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Vector Hyllus - The LoveBug thread - Haters make your own :P


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Cytharat, Scourge... heck even Vowrawn.... Why is it that we do not have a single pureblood we can romance? They look so awesome!


And what is thing about finding Vectors eyes creepy? It didn't bother me even once. Honestly the Chiss ones are worse/more noticable.


I don't know ... all black eyes don't creep me out. Chiss red eyes don't creep me out. All white eyes on the other hand ... I think that would creep me out.

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Vector Hyllus has been gone for far too long,

I had to look up who Vector Hyllus is. Even though I have 2 IAs, I didn't recognize the name. Personally I'd therefore have to say he can stay gone.

But for those who care about him, I sympathize. :cool:

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<raises hand> Oh, me me! I'll take both please.


I knew Vector was something special as soon as he said, "We'd offer to rub forearms, but we doubt it would translate." :o


I love that quote, that was so awesome :p


I also love the parts, where he is trying to relearn to be human. It's so endearing :p

Edited by Cowoline
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YES! I gave a 5 star rating because Vector is best LI. I can't wait for his return. I even stopped playing my agent because playing without Vector seems wrong :(


Not that it matters, I guess, since BioWare picks which companion you have to bring along for missions now. :mad:


But I will always support Vector! Hoping for his return soon. And I hope that the rest of the returning companions get the time and attention they deserve through story.

Edited by TinaLovesHan
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YES! I gave a 5 star rating because Vector is best LI. I can't wait for his return. I even stopped playing my agent because playing without Vector seems wrong :(


Not that it matters, I guess, since BioWare picks which companion you have to bring along for missions now. :mad:


But I will always support Vector! Hoping for his return soon. And I hope that the rest of the returning companions get the time and attention they deserve through story.


Which is weird actually. Wasn't that one of the reasons they gave to making you able to choose what role you r companion could be - so you didn't have to bring a particullar one?

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Which is weird actually. Wasn't that one of the reasons they gave to making you able to choose what role you r companion could be - so you didn't have to bring a particullar one?


At least in the latest stuff you could bring who you wanted for the fights even if it was Theron showing up in the cutscenes. I don't know if it was intentional but I appreciated it anyway, I had Vector with me the whole time on my agent.

Edited by grania
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YES! I gave a 5 star rating because Vector is best LI. I can't wait for his return. I even stopped playing my agent because playing without Vector seems wrong :(


Not that it matters, I guess, since BioWare picks which companion you have to bring along for missions now. :mad:


But I will always support Vector! Hoping for his return soon. And I hope that the rest of the returning companions get the time and attention they deserve through story.


Agreed, agreed, agreed!! My Agent is sitting at 70, somewhere in the middle of Shadow of Revan. She started Iokath, got her arse handed to her because she's undergeared, even with Vector as a companion. But yeah, nothing past SoR because I REFUSE to separate her from Vector.


I knew very little about the Agent story when I went through it and had never romanced a companion in all the time that I had played. But once I got to Alderaan and ran into Vector, I started to change my mind. He is such a wonderfully sweet, legitimately NICE character. There's a reason fangirls call him the nicest companion in the galaxy. Love him so much.


PLEASE give him a decent return unlike Quinn. I was really expecting some more interaction with Quinn aside from just joining your team. (Sure you get a scene with him as a Warrior, but that's it!) Vector's a character that I can see trying to understand whoever he's working with rather than just arbitrarily going along with it.

Edited by Temprienne
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Which is weird actually. Wasn't that one of the reasons they gave to making you able to choose what role you r companion could be - so you didn't have to bring a particullar one?


It works for the vanilla story ... you can now bring whichever companion you want to use. I didn't use Vector much as a companion on my snipers because back then I needed a healer. Now, it doesn't even matter for most fights but still it's nice to be able to stick to one instead of having to switch out. And if you NEED a healer, you don't have to wait until the story gives you one.


For KotFE/KotET and beyond ... I'm almost positive they pick which companion you can use for budget reasons. As I said in the Malavai thread, they cannot afford to hire a bunch of different voice actors for the cutscenes so either we get totally silent companions in cutscenes or they force us to use a specific one.

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It works for the vanilla story ... you can now bring whichever companion you want to use. I didn't use Vector much as a companion on my snipers because back then I needed a healer. Now, it doesn't even matter for most fights but still it's nice to be able to stick to one instead of having to switch out. And if you NEED a healer, you don't have to wait until the story gives you one.


For KotFE/KotET and beyond ... I'm almost positive they pick which companion you can use for budget reasons. As I said in the Malavai thread, they cannot afford to hire a bunch of different voice actors for the cutscenes so either we get totally silent companions in cutscenes or they force us to use a specific one.


Unfortunately I think you are right. It would just be nice if you had two to choose between. Like say if you sided with the Empire on Iokath you get either Quinn or Lana/Theron and if with the republic you get Elara or Lana/Theron. It is also the reason I am afraid we wont hear anything more from Quinn. He might be dead, so no point in rehirering the Voice Actor :(


Either that or what they did with Senya/Arcann or Lana/Theron in KOTET

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I have written a fanfic about Vector's return, or how I think he spends his seven plus years searching for the agent. It includes how I think he finds her and we will see how BW does his return.


Just click on 'The Time Between' in my signature or you can go to this link for fanfiction.net, I write there as Aurenia. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12333792/1/The-Time-Between


Shameless plug for my story I know, but who knows, one of you might like it.


Also, Vector is my favorite companion.

