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Vector Hyllus - The LoveBug thread - Haters make your own :P


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At the end of his storyline he does get offered the position as "Dawn Herald to all nests", but he refuses in order to stay with the agent /swoon


With Vector, they MAY write him like they did Dorne. Where if you stayed light side and didn't kill anyone (as you would on Zakuul) he'll be happy and follow you like a love sick puppy again. But if you went dark side, he might break up with you over it. I'm sure it'd depend on who and what you killed and such.


As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if a good number of the companions break up with you if you went all massive evil or became empress/emperor instead of peacekeeper or did anything you KNOW they wouldn't agree with.


Light Jaesa, Ashara, Kira, Doc, Corso, Iresso, Tharan Cedrax, Vector, I can possibly see being pissed and leaving you if you went dark side, or killed people on Zakuul, or became Dictator. But if you didn't kill anyone or became peacekeeper, they'd stay. Andronikos, Risha, Akaavai, Scourge, Khem, I don't see as really caring either way. I could be wrong though.


I mean Quinn didn't seem to care either way.

Edited by Eanelinea
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With Vector, they MAY write him like they did Dorne. Where if you stayed light side and didn't kill anyone (as you would on Zakuul) he'll be happy and follow you like a love sick puppy again. But if you went dark side, he might break up with you over it. I'm sure it'd depend on who and what you killed and such.


Oh gosh I hope that isn't true, the agent I took through fe/et is a dark, miserable type. I think she'd finally crack if Vector broke up with her.

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Oh gosh I hope that isn't true, the agent I took through fe/et is a dark, miserable type. I think she'd finally crack if Vector broke up with her.


I'm not saying it'll definitely happen, I'd only know that if I worked for Bioware or I was psychic. I'm neither one...pity. :p


But, Vector was/is a companion who likes light side choices. So he may/may not leave you if you went full on dark. I've noticed and I know things change, sometimes one doesn't see the forest for the trees, etc but it FEELS like we're supposed to be light sided. Not 100% light, but not killing Zakuulans by not trying to help them (Spire), or being a Dictator instead of Peacekeeper.


But again, I don't know. I do know watching the dark side version of dark choices, and having made all light/couple of neutral/one or two dark choices, the Alliance loves when you're Rainbows and Unicorns Peacekeeper and isn't too thrilled when you're Dictator/Emperor.

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Damn, a thought just occurred to me. I hope like hell nothing happened in the almost 7 years since we last saw him for him NOT to be joined. Oooo, that would SUCK.


What, and ask the writers to give him a complex story arc for his character? :eek: You cannot be SERIOUS, madam! EVERYONE knows these "old" companions are worthless and nobody actually wants them! I mean, gah, who could want a hivemined bugboy over LANA AND THERON *sparklies and confetti go everywhere*

... :(


His letter at the beginning of KOTFE indicates that *something* would've happened to him, Joined or not Joined.


[paraphrased, can't recall the exact wording] "We do not know who we would be without you. We do not want to find out."


Well...he kind of had to find out over the past...how long has it been... hooooooooly crud SEVEN YEARS NOW!? :eek:

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What, and ask the writers to give him a complex story arc for his character? :eek: You cannot be SERIOUS, madam! EVERYONE knows these "old" companions are worthless and nobody actually wants them! I mean, gah, who could want a hivemined bugboy over LANA AND THERON *sparklies and confetti go everywhere*

... :(


His letter at the beginning of KOTFE indicates that *something* would've happened to him, Joined or not Joined.


[paraphrased, can't recall the exact wording] "We do not know who we would be without you. We do not want to find out."


Well...he kind of had to find out over the past...how long has it been... hooooooooly crud SEVEN YEARS NOW!? :eek:


Well, let's assume for all 8 classes (so you can take whoever you want) that they all got turned into a popsicle on the same exact day and they told their companions to run off (I know they can stay and fight, but I was protecting THEM, so you get to be exampled as this :p) so, FIVE years of you decorating Arcann's wall. The Lana and company bust you out and you do your thing.


So, you whoop Arcann's ***, Vaylin's ***, and Valokorian's *** and now you find your butt back at Iokath whooping the other faction you didn't side with's ***. According to Quinn, we have been gone (since Marr's ship and then finding Quinn on Iokath in 5.2) that it has been SIX years, 8 months and 12 days.


