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Vector Hyllus - The LoveBug thread - Haters make your own :P


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I'm disappointed but I'm trying to see a bright side in this. Perhaps they aren't bringing Vector back now because they really want to give him a meaningful return through the story as I suspect will be Temple's case. Still, it sucks to see the bug being ignored again. Didn't know romancing Vector would be as stressful as it was Solas. :(:(


btw: thanks for creating this thread, it's nice to see that Vector is loved by the community :)


This. I was expecting to see him soon and now... nothing... Also there is no mention of them making up for the lousy come back for Quinn and Elara.

Also, love your Solas comment! (Damn it.... still love that elf :p )

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I'm disappointed but I'm trying to see a bright side in this. Perhaps they aren't bringing Vector back now because they really want to give him a meaningful return through the story as I suspect will be Temple's case. Still, it sucks to see the bug being ignored again. Didn't know romancing Vector would be as stressful as it was Solas. :(:(


btw: thanks for creating this thread, it's nice to see that Vector is loved by the community :)


I hope you're right and that they're working on giving him a meaningful and important return and not some crappy Alliance alert.

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This. I was expecting to see him soon and now... nothing... Also there is no mention of them making up for the lousy come back for Quinn and Elara.

Also, love your Solas comment! (Damn it.... still love that elf :p )


This quote makes me fear for the worst. "We continue to discuss ways of reintroducing you to your original Companions and will be returning several of them over the coming months." If the only story coming out is a snippet with the Chiss flashpoint and Temple is the only companion returning in that snippet, then how else will they be bringing back the others?


I am holding out hope for future alerts being a new style of fully voiced and animated alerts. (Like, say, real side missions...)

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that disgusting hypocritical sociopath.

I feel exactly the same about Temple - your post expressed my thoughts perfectly.


When I first played at launch, I really liked Temple, but when I played a new agent for DvL I couldn't believe I didn't see the issues with her character before. And now I enjoy Kaliyo, who previously drove me nuts. I guess the thing is that Temple presents herself like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, and then does that with her father. At least Kaliyo is completely open about being selfish, anarchistic and hedonistic. She does plenty of things one could condemn, but they are consistent from her point of view, and she doesn't apologize for who she is. Plus she sees through a lot of the Empire's nonsense. Temple's hypocrisy and belief in the Empire annoy me more.


Best thing about Temple is being able to steal her Chiss outfit. :D

Edited by Estelindis
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... :eek:


*happy squee* My chiss sniper gets an Ascendancy uniform! ...and Temple can go stand on the bridge in her underwear for all I care...

Yay, I helped! :D


Temple's outfit is almost the Chiss uniform - it's like a light armored version of the outfit you see most Ascendancy characters wearing. You can get even closer to that look by swapping the top for the Outlaw's Duster, dyed deep gray and pale brown. It's as perfect a match as I've seen.


Unfortunately there's isn't a better match (that I've found) for the other pieces of the uniform, so agents have an advantage in looking chissy that my other chiss characters can't quite achieve.

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I am so disappointed about this. I try to be positive and constructive about the actions of the dev team but I'm feeling pretty appalled by the fact that they took a male LI away in the last updatee to story and now they're returning a female LI. I feel a bit like my gameplay and companions matter less because I'm not a male player.


Okay, that's maybe a little melodramatic, but I'm really bugged by this. (Forgive the shameless pun, it made me feel a little better.) Looks like my poor little agent will remain in the repeated heroics and flashpoints limbo. I refuse to run her through anything past Ziost until Vector returns. The crummy thing is that she's my main and by far the toon I prefer running content with.


UGH! Temple. I'm so gonna be mean to her just because I can't take my frustration out on anyone else, lol. No more presents for her!

Edited by DuchessKristania
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My poor JC is going to have to live with "There is no emotion, there is no passion..." nonsense until Arcann is available if that even happens. I'm fortunate being a newbie, not done with all my class stories yet. I feel for the rest though believe me. The thought of my JK being stuck around stalker Lana without his Kira makes me hurt too. Never mind my Fem agent without Vector. <sigh> It could be worse, they could never bring anyone back. I have hope.
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It could be worse, they could never bring anyone back. I have hope.


I used to think it was safer if they just left the companions lost. I figured at least if we didn't find Vector he'd be safe wherever he was and players wouldn't be able to kill him.


But there are problems with that line of thinking. Just because they aren't in the story doesn't make them safe. For example, Quinn wasn't safe while the warrior was missing. (And for the record if I could have, I would have broken into that prison where he was being held and killed everyone there. That's the kind of reunion I would have wanted..)


Also, just because they do one reunion one way doesn't mean they'll do another reunion the same way. Most companions can die, a lucky few can't. Some got loads of screen time, some got hardly any. Quinn and Elara had to share content, no one else did. Some companions are buggy, don't look how they're supposed to or don't remember your relationship accurately and some do. Some you can replay and some you can't


This is one of my biggest frustrations with companion returns. If they weren't so uneven it would be a lot easier to be patient and hopeful. I wish I could say "well they got theirs, soon I'll get mine."

