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Vector Hyllus - The LoveBug thread - Haters make your own :P


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I just hope they are going to do a better job than they did with Malavai. Was very disappointed with that. Most of the other companions we got to do chapters with. I hope Vector's alliance alert is not going to be like a Nico Okarr one. :mad:


Perhaps we should be specific with what we didn't like about the Quinn reunion so they don't do the same thing for Vector, or anyone else.


40 minutes just to get to him

No appearance customization, or "who is that dude?"

Walk in and ignore him while Elara drones on

Speak one line to him

Leave him at the base

Another 40 minutes of stuff with another companion and hearing nothing from him again if you weren't a warrior

Seeing him MORE if you chose Republic!

Unable to break it off with Theron, game makes you call out your love for him

Getting knocked out and waking up to LANA!!!!!!!!

Ignoring him some more to talk to usual suspects

Finally, 1 minute reunion, smoochy stuff yadda yadda

He LEAVES, more Lana Theron... the end, without him.

Not. Repeatable.


Did I miss anything? BW, everything you did right there, don't do it with Vector.

Edited by grania
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Perhaps we should be specific with what we didn't like about the Quinn reunion so they don't do the same thing for Vector, or anyone else.


40 minutes just to get to him

Walk in and ignore him while Elara drones on

Speak one line to him

Leave him at the base

Another 40 minutes of stuff with another companion and hearing nothing from him again if you weren't a warrior

Seeing him MORE if you chose Republic!

Unable to break it off with Theron, game makes you call out your love for him

Getting knocked out and waking up to LANA!!!!!!!!

Ignoring him some more to talk to usual suspects

Finally, 1 minute reunion, smoochy stuff yadda yadda

He LEAVES, more Lana Theron... the end, without him.

Not. Repeatable.


Did I miss anything? BW, everything you did right there, don't do it with Vector.


You did:


Customisations not working.

Love reunion scene lacking; murder scene the only graphic brutal death scene in the whole game.

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I'm hoping the Alliance Alert isn't a horrible grindfest. I mean, I'll do it, Vector is worth it, but I'd rather just grab him and snuggle him. I really wish they'd put up an update about 5.5 or confirm some companion returns. Aside from nerf alerts we aren't getting information these days. Nerf the hell out of my sniper, just give me my Vector!
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Well I hope he's not just an alliance alert, but then again (minus the voice issue) some of those have been treated better than the ones that came back in the main story. Are we still getting alliance alerts, even? I feel silly asking but, when was the last time we got one of those?

Attend a Killik party with Vector and dance the night away... just remember to leave before you become a Joiner too


Wait, didn't that happen in his companion arc?

If so, I want to do it again.

Sounds good to me, everything doesn't have to be doom and gloom, does it? What if he's just sitting in a cave somewhere with a big bushy beard, dropping ac...er adrenals and communing with the hive? And it's just a matter of flying over there, picking him up and having a makeover montage? Maybe just this one reunion could be easy! And soon, preferably..

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Well I hope he's not just an alliance alert, but then again (minus the voice issue) some of those have been treated better than the ones that came back in the main story. Are we still getting alliance alerts, even? I feel silly asking but, when was the last time we got one of those?


Sounds good to me, everything doesn't have to be doom and gloom, does it? What if he's just sitting in a cave somewhere with a big bushy beard, dropping ac...er adrenals and communing with the hive? And it's just a matter of flying over there, picking him up and having a makeover montage? Maybe just this one reunion could be easy! And soon, preferably..


I was able to envision that scenario, entirely too easily lol. I hope they don't resort to those crappy alliance alerts to return love interests, that would suck. They need to be fully voiced and decent.

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Hang on a sec, let me look at my other Vector. Ok I think your first theory was correct. Both my Vectors are dressed similarly (not exactly the same) and both Vector holos are similar and not exactly the same. Even though I really liked your possible Vector story, like maybe he was off on some vision quest on Hoth and wasn't connected to the hive anymore! :o


Ok ok. yeah it's just a wardrobe malfunction but it does mean they've been fiddling with him recently, right? And by fiddling of course I mean screwing him up lol.