And if we assume, a year is 12 months (maybe more or less, but I'm too lazy to check for accuracy in SWTOR universe) then it's been close to Seven years since you helped Marr and found your butt on Iokath...again.


Dorne and Quinn's reasoning for not hoping the next flight makes sense. One's busy overseeing 100s of soldiers, the other's been in prison.


But what the hell happened to the other wives and husbands and crew members Alliance Alerts having kicked out?


Why didn't Corso, Iresso, Vector and maybe Doc hop the next flight to Odessen to run up and tackleglomp you?


Why didn't Corso, Iresso, Doc, Vector, Temple, Andronikos, Risha, Akaavai, Nadia, Ashara, Kira, Jaesa (D/L), Tharan Cedrax, Scourge and possibly Zenith (since his alert seems to be borked) send you messages? Whether they be 'POOKIE!!!! You're alive, IloveyouI'monmyway!!' or 'Good to see you, I wanna help the fight."


I hope Bioware finds a GOOD reason for them to hide/not show up.


If you went Dark Side and became a Tyrant of the Galaxy, I could see some companions going 'screw this, I'm not going to see her/him.' But if you went Light Side and now you're the Peacekeeper of the Galaxy, sending food, supplies, aid, etc to every body and the companions like that, not come to see you or send you a message?


You made a galaxy wide announcement saying you're the head cheese at the moment, whether Tyrant or Peacekeeper so they KNOW you're alive now. There's no excuse really, UNLESS, something came up like with Quinn and Dorne.

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Why didn't Corso, Iresso, Vector and maybe Doc hop the next flight to Odessen to run up and tackleglomp you?


Why didn't Corso, Iresso, Doc, Vector, Temple, Andronikos, Risha, Akaavai, Nadia, Ashara, Kira, Jaesa (D/L), Tharan Cedrax, Scourge and possibly Zenith (since his alert seems to be borked) send you messages? Whether they be 'POOKIE!!!! You're alive, IloveyouI'monmyway!!' or 'Good to see you, I wanna help the fight."


I hope Bioware finds a GOOD reason for them to hide/not show up.


At first, when I got my ship back, I was so happy.

And then, when my smuggler got her ship back (in headcanon, since I refuse to take her through KOTFE without confirmation that Corso will return), I suddenly panicked.

Corso wouldn't abandon that ship. Ever. He knows what it means to his wife.


Bowdaar and Guss show up. You can make a reference to Corso when talking to Bowdaar (not sure about Guss). Bowdaar says Corso cried on his (Bowdaar's) shoulder for months after the smuggler lady's "death." ....................OKAY SO WHERE IS HE!?


And when HK-51 casually showed up on Odessen, my agent freaked out. Her last order to HK, rattled off right before Marr's flagship was destroyed, was to protect Vector and Lokin instead of her. (In HK's conversations, he says that his master can assign him to whoever else to protect - children, loved ones, allies, etc. - in the event of his master's death, and he'll protect them.) So why wasn't HK with Vector or Lokin!? A'right, that's more in headcanon than anything else, but...still. :c If you have HK, it still doesn't make sense that he wouldn't have any knowledge whatsoever of missing companions. Surely he would've enlisted their help in trying to find his master? Ehh...

Lokin shows up on Alderaan. "Oh. Hey, glad you're alive!" WHERE. IS. VECTOR???? You're not twenty miles from the Oroboro nest cave, and no word on him!?


Lana and Theron the superspies can't find ANYTHING on these people? It's not like they're complete unknowns in a galaxy of quadrillions. Go to the HoloNet, look up the Voidhound's accomplice, known associates of Cipher Nine, the Hero of Tython's padawan, the Barsen'thor's apprentice, etc. Ta-daaaaaaaaaaaa!

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Lana and Theron the superspies can't find ANYTHING on these people? It's not like they're complete unknowns in a galaxy of quadrillions. Go to the HoloNet, look up the Voidhound's accomplice, known associates of Cipher Nine, the Hero of Tython's padawan, the Barsen'thor's apprentice, etc. Ta-daaaaaaaaaaaa!


For two supposed spy extraordinaires, they both suck donkey balls at it. They've no idea where our crew is, no idea who we've married, no idea, about this or that. I'm like IT'S NOT LIKE MY BFFS ARE A SECRET!!!

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I can't say I care much about Vector, but I love the thread title.

"Lovebug" that's great.

Stick around and the lovebug pheromones might have you loving Vector in no time~ ;) And have some membrosia!