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I have written a fanfic about Vector's return, or how I think he spends his seven plus years searching for the agent. It includes how I think he finds her and we will see how BW does his return.


Just click on 'The Time Between' in my signature or you can go to this link for fanfiction.net, I write there as Aurenia. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12333792/1/The-Time-Between


Shameless plug for my story I know, but who knows, one of you might like it.


Also, Vector is my favorite companion.


It's an awesome story, Lovebugs would love it, I'm sure of it. <3


And we have purple Vector here too! Woooo!


And imported from the art section, this beautiful work by the very talented Lawrichai! :D Such a great pic!!



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Interesting, how over on the Quinnmancers' thread, the "I don't like this companion" comments were, 99% of the time, "I can't wait until Quinn comes back!...SO I CAN BRUTALLY SLAUGHTER HIM!" Here, the "I don't like this companion" comments are "Meh, I just didn't see the appeal here, but whatever :) Glad you guys like him."

Yeesh, what a difference. Well, at least there aren't people threatening to murder Vector here. *cue the trolls* :p

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Interesting, how over on the Quinnmancers' thread, the "I don't like this companion" comments were, 99% of the time, "I can't wait until Quinn comes back!...SO I CAN BRUTALLY SLAUGHTER HIM!" Here, the "I don't like this companion" comments are "Meh, I just didn't see the appeal here, but whatever :) Glad you guys like him."

Yeesh, what a difference. Well, at least there aren't people threatening to murder Vector here. *cue the trolls* :p


Yay! Welcome!


Oh, and there are still trolls, it's just most about the title of the thread - I might have made an error there, just thought it funny because it was related to the Quinn thread.

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I don't see how Vector can have "haters" per se. I mean, yeah I can see where people are meh about him or don't like him much but, let's be honest, Vector never tried to betray and kill our characters. That's where the "hate" comes in for Malavai. I really don't expect to see the same level of vitriol in this thread. Unless someone really really really hates insects IRL ... well, ok I do but Vector doesn't look anything like an insect (because he's still human even if he's enhanced with killik pheromones) so that doesn't bother me.


Edit to add: I have to admit, if Vector had mutated to have antennae or mandibles or pincers or a carapace I would not have romanced him. I would have still liked him as a character though.

Edited by Elessara
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<raises hand> Oh, me me! I'll take both please.


I knew Vector was something special as soon as he said, "We'd offer to rub forearms, but we doubt it would translate." :o


RIGHT?! At first I was like, K, this guy seems weird; I suppose my agent is just going to ho around the galaxy. But that line just got me.


I have written a fanfic about Vector's return, or how I think he spends his seven plus years searching for the agent. It includes how I think he finds her and we will see how BW does his return.


I was actually going to mention your story! You set a high bar for the writers to live up to. :o <3


And imported from the art section, this beautiful work by the very talented Lawrichai! :D Such a great pic!!




I stare at this picture way too often. xD


*passes around membrosia and Killik headbands*

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Edit to add: I have to admit, if Vector had mutated to have antennae or mandibles or pincers or a carapace I would not have romanced him. I would have still liked him as a character though.


Hahaha aw, but think of how the agent could have cuddled up to that carapace at night to fall asleep.


... xD Actually no. No, do not think about that.

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It works for the vanilla story ... you can now bring whichever companion you want to use. I didn't use Vector much as a companion on my snipers because back then I needed a healer. Now, it doesn't even matter for most fights but still it's nice to be able to stick to one instead of having to switch out. And if you NEED a healer, you don't have to wait until the story gives you one.


For KotFE/KotET and beyond ... I'm almost positive they pick which companion you can use for budget reasons. As I said in the Malavai thread, they cannot afford to hire a bunch of different voice actors for the cutscenes so either we get totally silent companions in cutscenes or they force us to use a specific one.


As a precaution: There is a slight spoiler in my post, so you should stop here if you don't want to see it.


Yes, this is what I meant. Up until KotFE you can use whichever companion you want (because they're all the same now :rolleyes: ). But after KotFE, while you can use whoever you want while questing and such, cutscenes will always have whoever BioWare thinks you should be using. Which I hate. I much preferred the 1 - 50 leveling experience, where no matter which companion you had out, they all had stuff to say at important parts of the story. Now we have so many companions,

and all of them could be dead (with the exception of Gault and T7),

none of them have anything of import to say, save for Lana or Theron.

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As a precaution: There is a slight spoiler in my post, so you should stop here if you don't want to see it.


Yes, this is what I meant. Up until KotFE you can use whichever companion you want (because they're all the same now :rolleyes: ). But after KotFE, while you can use whoever you want while questing and such, cutscenes will always have whoever BioWare thinks you should be using. Which I hate. I much preferred the 1 - 50 leveling experience, where no matter which companion you had out, they all had stuff to say at important parts of the story. Now we have so many companions,

and all of them could be dead (with the exception of Gault and T7),

none of them have anything of import to say, save for Lana or Theron.


Well ... I guess if we could do a Kickstarter or something to raise enough money to give to BioWare to hire all of the voice actors for the various companions back to do lines for every cutscene since EA won't give them a large enough budget to do so ....


Honestly, in this one particular aspect of the game, I'm just grateful they've managed to get all of the original classes and returning companion VAs back at all. And that Lana and Theron's VAs are good. Bad voice acting is like nails on a chalkboard (I'm looking at you BDO and ArcheAge).


Here's to praying they get Ifan Meredith back for Vector when (not if) he (finally) returns.

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