I actually hope that his return will be that he is no longer a joiner. I hope he has normal eyes and doesn't talk in collective speech anymore. I hope that he decided to take Lokin's advice and become de-bugged. That was the one thing I didn't like about his romance. My first flirt he wanted to rub elbows....

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I actually hope that his return will be that he is no longer a joiner. I hope he has normal eyes and doesn't talk in collective speech anymore. I hope that he decided to take Lokin's advice and become de-bugged. That was the one thing I didn't like about his romance. My first flirt he wanted to rub elbows....


My Chiss sniper would definitely freak out if her husband suddenly had those creepy white eyes with circles in the middle :eek:;)


They could give players a choice of de-Joining him (I wouldn't do that personally), instead of forcing it. It just... wouldn't be Vector and his charm for me.

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I actually hope that his return will be that he is no longer a joiner. I hope he has normal eyes and doesn't talk in collective speech anymore. I hope that he decided to take Lokin's advice and become de-bugged. That was the one thing I didn't like about his romance. My first flirt he wanted to rub elbows....


I love him exactly as he is. I thought his speech pattern was romantic, it didn't bother me. Neither did his eyes. In fact nothing bothered me about him at all and I thought it was cute that he wanted to rub elbows lol. But maybe they'll give people a choice.

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I really hope they dont do guture returns as alerts, seems a bit lame -- wont we miss out on stuff like romanced Theron getting jealous of a returning former LI if its an alert? Not that I did this to Vector but to Iresso I did.


Be nice if make-ups, break-ups, chosing between two etc was all handled with more care and attention to be full little stories within themselves.

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I'd like him just as much either way. It would be fun to get to know his human self a little more with the ability to switch back and forth or something, but I don't really get things I want in this game, so I'll just be happy to get him back at all. Assuming they handle everything the opposite of how they handled Quinn.


Was Quinn's reunion so bland because of their change of companion return philosophy (as is being discussed in another thread) and not so much because they thought everyone just wanted him to die? I mean Elara's reunion must have been pretty blah too, not that I cared enough to watch it.


I've had to patiently play through Kaliyo's chapter over and over and over and over. The rest of the LIs deserve as much as Kaliyo got, after all. Certainly Vector does. What gives, make everyone sit through the really long first companion chapters and then screw them over with their own inferior reunions.


Be nice to get those obsidian eyes for my SW.


I'd use it. I don't know if I'd rp as a joiner but it looks cool so I'd come up with some kind of explanation for it.

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I've had to patiently play through Kaliyo's chapter over and over and over and over. The rest of the LIs deserve as much as Kaliyo got, after all. Certainly Vector does. What gives, make everyone sit through the really long first companion chapters and then screw them over with their own inferior reunions.


Kaliyo got a whole chapter plus a few smaller scenes in later on chapters...Kaliyo...out of all the companions they decided to give time to it was her. They could have at least with Iokath allowed us to run around with Quinn/Elara instead of Theron, a bit like in the Gault chapter where if we romanced Vette she came with us instead of him after we find her.


Are they just going to decide from now on who the more popular romances are and give them more time and leave others in the dust? I hope not but I can see it happening which concerns me because some of my fav romances from the original stories are ones that aren't overly "popular."

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Kaliyo got a whole chapter plus a few smaller scenes in later on chapters...Kaliyo...out of all the companions they decided to give time to it was her. They could have at least with Iokath allowed us to run around with Quinn/Elara instead of Theron, a bit like in the Gault chapter where if we romanced Vette she came with us instead of him after we find her.


Are they just going to decide from now on who the more popular romances are and give them more time and leave others in the dust? I hope not but I can see it happening which concerns me because some of my fav romances from the original stories are ones that aren't overly "popular."


I hate Kailyo's guts and I always resented how she got so much time, her own chapter and story and you had to run content with her. I wanted that for Quinn...and I'd like it for Vector too. I'm disgusted that they would give that horrible witch so much air time. Same with Jorgan, not a fan of his either and he seemed to get a lot of time too. I wouldn't be so salty if the ones I enjoy had gotten lots of nice quality screen time as well.

