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WHY, exactly, didn't I kill the Scions on Iokath?


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Ok, so for my consulars and knights it's pretty self explanatory.


For everyone else though, especially the sith classes, based on all the previous encounters with the scions, I don't understand why the meeting is calm.


Now happy I'd understand, but happy in a, "fry you with force lightning and then chop you into little bits with my lightsaber," why, not happy in a, "calmly discuss archaeology and your cracked religious delusions," way.


On the whole right now this has pretty much soured Iokath for me on 9/12 of my characters.


Sure, for RP purposes I'll just retcon internally so that the scions got cut/burned down seconds after my characters saw them.


Still, did the writers just forget all of KotFE? There's no reason for anything other than unrelenting hostility toward the Scions in the story so far unless I missed something pretty important somewhere.


For my Sith characters in particular, "finish exterminating the Scions and the Knights of Zakuul," were definitely right near the top of their to-do lists.


Is this supposed to be some sort of carbonite freeze amnesia side effect?


Well, if their questionable-to-begin-with sanity returns I hope my Sith will still be able to find the Scions for their evisceration appointment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to agree with the op I said I was gonna kill all his mates when I saw them I expect to be able to follow through with the threat not go "oh okay I have to kill the six gods." That is not how it works I said I was gonna do it, I wasn't interested in anything else.


If I'm full darkside I don't expect to have the option to give them a second chance so to speak talking to them, regardless of bioware's plans, Their story should divulge at this point and you get your information in another way to complete the story.

Edited by GolgoXIII
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  • 4 weeks later...

Nope. They must be alive because Bioware needs them to betray you! Gotta dumb your character down so the plot can unfold and shock your character meanwhile facepalming the players with the obviousness!


Like Scorpio all over again!:rolleyes:

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Because they need to be around for whatever Bioware has planned and they couldn't do something like have them give you a holocall so you aren't in lightsaber to their face range.


They should have done that, even if it was just one Scion, a hologram would have given them some of that big bad feel.

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In my opinion, I wouldn't mind taking them out as I see them as a fanatical cult that when things are not going what they see in their visions they will take things into their own hands to make it happen. Just with Haskel or whatever his name is, he said you the Outlander were to take down Arcann and even if you go with it he then sends the location of where you are to him hoping you will kill him there. Like he was impatient or something.
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