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But there are problems with that line of thinking. Just because they aren't in the story doesn't make them safe. For example, Quinn wasn't safe while the warrior was missing. (And for the record if I could have, I would have broken into that prison where he was being held and killed everyone there. That's the kind of reunion I would have wanted..)


Now THAT would have been a reunion. Screw Iokath. Screw Lana and her "I found this assassin." derp parade. THAT deserved a kill option for her, right there. "You tried to arrest my long lost beloved husband for being an assassin after I ordered you to look for him for a year? Are you just the biggest idiot in the world or are you a traitor? Either way, you're DONE, Blondie." And then Elara would be next for talking over Quinn. And then Acina for stealing my man and not telling me. *** Acina, I thought we were friends? How can we not even address the fact that my HUSBAND has been working for her and she just forgot to tell me and that's like, totally fine? And then Malcom would still die for threatening Theron and then it would just be me, Theron, and Quinn and I'd marry them both of them and rule the galaxy forever. THE END


That went off the rails a bit but it's still better than the present day scenario.


edit: Oh yeah, I forgot who's thread I was in. Vector, dear, you can marry me, too. :D

Edited by Ralei
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Now THAT would have been a reunion. Screw Iokath. Screw Lana and her "I found this assassin." derp parade. THAT deserved a kill option for her, right there. "You tried to arrest my long lost beloved husband for being an assassin after I ordered you to look for him for a year? Are you just the biggest idiot in the world or are you a traitor? Either way, you're DONE, Blondie." And then Elara would be next for talking over Quinn. And then Acina for stealing my man and not telling me. *** Acina, I thought we were friends? How can we not even address the fact that my HUSBAND has been working for her and she just forgot to tell me and that's like, totally fine? And then Malcom would still die for threatening Theron and then it would just be me, Theron, and Quinn and I'd marry them both of them and rule the galaxy forever. THE END


That went off the rails a bit but it's still better than the present day scenario.


edit: Oh yeah, I forgot who's thread I was in. Vector, dear, you can marry me, too. :D

I actually think what you said is completely on-topic for any companion whose return we still await. We do not want the return of Vector - or anyone else - to be like Quinn's! The pretty much sole redeeming factor (for me) in Quinn's return was that he had a really good reason for being away all that time that fit with his character. But so many other factors were disappointing, particularly the stuff you cited. (Especially Lana being all "I found this assassin," omg, there are no words...)


I would actually love us to be able to rescue a missing companion. Enough of the stories where circumstances happen to make characters collide accidentally, as if they wouldn't be trying like mad to find each other on purpose. No: let's have an actual successful bit of intel and set out specifically to get them back!


Last night, I was thinking about possible ways for that to happen. My favourite still-missing companion is Iresso, and I was thinking maybe he fell afoul Darth Ouzal who might be trying to get that holocron info out of his head. I would love if we found some clue to that and swooped in to save him.


What about Vector? What kinds of situations would he be in? I feel like it almost has to be something killiky by default, because of how important being killik is to his character. But maybe something killiky doesn't offer the best story opportunities for his return?

Edited by Estelindis
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Now THAT would have been a reunion. Screw Iokath. Screw Lana and her "I found this assassin." derp parade. THAT deserved a kill option for her, right there. "You tried to arrest my long lost beloved husband for being an assassin after I ordered you to look for him for a year? Are you just the biggest idiot in the world or are you a traitor? Either way, you're DONE, Blondie." And then Elara would be next for talking over Quinn. And then Acina for stealing my man and not telling me. *** Acina, I thought we were friends? How can we not even address the fact that my HUSBAND has been working for her and she just forgot to tell me and that's like, totally fine? And then Malcom would still die for threatening Theron and then it would just be me, Theron, and Quinn and I'd marry them both of them and rule the galaxy forever. THE END


That went off the rails a bit but it's still better than the present day scenario.


edit: Oh yeah, I forgot who's thread I was in. Vector, dear, you can marry me, too. :D


eep I had to delete my original nsfw response but I sure had fun typing it..


Right so there's two occasions when I know I need to walk away from the forums for awhile. When I'm too drunk to type, and when my posts get too smutty. ;)

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Last night, I was thinking about possible ways for that to happen. My favourite still-missing companion is Iresso, and I was thinking maybe he fell afoul Darth Ouzal who might trying to get that holocron info out of his head. I would love if we found some clue to that and swooped in to save him.



That sounds like fun and I didn't even romance Iresso. You could rescue him or you could go the ds path and steal Ouzal's research, lock Iresso in your basement, and use the holocron for yourself :D


What about Vector? What kinds of situations would he be in? I feel like it almost has to be something killiky by default, because of how important being killik is to his character. But maybe something killiky doesn't offer the best story opportunities for his return?


speaking of locking people in basements, I've always thought Dr. Lokin had an unhealthy obsession with Vector and probably has him locked away somewhere running experiments on his killikness.