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I hate Kailyo's guts and I always resented how she got so much time, her own chapter and story and you had to run content with her. I wanted that for Quinn...and I'd like it for Vector too. I'm disgusted that they would give that horrible witch so much air time. Same with Jorgan, not a fan of his either and he seemed to get a lot of time too. I wouldn't be so salty if the ones I enjoy had gotten lots of nice quality screen time as well.


I think the dev's after KOTFE have left themselves in a no-win situation. When we played KOTFE and some of the romanced companions returned they set the standard for what to expected with returning romanced companions, anything less then this now and people will complain (and rightfully so I believe!). This leaves us in this current situation, we expect for new returning romanced companions to get what Kaliyo/Jorgan/Torian etc: got and that is not what we're getting, we're getting much, much less.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I think the dev's after KOTFE have left themselves in a no-win situation. When we played KOTFE and some of the romanced companions returned they set the standard for what to expected with returning romanced companions, anything less then this now and people will complain (and rightfully so I believe!). This leaves us in this current situation, we expect for new returning romanced companions to get what Kaliyo/Jorgan/Torian etc: got and that is not what we're getting, we're getting much, much less.


I don't know if this is true for anyone else, much less a majority of players, but I for one care a heck of a lot more about companion returns than I do about whatever nonsense is going on in the main story. I'd like to be a little more interested and invested in it, but I just can't with this companion debacle going on for so long.


Not speaking for anyone else, but whenever they're concentrating on zakuul/alliance/iokath/etc stuff, it feels like my time is being wasted. Talk about painting oneself into a corner. I know they can't very well abandon the main story and concentrate on companions for the next two years, but on the other hand, I don't give a flying rat about the alliance. :confused:


I wouldn't be so salty if the ones I enjoy had gotten lots of nice quality screen time as well.

I know you don't like Aric, lol thats ok :) But once he came back for my trooper, in a good, satisfying, dramatic, romantic way, it was like I breathed a sigh of relief. It was like, "ok. Now that that's out of the way~~~"

Edited by grania
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Oh. It's Temple.


I hope we can kill her. Even my cold-hearted sniper was utterly horrified at Temple's blase "Oh by the way I gotta go kill my dad, BRB............'kay, back, it's done, I'm mildly upset but nahhh, not a big deal, we'll never speak of it again." :eek:


...killing her father...who was hiding her for being Force-sensitive...and so that's breaking the law for the Empire...but instead of

a) hiding her father aboard the agent's ship - which the agent can suggest and even urge Temple, multiple times, to do so

b) Temple coming forward and saying "I'm Force-sensitive, sorry, you can kill me now" to the Sith

...Temple kills her father to "save" him and continues to hide and break the law, and of course the agent is totally not loyal to the Empire whatsoever because there's no option to turn her over to the Sith, they just go along with it.

What the what.


Yeah. Can we kill her? Please say we can kill that disgusting hypocritical sociopath.


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I hope we can kill her. Even my cold-hearted sniper was utterly horrified at Temple's blase "Oh by the way I gotta go kill my dad, BRB............'kay, back, it's done, I'm mildly upset but nahhh, not a big deal, we'll never speak of it again." :eek:


...killing her father...who was hiding her for being Force-sensitive...and so that's breaking the law for the Empire...but instead of

a) hiding her father aboard the agent's ship - which the agent can suggest and even urge Temple, multiple times, to do so

b) Temple coming forward and saying "I'm Force-sensitive, sorry, you can kill me now" to the Sith

...Temple kills her father to "save" him and continues to hide and break the law, and of course the agent is totally not loyal to the Empire whatsoever because there's no option to turn her over to the Sith, they just go along with it.

What the what.


Yeah. Can we kill her? Please say we can kill that disgusting hypocritical sociopath.



I'm trying not to be downer. People are very happy with, uh, things? in the roadmap. Help me, I'm trying. *daydreams about feeding Temple and Elara to the shade stalkers* There.. that's helping.. a little

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I'm disappointed but I'm trying to see a bright side in this. Perhaps they aren't bringing Vector back now because they really want to give him a meaningful return through the story as I suspect will be Temple's case. Still, it sucks to see the bug being ignored again. Didn't know romancing Vector would be as stressful as it was Solas. :(:(


btw: thanks for creating this thread, it's nice to see that Vector is loved by the community :)

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