Lokin shows up on Alderaan. "Oh. Hey, glad you're alive!" WHERE. IS. VECTOR???? You're not twenty miles from the Oroboro nest cave, and no word on him!?


I cannot express my irritation enough about Lokin not having anything to say about Vector at all.


THEY HAD A BROMANCE. THEY WERE BROS. That means something, writers!


Then we get some random DvL companion who knows things about other companions, but heaven forbid they have a vanilla story companion know something about a vanilla story companion he actually had a close friendship with. I try to be generally positive and understanding of writers' limitations and reasoning why they might have gone this way instead of that, but as far as Lokin's silence regarding Vector goes... I'm sorry but that's a bunch of inconsistent crap.


Like, they thought to have Pierce throw in a jab about Quinn, but one line from Lokin about Vector was out of the question? I will never forgive them.


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Stick around and the lovebug pheromones might have you loving Vector in no time~ ;) And have some membrosia!




I cannot express my irritation enough about Lokin not having anything to say about Vector at all.


THEY HAD A BROMANCE. THEY WERE BROS. That means something, writers!


Then we get some random DvL companion who knows things about other companions, but heaven forbid they have a vanilla story companion know something about a vanilla story companion he actually had a close friendship with. I try to be generally positive and understanding of writers' limitations and reasoning why they might have gone this way instead of that, but as far as Lokin's silence regarding Vector goes... I'm sorry but that's a bunch of inconsistent crap.


Like, they thought to have Pierce throw in a jab about Quinn, but one line from Lokin about Vector was out of the question? I will never forgive them.



I found that irksome too, I figured if anyone would have some infos on my beloved Vector, that Lokin would. They were bros. :(

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I've said it before. The first thing my Agent would have done when she got her ship back was go to Alderaan, march up to Vector's Nest and demand to know where he was.


Even if they gated it behind Lokin's recruitment, I wouldn't have actually minded because as we know, Lokin and Vector were really close, and Lokin's hanging around within a few klicks of Vector's old Nest. Lokin leading Agents to Vector would have made perfect sense and had so much potential to be adorable.


But what do we get instead? Nothing.


Bring back Vector!


I want my lovebug back!

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I am kind of disappointed that we likely wont see much more of our romance once we get them back though. In a way, getting them back is almost bittersweet. We have them at our side but at the same time, I don't know if Bioware plans to implement further romance with them, especially since some of them can be killed. It seems like they're running with Lana/Theron pretty much cannon, who knows for how long. I have nothing against Lana or Theron, I am romancing both of them on two of my main characters, but it feels kinda sad that our old flames might be put on the back burner.
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I have nothing against Lana or Theron, I am romancing both of them on two of my main characters, but it feels kinda sad that our old flames might be put on the back burner.


This. This this this this this this this. I too am romancing Lana/Theron with two of my main characters, and I do enjoy their presence in the story... to a point. At some undefinable point, it feels less like "Here's your two good allies whom you can trust no matter what" and more like "Here's two people we really really REALLY REALLY want you to stick with because we can't be bothered to come up with scenes for anybody else, so you may take your complaints and shove off."


I really want to be proven wrong, BioWare. :D

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I broke down and retrieved Vector from the terminal a month or so ago.

I was trying to be good and wait, but seeing how long it is taking them to bring anyone back, not to mention the possibility that Vector will never come back, I gave up on BW. I feel like he's being held hostage.

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This. This this this this this this this. I too am romancing Lana/Theron with two of my main characters, and I do enjoy their presence in the story... to a point. At some undefinable point, it feels less like "Here's your two good allies whom you can trust no matter what" and more like "Here's two people we really really REALLY REALLY want you to stick with because we can't be bothered to come up with scenes for anybody else, so you may take your complaints and shove off."


I really want to be proven wrong, BioWare. :D


I honestly believe it's not so much that they can't be bothered to have other companions it's that they don't have the budget to hire a multitude of VAs to cover whichever companion we might happen to bring along in any given chapter/story arc.

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I ran my Jedi through Kotfe and kotet and grabbed her hubby from the terminal the first moment I could. My agent was my first toon and they will have to pry Vector out of Inari's cold dead hands. At this point I won't even run her through Iokath on the slim (or not so slim) chance that BW will realize it doesn't yank vanilla companion away and decide to "fix" that.