Do we know what happened to the killiks? Did they fight Arcann or did they just chill and let whoever win?

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That sounds like fun and I didn't even romance Iresso. You could rescue him or you could go the ds path and steal Ouzal's research, lock Iresso in your basement, and use the holocron for yourself :D

My consular did romance Iresso, and is super-LS anyway, so she would never take that DS option... But I have to admit, it did occur to me as a good one for the writers to include. It's dark for some personal benefit, not just for the evulz.


speaking of locking people in basements, I've always thought Dr. Lokin had an unhealthy obsession with Vector and probably has him locked away somewhere running experiments on his killikness.

I feel ambivalent about this. Occasionally I got a creepy vibe from Lokin's interest in Vector, but on the whole they struck me as genuine bros. On balance, this isn't something I think Lokin would do. While I could be wrong, I think he likes Vector and was interested in his killikness as a byproduct of liking him... not that he acted as if he liked him so that he could find out more about his killikness.

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I still can't believe Lokin couldn't tell Agents where Vector was. :(


Neither can I. I mean, even if he didn't know, we should've been able to ask. There are several really silly situations where you can't ask about missing companions. Vector and Lokin is a very clear one, given that they seemed to be good friends. It should've been possible to ask Jace Malcom (the freaking supreme commander of the Republic military!) for some clues about Iresso, or maybe even ask Aric Jorgan (who previously served with Iresso). Similarly it was weird not to be able to ask Satele about Kira and Nadia - or even ask Tai Cordan about Nadia, for that matter, given that she was supposedly working on an Alliance and he was a key member of the Rift Alliance. Why can't Qyzen be asked about Mako? And not being able to ask Vette about Risha is frankly nuts. Just a few that spring to mind...

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As per Dulfy's livestream notes... (thank you Dulfy you are AMAZING)


Andronikos will be coming back as a companion a bit sooner, they got some story planned for him. Same for Keira and Scourge.

Companions actively being worked on for a return

  • Ensign Temple (5.6)
  • Arcann with Romance
  • Corso
  • Risha
  • Akaavi
  • Mako
  • Vector
  • Keira
  • Scourge
  • Dark Side Jaesa
  • Felix Iresso
  • Ashara

Companions that are not named doesn’t mean they won’t return.


...yay!! So Vector is definitely coming back. Soon . But they're working on it. Something to hope for, at least. :)

Edited by Jagaimee
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As per Dulfy's livestream notes... (thank you Dulfy you are AMAZING)




...yay!! So Vector is definitely coming back. Soon . But they're working on it. Something to hope for, at least. :)


Hm well it's something, thanks :)


I hope Vector's in Killik prison, and we get to break him out and kill everyone there! :p

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How are we getting Kreia? She's been dead since KotOR2. :p


I finally did what I should've done before KotFE finished - I got my Love Bug back via the terminal... and I'd forgotten how badarse he looked in the Devoted Allies Force Lord set (sans headgear - nothing must hide his beautiful face).

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Hm well it's something, thanks :)


I hope Vector's in Killik prison, and we get to break him out and kill everyone there! :p




I know this has been said a million times, but It would be really cool if we could choose to undo the joining or not. ( i don't know which would be dark or light, it would depend on what Vector wanted, I guess, but he's brainwashed so IDK )


I kind of like the idea of undoing it, since he knows what it's like to be killik, he can never NOT know what it's like. He'll still be poetic and strange, but without the cloud of bugs following him around and millions of creatures watching when it gets sexy. >.> <.<

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  • 2 weeks later...
I finally found the livestream and watched it. Well, I guess livestream isn't the correct term since I watched in on Youtube yesterday, lol. But yeah, I just needed to hear them say they were working on Vector's return. It was very side note mentioned, but still it was there. Maybe I'll be able to take my agent through kotfe/kotet soon! I admit, there was a lot of pouting over here when I saw that Temple was returning instead of Vector, lol. Edited by DuchessKristania
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I finally found the livestream and watched it. Well, I guess livestream isn't the correct term since I watched in on Youtube yesterday, lol. But yeah, I just needed to hear them say they were working on Vector's return. It was very side note mentioned, but still it was there. Maybe I'll be able to take my agent through kotfe/kotet soon! I admit, there was a lot of pouting over here when I saw that Temple was returning instead of Vector, lol.


I pouted too :o


I've got one dark agent that's gone through it, and without Vector she's not a very happy person. I think of her as the darkest darkside character I have. She's not a force user, so she's just naturally vicious as heck. Once Vector returns, I'll have to think about changing her a little. He was always supposed to be a sort of balancing influence for her.


Also, I always played it so my agents (light or dark) disliked and distrusted Theron. Without Vector back yet, I'm afraid Theron is going to be up the creek. And I don't even know how she's going to react to Temple of all people. It could go either way really, Temple is a distant memory.

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