, someone is going to be dealing with a very annoyed commander. I wish we knew more about what's coming up, patience is not one of my virtues.


I really want him back too. He is one of the few genuinely nice/clever/innocent guys in the game. I know some are creeped out by the hive mind thing, but I think they totally overlook how awesome his personality is, and how kind he is.

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I really want him back too. He is one of the few genuinely nice/clever/innocent guys in the game. I know some are creeped out by the hive mind thing, but I think they totally overlook how awesome his personality is, and how kind he is.


I agree. My Agent doesn't trust Kaliyo at all or Scorpio after what she did during KOTFE/KOTET. She doesn't trust that Lokin has her best interests at heart and she believes that he would turn on her in an instant if he needed her out the way for his own purposes. She did like Temple however after what happened with her father my Agent quickly learnt to no longer trust her. Vector is the only one that I feel my Agent can be honest with, trust and someone who no matter what will always be with her, he feels so genuine in how much he cares for you. :D


He is one my fav romances and if he gets a lacklustre return I'm not going to be very happy especially since Kaliyo got an entire chapter and a soon to be returning companion gets a whole FP to return in.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I agree. My Agent doesn't trust Kaliyo at all or Scorpio after what she did during KOTFE/KOTET. She doesn't trust that Lokin has her best interests at heart and she believes that he would turn on her in an instant if he needed her out the way for his own purposes. She did like Temple however after what happened with her father my Agent quickly learnt to no longer trust her. Vector is the only one that I feel my Agent can be honest with, trust and someone who no matter what will always be with her, he feels so genuine in how much he cares for you. :D


He is one my fav romances and if he gets a lacklustre return I'm not going to be very happy especially since Kaliyo got an entire chapter and a soon to be returning companion gets a whole FP to return in.


I many times wanted to throw Kaliyo out an airlock or "forget her" on Belsavis. I like Lokin though. He reminds me of Wynne from Dragon age Origins - friendly and filled with unwanted, but good intentioned advice.

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I many times wanted to throw Kaliyo out an airlock or "forget her" on Belsavis. I like Lokin though. He reminds me of Wynne from Dragon age Origins - friendly and filled with unwanted, but good intentioned advice.


Oh don't get me wrong I like the character of Lokin, I really enjoyed his story, if his recruitment mission in KOTFE/KOTET wasn't such a pain for non-agent characters I'd have him on lots of my characters. I like him as a character I just don't trust him. ;)

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I really want him back too. He is one of the few genuinely nice/clever/innocent guys in the game. I know some are creeped out by the hive mind thing, but I think they totally overlook how awesome his personality is, and how kind he is.


I think he is actually one of the healthiest and sweetest romances in the game. I'm admittedly biased, but he's a genuinely kind and good character. He respects and trusts the agent (at least if you're playing light side, never played a ds agent.) I also think he has an interesting story. The writers were completely on point when they created him.

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I think he is actually one of the healthiest and sweetest romances in the game. I'm admittedly biased, but he's a genuinely kind and good character. He respects and trusts the agent (at least if you're playing light side, never played a ds agent.) I also think he has an interesting story. The writers were completely on point when they created him.


I agree, he truly is the sweetest and kindest and his gentle and poetic way of being, make his the loveliest romance in the game hands down. And yes, I say this even though my favourite is Quinn. In fact some days, it's such a close tie between the two of them for me.

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I agree, he truly is the sweetest and kindest and his gentle and poetic way of being, make his the loveliest romance in the game hands down. And yes, I say this even though my favourite is Quinn. In fact some days, it's such a close tie between the two of them for me.


I finally started a Sith warrior. I picked Quinn up but haven't gotten much past that point in the story.

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I think he is actually one of the healthiest and sweetest romances in the game. I'm admittedly biased, but he's a genuinely kind and good character. He respects and trusts the agent (at least if you're playing light side, never played a ds agent.) I also think he has an interesting story. The writers were completely on point when they created him.


Perhaps you should try ds agent someday and run with Vector, of course. It's a very challenging way to play. Rawr I'm the darkest evilest!!! But Vector, what would Vector say..? I agonized over every dark decision like I hadn't in a long time. It was very memorable.

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And yes, I say this even though my favourite is Quinn. In fact some days, it's such a close tie between the two of them for me.


We get so hung up on choosing our mostest favorite companion over other companions, I don't see why we can't just choose both 😘

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Yay! I hope you'll have fun with it. It really is a great story, gut-wrenching, thought-provoking. It's one of my favs. <3


I'm actually having a bit of trouble getting through it. I think part of the problem iss that I'm not particularly attached to my sw. I still find myself choosing to play one of my agents, either Inari or Tharon over my sw. I don't love playing melee, I'm definitely better at building and running ranged classes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Pretty happy about the Vector mention Temple has (if you choose the right convo choices). Almost made the 3 hour run on the tedious flashpoint almost worth it.




(Three hours because I chose "Story" because I thought it'd advance the story. Pretty silly of me to assume that.)


Let's hope our beloved Vector makes his way back home sooner rather than later. (In the story, that is. I retrieved him from the terminal right after KotFE came out and have spoiled him with tons of gifts and new clothes since then.)

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Pretty happy about the Vector mention Temple has (if you choose the right convo choices). Almost made the 3 hour run on the tedious flashpoint almost worth it.




(Three hours because I chose "Story" because I thought it'd advance the story. Pretty silly of me to assume that.)


Let's hope our beloved Vector makes his way back home sooner rather than later. (In the story, that is. I retrieved him from the terminal right after KotFE came out and have spoiled him with tons of gifts and new clothes since then.)


Please tell me what she said, or please just tell me what I should say to hear it, it's going to be all the way til tomorrow before I can finish this on my agent and I CANT WAIT THAT LONG

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