My bugboy is my favorite companion. I'm a young widow in real life, I don't need my virtual husband taken too. It seriously upset me to have my jedi's Doc snatched away, thank you BW for dancing on that emotional trigger.


No no, Vector and Inari will spend their time powering through heroics and flashpoints so that they can lavishly decorate their sky palace and raise their daughter in the lap of luxury, Bioware can keep their grubby claws off my happy headcanon, lol.

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My agent is in a happy relationship with Lana but there's still always that small empty hole in her heart that aches for Vector. Hopefully he comes back soon so she knows he's at least alive, I always felt defensive about him especially when that one guy in his quest line talked bad about him. Hopefully he's being treated right, where ever he is.
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I didn't waste time collecting my men either. There's no way I'd want to go years without being able to play with them. :)

Same. I wonder how long it's going to take to return the rest of them. Another 2-3 years :S


I want Vector back now :(

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My agent is in a happy relationship with Lana but there's still always that small empty hole in her heart that aches for Vector. Hopefully he comes back soon so she knows he's at least alive, I always felt defensive about him especially when that one guy in his quest line talked bad about him. Hopefully he's being treated right, where ever he is.



I can't stand Lana, but to each their own. I'm protective about Vector too. He always seemed to have this sweet innocence and a lot of the galaxy views joiners negatively. He's a sweet guy, a little odd at times but that's part of the charm. I guess I see him as the galactic nice guy that so often gets overlooked. I've definitely been bitten by the lovebug though.

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I can't stand Lana, but to each their own. I'm protective about Vector too. He always seemed to have this sweet innocence and a lot of the galaxy views joiners negatively. He's a sweet guy, a little odd at times but that's part of the charm. I guess I see him as the galactic nice guy that so often gets overlooked. I've definitely been bitten by the lovebug though.


I have a light agent and a dark agent. I always got the sense my light agent felt very protective of Vector. My dark agent felt reliant on him - to make her life seem more ordered than it really was and to act as a sort of angel on her shoulder. There were a couple times I did the less dark thing because Vector was there.


Anyway here's a screenshot of some cathar guy on Corellia that I sleep darted. He showed up in a cutscene rolling his head around on Vector's shoulder. Because I mean, who wouldn't want to do that?



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Anyway here's a screenshot of some cathar guy on Corellia that I sleep darted. He showed up in a cutscene rolling his head around on Vector's shoulder. Because I mean, who wouldn't want to do that?




Haha! That's hilarious! I can't blame him, I'd roll my head on Vector's shoulder given the opportunity. I feel that once he was in a relationship with someone Vector would be super cuddly and give fantastic hugs. He's such a sweetheart. I hate that the Empire just treated him like a tool for their own purposes That was what sealed my agent's decision to go rogue. I have a ridiculous amount of headcanon for Inari. What can I say? I'm an author, I must create all the stories and fill the numerous plot holes that BW leaves all over the place..

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I can't stand Lana, but to each their own. I'm protective about Vector too. He always seemed to have this sweet innocence and a lot of the galaxy views joiners negatively. He's a sweet guy, a little odd at times but that's part of the charm. I guess I see him as the galactic nice guy that so often gets overlooked. I've definitely been bitten by the lovebug though.


Vector's definitely the epitome of the "cinnamon roll, too pure for this world" thing, and I always felt bad that he got thrown into the mess that is my agent's life.


At first I was mad that they didn't return him right away, but after the last couple of expansions and Iokath, I worry that he'll be treated badly by the story when he gets back and/or won't get any real content anyway.


So I like to imagine he's off doing something peaceful and happy, wherever he is.

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Vector's definitely the epitome of the "cinnamon roll, too pure for this world" thing, and I always felt bad that he got thrown into the mess that is my agent's life.


At first I was mad that they didn't return him right away, but after the last couple of expansions and Iokath, I worry that he'll be treated badly by the story when he gets back and/or won't get any real content anyway.


So I like to imagine he's off doing something peaceful and happy, wherever he is.


He really is the sweetest and more intelligent of the male LI - not that most of them aren't smart (Quinn and Doc in particular would put my IQ to shame I imagine) - But his way of viewing the world and his compassion makes him so relateable to me.

I also share your concern of how is return will be. It seems like they are going to return them now because they have to.

I wonder if Quinn was originally supposed to join you in the chapter with Acina and his return was just a last resort... Makes me worry for the rest :S But I guess anything is better than the one sided recorded dialogue.

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